Dr. Anao Zhang is an associate professor of social work at the University of Michigan and the clinical research director of the Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) Oncology Program at Michigan Medicine. Zhang is a health and mental health intervention researcher with a primary research interest in psycho-oncology and adolescent and young adult cancer survivorship. An intervention researcher by training, Zhang contextualizes his work using the social determinants of youth health framework, and aims to develop and deliver integrated and empirically supported mental health treatment to individuals with co-morbid physical and mental health condition, e.g., AYA cancer survivors with depression. Zhang is also an applied quantitative methodologist who uses advanced statistical methods to support his research, including meta-analysis, structural equation modeling, analyzing experimental data, causal inference and machine learning. Zhang serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, and the deputy chair of survivorship SIG at the International Psycho-Oncology Society.
Clinically, Zhang is a licensed clinical social worker, a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers, and a diplomate of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. Zhang has over five years of clinical experience in various hospital settings and specializes in solution-focused brief therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. Zhang's teaching interests include advanced clinical social work practice, clinical social work practice in integrated healthcare, inter-professional education, and advanced quantitative methods in social work research. Zhang received his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin where he also completed the graduate portfolio program in Applied Statistical Modeling. Zhang received his MSW from the University of Pennsylvania.
Psych-Oncology; AYA survivorship; social determinants of youth health and mental health; evidence-based practice; and integrated behavioral health.
Phone | Room | Address | |
(734) 647-6787 | [email protected] | 3704 SSWB | University of Michigan School of Social Work 1080 S. University Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 |
(734) 647-6787 | Michigan Medicine Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Adolescent & Young Adult Program 1500 E. Medical Center Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 |
Year | Degree | School | |
2018 | PhD | Social Work | University of Texas, Austin |
2012 | MSW | Social Work | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia |
2010 | LLB | Social Work | Fudan University, Shanghai, PRC |
https://www.mottchildren.org/conditions-treatments/ped-cancer/aya-oncology-program |
https://sites.google.com/umich.edu/aya-care |
Year | Description |
2024 | Ghazal, L., Zhang, A., Cheung, C. (2024, May) Experiences of underrepresented adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors engaging in research-related activities. Poster presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL |
2024 | Zhang, A. & Ghazal, L. (2024. March). Frontiers in adolescent and young adult psycho-oncology research and practice: A forward-looking approach in a changing landscape. Symposium Session at the 21st Annual American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference: Advancing Psychosocial Oncology within a Changing Landscape, Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
2024 | Zhang, A. & Zebrack, B. (2024. January). Advancing health equity for adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer: The role of (advanced) technology. Symposium Session at the 2024 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science, Washington, D.C. |
2024 | Franklin, C., Ding, X., Kim, J., Zhang, A., Hai, A., Jones, K., … O’Connor A. (2024, January). Solution-focused brief therapy in community-based clinical services: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Oral presentation at the 2024 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science, Washington, D.C |
2024 | Zhang, A. (2024, January) Structural equation modeling with categorical variables. Methodological Workshop, 2024 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Recentering & Democratizing Knowledge: The Next 30 Years of Social Work Science, Washington, D.C. |
2023 | Zhang, A. (session chair) & Zebrack, B. (co-chair) (2023, June). Understanding and evaluating health and mental health disparities among adolescents and young adults with cancer: Investigation findings from an integrative research group affiliated with an AYA Oncology Program. Breakout Session at The 5th Global Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Congress, Long Beach, CA. |
2023 | Zhang, A., Ghazal, L., Jackson Levin, N., & Zebrack, B. (2023, Oct.). Considerations and recommendations for mHealth interventions for substance use among Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) adults: A narrative review of qualitative studies. Poster Presentation at The Science of Cancer Health Equity for SGM Communities Conference, New York, NY. |
2023 | Wytiaz, V., Levin, N., Tan, J., Stelmak, Iannarino, N., Zhang, A., …, Zebrack, B. (2023, November). Identifying concerns of adolescent and young adult sarcoma patients and survivors following fertility preservation. Connective Poster Presentation at the Tissues Oncology Society (CTOS 2023) Annual Program Meeting, Dublin, Ireland. |
2023 | Tan, C., Stelmak, D., Levin, N., Zhang, A., & Zebrack, B. (2023, April) Sex differences in reproductive concerns for adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients. Poster Presentation. Society of Behavioral Medicine 44th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions: Translating Science into Impact, Phoenix, AZ. |
2023 | Zhang, A. & Zebrack, B. (2023, June). Understanding and evaluating health and mental health disparities among adolescents and young adults with cancer: Investigation findings from an integrative research group affiliated with an AYA Oncology Program. Breakout Session at The 5th Global Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Congress, Long Beach, CA. |
2023 | Cognitive behavioral therapy for cancer patients reported outcomes: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Oral Presentation at the 2023 Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. |
2023 | Zhang, A. (2023, June). Solution-focused brief therapy as a brief and hope-based mental health for adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer. Clinical Intensive Workshop at the 2023 Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. |
2022 | Smith, M., Himle, J., Weaver, A., & Zhang, A. (2022, Nov.). Leveraging technology and community-engaged approaches to increase access to evidence-supported mental health treatment. Symposium Presentation at the 2022 Mental Health Services Research Conference by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Online |
2022 | Zhang. A., Lee, J., & Hong, S. (2022, January). Publication bias assessment methods and interpretation in metaanalysis: A friendly introduction. Methodological Workshop at the 2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, Washington, DC. |
2022 | Jackson Levin, N., Chiu, Yi T., Stelmak, D., Zhang, A., Haymart, M., Zebrack B. (2022, May) “Hopefully I Will Have the Financial Resources to Pay for All of That”: Financial Concern for Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Patients Encountering Infertility and Fertility Preservation Services." Poster Presentation. Organization for the Study of Sex Differences 16th Annual Meeting. Marina del Ray, CA. |
2022 | Acquati, C., Zhang, A., Miller-Sonet, E., Ionescu, E. (2022, January). Psychological distress and perceived change in self-reported quality of life during cancer survivorship: Exploring sociodemographic, clinical, and relational factors. Oral Presentation at the 2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, Washington, DC. |
2022 | Acquati, C., Miller-Sonet, E., Zhang, A., & Ionescu, E. (2022, January). Social wellbeing during cancer survivorship: A cross-sectional examination of self-reported positive and negative effects of the illness in the context of close relationships. Oral Presentation at the 2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, Washington, DC. |
2022 | Zhang, A. (2022, January). Solution-focused brief therapy for adolescent and young adult cancer patients in China: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Oral Presentation at the 2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, Washington, DC. |
2022 | Zhang, A., & Walling, E. (2022, January). “Mind Your Total Health” for adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: A feasibility trial. Symposium Presentation at the 2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, Washington, DC. |
2022 | Zhang. A., Lee, J., & Hong, S. (2022, January). Publication bias assessment methods and interpretation in meta-analysis: A friendly introduction. Methodological Workshop at the 2022 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, Washington, DC. |
2022 | Zhang. A. (2022, May). Solution-focused brief therapy as a brief and hope-based mental health for adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer. Clinical Intensive Workshop at the 2022 Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. |
2021 | Levin N., Zhang A., Kattari K.S., Moravek M.B., Zebrack B.J. (2021, January) “Sexual and gender plurality: Considerations for a diverse and inclusive approach to oncofertility care.” Oral presentation. 4th Global Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Congress. Virtual. |
2021 | Tan, C., & Zhang, A. (2021, October). Meta-analysis of psychosocial interventions for pediatric, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors. Poster presentation at the 53rd Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP 2021). Online virtual. |
2021 | Wang, K., Cuevas, A. G., Zhang, A., De Fries, C. M., Hinton, L., & Falcón, L. (2021, November). Association between post-traumatic stress and depression among older Puerto Ricans: How does loneliness matter? Paper presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. |
2021 | Levin, N. J., Zhang, A., Kattari, KS., Moravek, M. B., Zebrack B. J. (2021, December). Sexual and gender plurality: Considerations for a diverse and inclusive approach to oncofertility care. Oral Presentation at the 4th Global Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Congress. Virtual. |
2021 | Levin N., Zhang A., Kattari K.S., Moravek M.B., Zebrack B.J. (2021, December) “Sexual and gender plurality: Considerations for a diverse and inclusive approach to oncofertility care.” Oral presentation. 4th Global Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Congress. Virtual. |
2021 | Zhang, A., Guz, S., Franklin, C., & Kim, J. (2021, Jan.). Characteristics of effective school-based, teacher-delivered mental health services for children using meta-regression. Poster presentation at the 2021 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Social Change. Online virtual. |
2021 | Levin, N., Zhang, A., & Zebrack, B. (2021, Jan.). Sexual and gender plurality: Considerations for a diverse and inclusive approach to quality care for adolescents and young adults with cancer. Panel presentation at the 2021 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Social Change. Online Virtual. |
2021 | Zhang, A., Guz, S., Kim, J., & Franklin, C. (2021, Jan.). Solution-focused brief therapy for students in schools: A comparative meta-analysis of the English and Chinese literature. Oral presentation at the 2021 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Social Work Science for Social Change. Online Virtual. |
2021 | Stuchell, B., Walling, E., Zhang, A., & Dils, A. (2021, May.). Creating a program to support adolescents and young adults with cancer. Oral presentation at the 2021 Virtual Conference on Adolescent Health. Online Virtual. |
2021 | Acquati, C., Hibbard, J. H., Soner, E., Zhang, A., & Lonescu, E. (2021, June). The moderating role of informal caregiver’s involvement on the relationship between patient activation and adherence to treatment: Implications for self-management intervention in cancer care. Poster presentation at the 2021 American Society of Clinical Oncology: Equity: Every Patient, Every Day, Everywhere. Online virtual. |
2020 | Zhang., A., Wang, K., & Chen, Y. (2020, Jan.). Meta-regression with robust variance estimation: A friendly introduction with R. Methodological Workshop at the 2020 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality, Washington, DC. |
2020 | Zhang, A., & Currin-McColluch, J. (2020, June). Delivering solution-focused brief therapy for cancer patients: Bridging theory and clinical practices. Clinical Learning Institute at the 2020 Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Conference: Creating a 2020 Vision in Oncology Social Work, Raleigh, North Carolina. |
2020 | Zhang, A., & Franklin, C. (2020, November). Teaching evidence-based practice through systematic review and meta-analysis for doctoral students. Interactive Workshop at the 2020 Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting: Leading, Critical, Conversations: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Denver, CO. |
2020 | Zhang., A., Wang, K., & Chen, Y. (2020, Jan.). Meta-regression with robust variance estimation: A friendly introduction with R. Methodological Workshop at the 2020 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality, Washington, DC. |
2020 | Zhang, A., & Currin-McColluch, J. (2020, June). Delivering solution-focused brief therapy for cancer patients: Bridging theory and clinical practices. Clinical Learning Institute at the 2020 Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Conference: Creating a 2020 Vision in Oncology Social Work, Raleigh, North Carolina. |
2020 | Zhang, A., & Franklin, C. (2020, November). Teaching evidence-based practice through systematic review and meta-analysis for doctoral students. Interactive Workshop at the 2020 Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting: Leading, Critical, Conversations: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Denver, CO |
2020 | Zhang, A., & Franklin, C. (2020, Nov.). Teaching evidence-based practice through systematic review and meta-analysis for doctoral students. Interactive Workshop at the 2020 Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting: Leading, Critical, Conversations: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Denver, CO. |
2020 | Corcoran, J., Zhang, A., & Li, L. (2020, Nov.). A systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions for low-income women with depression. Paper presentation at the 2020 Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting: Leading, Critical, Conversations: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Denver, CO. |
2020 | Wang, K., Zhang, A., Kim, Y., Padilla, Y. (2020, Jan.). Proximal social determinants of adolescent health: Findings from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study. Poster presentation at the 2020 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality, Washington, DC. |
2020 | Bornheimer, L., Wang, K., Zhang, A., Li, J. (2020, Apr.). Non-fatal suicide behavior trends among adults in the United States from 2009-2017. Poster presentation at the American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference, Portland, OR. |
2020 | Zhang, A. (2020, June). Understanding depression and anxiety among Chinese adolescent and young adult cancer patients. AYA Panel Symposium at the 2020 Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Conference: Creating a 2020 Vision in Oncology Social Work, Raleigh, North Carolina. |
2020 | Zhang, A., & Currin-McColluch, J. (2020, June). Delivering solution-focused brief therapy for cancer patients: Bridging theory and clinical practices. Clinical Learning Institute at the 2020 Association of Oncology Social Work Annual Conference: Creating a 2020 Vision in Oncology Social Work, Raleigh, North Carolina. |
2020 | Nelson, A., Ayers, E., Sun, F., & Zhang, A. (2020, Jan.). A systematic review and meta-analysis of culturally adaptive interventions for Latino populations with anxiety or depression. Oral presentation at the 2020 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality, Washington, DC. |
2020 | Zhang., A., Wang, K., & Chen, Y. (2020, Jan.). Meta-regression with robust variance estimation: A friendly introduction with R. Oral presentation at the 2020 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality, Washington, DC. |
2019 | Zhang, A., Oh, S., & Hai, A. H. (2019, Jan.). Improving propensity score analysis using machine learning: A friendly introduction with R demonstration. Workshop presentation at the 2019 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Ending Gender Based, Family and Community Violence, San Francisco, CA. |
2019 | Zhang, A., Oh, S., & Hai, A. H. (2019, Jan.). Improving propensity score analysis using machine learning: A friendly introduction with R demonstration. Workshop presentation at the 2019 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Ending Gender Based, Family and Community Violence, San Francisco, CA. |
2019 | Guz, S., Zhang, A.,Franklin, C. (2019, Jan.). Intervention characteristics in relation to school-based mental health service outcomes: A secondary meta-analysis.Poster presentation at the 2019 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Ending Gender Based, Family and Community Violence, San Francisco, CA. |
2019 | Wang, K., Zhang, A.,Sun, F., & Hu, R. (2019, Nov.). Family cohesion moderates the relationship between acculturation and health among older Chinese Americans.Oral presentationat the GSA 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting: Strength in Age: Harnessing the Power of Networks, Austin, Texas. |
2019 | Zhang, A.,Hu, R., Li, L., & Wang, K. (2019, Nov.). Age moderates the association between engagement in mindfulness and psychological distress among cancer survivors.Oral presentation at the GSA 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting: Strength in Age: Harnessing the Power of Networks, Austin, Texas. |
2019 | Wang, K., Zhang, A., Hu, X. R., Sun, F. (2019, Oct.). Family-cohesion moderates the relationship between acculturation and health among older Chinese immigrants. Oral presentation at the 2019 Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting: Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Denver, Colorado. |
2019 | Zhang, A., Bornheimer, L. A., & Wang, K. (2019, Oct.). Does CBT remain effective for depression and anxiety in primarycare? A meta-analysis. Oral presentation at the 2019 Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting: Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Denver, Colorado. |
2019 | Gutierrez, T., Wang, K., & Zhang, A. (2019, Oct.). Instructor-Student Relationship Quality and Student Engagement in Online Social Work Education. Oral presentation at the 2019 Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting: Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Denver, Colorado. |
2019 | Zhang, A., Bornheimer, L. A., Franklin, C., & Oh, S. (2019, Oct.). Supporting Asian-Pacific-Islanders doctoral students for an increasingly competitive job market. Panel presentation at the 2019 Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting: Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Denver, Colorado. |
2019 | O’Gara, J., Zhang, A., Padilla, Y., Liu, C., & Wang, K. (2019, Oct.). The crucial role of closeness: Linking father-child relationships with adolescent health. Oral presentation at the 2019 Council on Social Work Education 65th Annual Program Meeting: Social Work Education: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Denver, Colorado. |
2019 | Zhang, A., Oh, S., & Hai, A. H. (2019, Jan.). Improving propensity score analysis using machine learning: A friendly introduction with R demonstration. Workshop presentation at the 2019 Society for Social Work and Research Annual Conference: Ending Gender Based, Family and Community Violence, San Francisco, CA. |
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106