2024 |
Friedline, T., & Wood, A.K. (2024). Fintech as invasive infrastructure: A critical discourse analysis of corporate newswires and press releases, 1995-2021. Invited presentation to SER Café, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (International Webinar). |
2024 |
Friedline, T. (2024). The household budget is a site of political struggle. Santiago, Chile: Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Trabajo Social. Invited plenary remarks at the University of Chile School of Social Work’s inaugural convening and launching of a new diploma in financial education. (International Convening). |
2024 |
Friedline, T. (2024). The political economy of financial inclusion. Cleveland, OH: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, FedTalks. (National Convening). |
2024 |
Friedline, T., Hall, K., Bolinger, C., & Wood, A.K. (2024). Credit scoring as a carceral practice: An abolitionist analysis framework. Paper presented at the 2024 Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Conference. Washington, DC. (National Convening). |
2023 |
Friedline, T., Hall, K., Bolinger, C., & Wood, A.K. (2023). Fintech as invasive infrastructure: A critical discourse analysis of corporate newswires and press releases, 1995-2021. Paper presented at the Harvard University’s Money as a Democratic Medium 2.0 Conference. Cambridge, MA. (International Convening). |
2023 |
Friedline, T., Hall, K., Bolinger, C., & Wood, A.K. (2023). Credit scoring as a carceral practice: An abolitionist analysis framework. Paper presented at the 2023 Abolitions Conference. Washington, DC. (National Convening). |
2022 |
Bolinger, C., Wood, A.K., Hall, K., & Friedline, T. (2022). Credit scoring as a carceral practice. Paper presented for conversation at a convening of the Abolition and Social Change Collective meeting. Virtual.(National Convening). |
2022 |
Farr, S., Friedline, T., & Wedel, X. (2022). Neighborhood racial change and the locational decisions of financial services in Metro Detroit. Paper presented at the 2022 American Sociological Association conference. Los Angeles, CA. (National Convening). |
2022 |
“There is no winning”: The racialized violence of debt on health and how women resist. Paper presented at 2022 Association for Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Annual Meeting. Austin, TX. (National Conference). Friedline, T., & Morrow, S. (2022) |
2021 |
Racism and the economy series: Focus on financial services. Invited keynote presentation to the Federal Reserve System Racism and the Economy Series: Focus on Financial Services. (National Conference). https://www.minneapolisfed.org/policy/racism-and-the-economy |
2021 |
Bea, M., Amorim, M., & Friedline, T. (2021). Social safety nets and spatial predation: How state welfare
environments shape high-interest lender geography. Paper presented at 2021 Population Association of America (PAA) Virtual Annual Meeting. (National Conference). |
2020 |
Bea, M., Amorim, M., & Friedline, T. (2020). Social safety nets and spatial predation: How state and local welfare environments shape high-interest lender geography. Paper presented at the Society for the Advancement of SocioEconomics (SASE) Virtual Conference, Development Today: Accumulation, Surveillance, Redistribution. (International Conference) |
2020 |
Friedline, T., Franklin, T., Morrow, S., & Kugiya, J. (2020). The promises and perils of community benefits agreements: Evidence from public comments to a large bank merger. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Annual Conference, Washington, DC. |
2020 |
Friedline, T., & Chen, Z. (2020). The racialized fintech marketplace: Evidence from United States zip codes. Paper presented at 2020 MACRO Conference & Teaching Institute, St. Louis, MO. |
2019 |
Friedine, T. (2019). Racialized costs of “traditional” banking in segregated America. Invited presentation to the Research Center for Group Dynamics, Program for Research on Black Americans, Institute for Social Research. Ann Arbor, MI. |
2019 |
Friedline, T. (2019). Describing poverty. Invited presentation to the Matrix Thought Leaders Meeting, Detroit, MI. |
2019 |
Friedline, T. (2019). Racialized costs of banking: Evidence from the fintech marketplace and entry-level checking accounts. Detroit, MI: FDIC Alliance for Economic Inclusion Inaugural Meeting. |
2019 |
Friedline, T., & Chen, Z. (2019). The racialized fintech marketplace: Evidence from United States zip codes. Paper presented at the University of Michigan Center on Finance, Law, and Policy Speaker Series, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2019 |
Friedline, T. (2019). When banking goes digital. Invited presentation to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Academic Research Council, Washington, DC. |
2019 |
Friedline, T. (2019). Emerging financial behavior and technology. Invited presentation to the FDIC Alliance for Economic Inclusion National Conference, Detroit, MI. |
2019 |
Friedline, T., & Chen, Z. (2019). The racialized fintech marketplace: Evidence from United States zip codes. Paper presented at the Race in the Marketplace forum in Paris, France. |