Professor Emerita Lorraine Gutiérrez has a joint appointment with the School of Social Work (SSW) and Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan and is a faculty associate in American Culture. She also is a member of the SSW Community Organization Learning Community. Her teaching and scholarship focuses on multicultural praxis in communities, organizations and higher education. She brings to her work community-based practice and research in multiethnic communities in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit and Seattle. Current projects include identifying strategies for multicultural community-based research and practice, multicultural education for social work practice, and identifying effective methods for learning about social justice. Her contributions to undergraduate education have been recognized by the Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship. She is currently an editor or the Journal of Community Practice.
Empowerment-oppressed groups, Latinos, social justice.
Phone | Room | Address | |
(734) 936-1450 | [email protected] | 3870 SSWB | University of Michigan School of Social Work 1080 S. University Ann Arbor, MI 48109 |
(734) 936-9124 | 1271 East Hall | University of Michigan Department of Psychology 530 Church Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 |
Year | Degree | School | |
1989 | PhD | Social Work and Psychology | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
1986 | AM | Psychology | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
1978 | AM | Social Service Administration | University of Chicago, IL |
1976 | AB | History | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
Year | Description |
2021, March. | Recovering social work histories: Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans during the Great Depression [Colloquium]. University of Chicago Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice, Chicago, Illinois. |
2021 | Gutiérrez, L., Mora, A., Meier-Austic, E., Greer, C., Inahuazo, S. (2021, January). Social Work Faculty Attitudes towards Diversity and Social Justice. Society for Social Work and Research. Virtual Conference. |
2021 | J. Perez; A. Mora, A. Ibrahim, L. Gutiérrez. (2021, August). Graduate Faculty’s Attitudes Toward Social Issues: A National Survey. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Virtual Conference. |
2020 | L. Fedina, L. Gutierrez, J. Paez, D. McCarty-Caplan. (2020, October). Deconstructing White Supremacy in Social Work Classroom. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Virtual Conference. |
2020 | L. Gutiérrez, A. Mora, C. Greer, S. Inahuazo. (2020, October). Faculty Attitudes towards Diversity, Human Rights, and Social and Economic Justice. Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Virtual Conference. |
2019 | October 2019. Keynote: Building Bridges in a Polarized World: What is our Role? Mississippi-Alabama Social Work Education Conference; Oxford, MS. |
2019 | L.Gutiérrez, A. Mora, A. Rodriguez-Newhall. (2019, January). Latinx Students Experiences with Discrimination in the Age of Trump. Society for Social Work and Research Conference. San Francisco, CA. |
2008 | Gutierrez, L., & Alvarez, A. (2008, June). Action research to identify strategies and techniques for multicultural community practice. |
2008 | Gutiérrez, L., Spencer, M., & Sperling, R. (2008, June). Promoting youth development through arts-based community programs. Presented at the International Conference on Community Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal. |
2008 | Gutiérrez, L., & Luke, K. (2008, May). Faculty attitudes toward diversity and oppression content in social work education: Results from a national web-survey. Paper presented at the Social Work National Conference 2008, Toronto, ON. |
2008 | Luke, K., & Gutiérrez, L. (2008, January). Social attitudes and support for multicultural content in social work education: Results from National Surveys of Canadian and U.S. Faculty. Presented at the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, D.C. |
2007 | Gutiérrez, L., Luke, K., & Fredriksen-Goldsen, K. (2007, October). Faculty attitudes toward diversity and oppression: A national survey. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, San Francisco, CA. |
2007 | Gutierrez, L., Sakamoto, I., & Chambon, A. (2007, October). Arts-based research on social issues: Innovative approaches to social work research. Presented at the annual program meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, San Francisco, CA. |
2007 | Gutierrez, L., Schalach, A., Barusch, A., Jenson, J., & Hessellbrock, M. (2007, January). Best practice in doctoral social work education. Presented at the Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. |
2006 | Gutierrez, L. (2006, February). Empowerment for social justice in the 21st century. Presented at the Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture, Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Chicago, IL. |
2006 | Gutierrez, L. (2006, March). Implications of the new American demographic for community development in the 21st century. Presented at the Joy Jinks Lecture, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. |
2006 | Gutierrez, L. (2006, October). MexUSCan: Research and action for and with Latino youth. Presented at the Environmental Protection Agency, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2006 | Gutierrez, L. (2006, October). Effective cross cultural mentoring. Presented at the Michigan AGEP Alliance Fall Conference Diversity in the Classroom, Wayne State University, Detroit MI. |
2006 | Gutierrez, L. (2006, November). Empowerment of Latinos in the 21st century. Presented at the Latino Behavioral Health Summit: Building Sustainable Behavioral Health Initiatives in the Latino Community, Pokegon State Park, Angola, IN. |
2006 | Gutierrez, L., & Dosa, E. (2006, February). Why get involved? Predicting participation in a community coalition. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Chicago, IL. |
2005 | Gutierrez, L. (2005, February). New directions for university and community collaboration. Presented at the University of Denver, CO. |
2005 | Gutierrez, L. (2005, March). Empowerment: Promoting reciprocal relationships in social work practice. Presented at the CSU Fresno Annual Social Work Conference, Fresno, CA. |
2005 | Gutierrez, L. (2005, April). Social work, social justice and social change. Presented at the Social Justice Day I, DeQuincy Newman Institute for Peace and Justice, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. |
2005 | Gutierrez, L. (2005, May). Serving Colorado's Latino/a community through research and scholarship. Presented at the University of Denver, CO. |
2005 | Gutierrez, L. (2005, November). Multicultural community organizing: Voices from the field. Presented at the School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. |
2005 | Kemp, S., Gutiérrez, L., Sutton, S., & Saegert, S. (2005, February). Constructing a social justice framework for youth-centered community development. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, New York, NY. |
2005 | Harlap, Y., & Gutierrez, L. (2005, June). Parenting practices in a post 9-11 world. Presented at the Society for Community Research and Action Biennial Meeting, Champaign, IL. |
2004 | Gutiérrez, L. (2004, February). Multicultural community-based practice: Strategies and challenges. Presented at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University, St. Louis, MO. |
2004 | Gutiérrez, L. (2004, February). Presented at the University and community: Conflict and cooperation. Presented at the UCLA Labor Studies Center, Los Angeles, CA. |
2004 | Gutiérrez, L., & Ortega, R. (2004, March). Latino grassroots organizing: Responses to global oppression. Presented at the Latino Symposium, Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Anaheim, CA. |
2004 | Howard, J., & Gutiérrez, L. (2004, April). Developing academic service learning courses. Presented at the University of Michigan - Dearborn, Dearborn, MI. |
2004 | Gutierrez, L., & De Luca, J. (2004, October). Assessing neighborhood assets and needs [Workshop]. Presented at the United Neighborhood Centers of America Conference, Washington, DC. |
2004 | Gutiérrez, L. (2004, November). Empowerment and Latinos in the 21st century [Keynote address]. Presented at the 15th Annual Latino Social Work Network Conference, Fresno, CA. |
2004 | Gutiérrez, L. (2004, November). Empowering communities through participatory research [workshop]. Presented at the 15th Annual Latino Social Work Network Conference, Fresno, CA. |
2004 | Gutiérrez, L., Creekmore, M., Denyer, K., & Melendrez, J. (2004, March). Educating students for collaborative community based practice. Presented at the Association for Community Organization and Social Administration Symposium, Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Anahiem, CA. |
2003 | Gutiérrez, L. (2003, January). Building productive relationships with underrepresented racial and ethnic groups for rigorous research. Presented at the School of Nursing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2003 | Gutierrez, L. (2003, February). Balancing campus - Community needs in multicultural environments. Presented at the Pathways to Civic engagement Workshop, New York Campus compact, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. |
2003 | Gutiérrez, L. (2003, March). Developing knowledge and skills in community psychology through service learning. Presented at the Program in American Culture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2003 | Gutiérrez, L., Denyer, K., & Archer, D. (2003, October). Collaborating within and between universities and neighborhoods: The Southwest Detroit Community Outreach Partnership Center. Presented at the Outreach Scholarship Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. |
2003 | Gutiérrez, L. (2003, October). The psychology of power and empowerment. Presented at the 2nd Annual Advanced Placement Rising Scholar Recognition Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2003 | Maton, K., Gutiérrez, L., Perkins, D., Yoshikawa, H., LaGrange, L., & Tamir, O. (2003, June). Enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration in community-based research. Presented at the Society for Community Research and Action, 9th Biennial Conference, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM. |
2003 | Gutiérrez, L., Creekmore, M., Lyle, J., Denyer, K., Melendrez, J., & Cerveniak, T. (2003, June). Balancing student, faculty, and community voice(s) in community based research. Presented at the Society for Community Research and Action, 9th Biennial Conference, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM. |
2003 | Gutiérrez, L., & Denyer, K. (2003, June). Creating project based partnerships in Detroit. Presented at the Society for Community Research and Action, 9th Biennial Conference, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM. |
2003 | Creekmore, M., Gutiérrez, L., & Denyer, K. (2003, November). Case studies comparing campus-community partnerships in Michigan and South Africa. Presented at the International Conference on Civic Education Research, New Orleans, LA. |
2003 | Gutiérrez, L., Denyer, K., & Archer, D. (2003, October). Collaborating within and between universities and neighborhoods: The Southwest Detroit Community Outreach Partnership Center. Presented at the Outreach Scholarship Conference, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. |
2002 | Reisch, M., & Gutiérrez, L. (2002, January). Asset-based community development. Presented at Learning from the Community, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2002 | Gutiérrez, L. (2002, February). Understanding empowerment: Processes in adolescent STD/HIV prevention. Presented at the Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture and Health, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2002 | Gutiérrez, L. (2002, March). Contributions to scholarship from community based research. Presented at the Best Practices in Undergraduate Involvement in Community Based Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2002 | Gutiérrez, L. (2002, April). Empowering Latinas through social work education. Presented at the First Annual Caritas Lecture on Women, Values and Society, St. Joseph's College, West Hartford, CT. |
2002 | Gutiérrez, L. (2002, April). Empowering Latino families and communities. Presented at the Third Annual Statewide Latino Conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. |
2002 | Gutiérrez, L. (2002, May). Checking out and checking in to our silos in higher education. Michigan American Council of Education Conference, Lansing, MI. |
2002 | Gutiérrez, L., Lyle, J., Creekmore, M., Denyer, K., & Melendrez, J. (2002, September). Community based research in South West Detroit. Presented at the National Association of Social Workers State Conference, Detroit, MI. |
2002 | Gutiérrez, L., & Spencer, M. (2002, March). Strategies for assessing the impact of education on diversity and social justice. Presented at the Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Nashville, TN. |
2002 | Pittman, C., & Gutiérrez, L. (2002, August). Impacting students' racialized behaviors and actions. Presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL. |
2002 | Kohn-Wood, L., & Gutiérrez, L. (2002, October). Integrating service learning into courses in community psychology. Presented at the American Association of College and Universities. |
2002 | Gutierrez, L., & Denyer, K. (2002, November). Developing knowledge and skills in community psychology through service learning. Presented at the CRLT 40th Anniversary Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2001 | Gutiérrez, L., Cooke, D., Araujo, B., & Pittman, C. (2001, June). Assessing the impact of experiential multicultural courses on undergraduates. Presented at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education, Seattle, WA. |
2001 | Gutiérrez, L., & Ortega, R. (2001, June). Assessing the needs and resources of Latinos in Genesse County. Presented at the Society for Community Research and Action Conference, Atlanta, GA. |
2001 | Gutiérrez, L. (2001, July). Strategies for applying to graduate and professional programs. Presented at the SROP Annual Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2001 | Gutiérrez, L. (2001, October). Educating students for community based social work practice. Presented at the Department of Social Work, Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ. |
2001 | Gutiérrez, L. (2001, October). Cultural competence in a culturally incompetent world. Presented at the Arizona State University, Department of Social Work, Phoenix, AZ. |
2001 | Gutiérrez, L. (2001, October). Narrowing the digital divide: A role for social workers. Presented at the Arizona State NASW Conference, Phoenix, AZ. |
2001 | Yeakley, A., Ortega, R., & Gutiérrez, L. (2001, March). Integrating content on Latinos into the social work curriculum. Presented at the Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Dallas, TX. |
2001 | Kryzowzki, M., Checkoway, B., & Gutiérrez, L., (2001, March). Educating students for collaborative community practice: The Michigan Neighborhood Americorps Program. Presented at the Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Dallas, TX. |
2001 | Ortega, R., Gutiérrez, L., & Guerrero, J., (2001, March). The MexUSCan Project. Presented at the Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, Dallas, TX. |
2000 | Lewis, E., & Gutiérrez, L. (2000, February). Transforming comminutes: Building a change model. Presented at the Office of Student Affairs, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2000 | Rosegrant Alvarez, A., & Gutiérrez, L. (2000, June). Using action projects to encourage and develop activism among social work students. Lansing, MI. |
2000 | Gutiérrez, L. (2000, October). Multicultural education in social work: The importance of field. Presented at the Annual MARGO Lecture, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. |
2000 | Gutiérrez, L. (2000, December). Integrating multicultural experiences into field based learning. Presented at the Portland State University, Portland, OR. |
2000 | Gutiérrez, L., & Cooke, D. (2000, August). Who takes multicultural courses in psychology: A study of student characteristics. Presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. |
2000 | Pfeffer, C., & Gutiérrez, L. (2000, August). Predicting gay and lesbian supportive attitudes among women. Presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. |
2000 | Silva, C., & Gutiérrez, L. (2000, August). Impact of ethnic and religious identity on critical consciousness. Presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. |
2000 | Araujo, B., & Gutiérrez, L. (2000, August). Multicultural education: Improving racial attitudes on college campuses. Presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. |
2000 | Gutiérrez, L., Morrison, D., & Gillmore, M. (2000, August). Understanding empowerment: A unitary or multidimensional construct. Presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. |
2000 | Gutierrez, L. (2000, October). Social group work in community organizing for social justice. Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Toronto, ON. |
1999 | Gutiérrez, L. (1999, March). Toward defining multicultural education for social work: Results from a national conference. Presented at the Annual Program Meeting, Council on Social Work Education, San Francisco, CA. |
1999 | Gutiérrez, L. (1999, April). Multicultural organizational development. Centre for Social Services, Stockholm, Sweden. |
1999 | Yeakley, A., & Gutiérrez, L. (1999, October). Intergroup dialogues for individual, community and organizational change. Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, 21st Annual Symposium, Denver, CO. |
1998 | Mowbray, C., Wedenoja, M., & Gutiérrez, L. (1998, May). Empowerment methods for adults with psychiatric disabilities. Presented at the Michigan NASW Conference. |
1998 | Gutiérrez, L. (1998, December). Empowerment and multicultural social work. Presented at the Task Force Meeting on Multicultural Education in Social Work, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1998 | Ortega, R., Gutiérrez, L., & Suarez, Z. (1998, March). Child welfare and Latinos: Implications for social work education. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL. |
1998 | Beadnell, B., Baker, S., & Gutiérrez, L. (1998, February). How do we know that "one size fits all? Designing culturally competent HIV prevention interventions. Presented at the Conference on Prevention Intervention, Tempe, AZ. |
1998 | Gutiérrez, L., & Rosegrant Alvarez, A. (1998, March). Educating and training students for multicultural community practice. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL. |
1998 | Gutiérrez, L., Kruzich, J., Coronado, N., & Jones, T. (1998, June). Participants' experience of diversity workshops: Implications for theory and action. Presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1998 | Gutiérrez, L., Oh, H., & Gillmore, M. (1998, August). Gender, racial and power dynamics in the heterosexual transmission of HIV. Presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. |
1998 | Gutiérrez, L., Ortega, R., & Medina, M. (1998, August). Integrating education and action for social work with Latinos. Presented at the Midwest Consortium for Latino Research, Bloomington, IN. |
1997 | Gutierrez, L., & Garcia, B. (1997, March). Teaching diversity in all Euro-American classes: Issues for ethnic and Euro-American professors. Presented at the Faculty Development Institute, Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Chicago, IL. |
1997 | Gutiérrez, L., Rosegrant Alvarez, A., Sakamoto, I., & Gutiérrez-Najera, L. (1997, February). Using focus groups for social work research and action. Presented at the School of Social Work, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1997 | Gutiérrez, L., & Rosegrant Alvarez, A. (1997, March). A MOSAIC of voices: Multicultural organizers sharing approaches for inclusive communities. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Community Organization and Social Administration Symposium, Chicago, IL. |
1997 | Gutiérrez, L., Sakamoto, I., & Morson, T. (1997, October). Using groups for research and action: The Asian mothers' support group. Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Annual Symposium, Quebec City, Quebec. |
1997 | Gutiérrez, L., Oh, H., & Gillmore, M. R. (1997, August). Understanding perceptions of risk and (em)power(ment) for STD prevention in adolescent women. Presented at the American Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL. |
1996 | Gutierrez, L., & Lewis, E. (1996, January). Empowering women of color. Presented at the Center for Continuing Education for Women, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1996 | Gutiérrez, L., Kruzich, J., & Jones, T. (1996, February). Maximizing organizational effectiveness in a multi-cultural world: An evaluation strategy. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Washington, DC. |
1996 | Holley, L., & Gutiérrez, L. (1996, February). Women's personal experiences with race and ethnicity: Findings from an exploratory study. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Washington, DC. |
1996 | Rosegrant Alvarez, A., & Gutiérrez, L. (1996, February). Building bridges: Participatory research to developing training for multicultural community organizers. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Washington, DC. |
1996 | Gutiérrez, L. (1996, March). Attitudes of social work faculty toward content on social diversity and social justice: Results from a national study. Presented at the School of Social Work, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1996 | Gutiérrez, L. (1996, April). Evaluating and analyzing cultural competence for community mental health workers. Presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1996 | Sellers, S., Washington, T., & Gutiérrez, L. (1996, June). Attitudes toward race and racism: Comparing Asian American and European American perspectives. Presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Annual Conference, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1996 | Gutiérrez, L., & Rosegrant Alvarez, A. (1996, September). Building community through diversity: Approaches to multicultural organizing. Presented at Defining Community, Reexamining Society, University of Michigan, Flint, MI. |
1996 | Gutiérrez, L., & Ortega, R. (1996, November). Issues for Latino child welfare: Identifying community perspectives. Presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1995 | Gutirrez, L. (1995, February). Empowerment and Latinas. Presented at the Chicano History Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1995 | Gutierrez, L., Lewis, E., & Nagda, B. (1995, June). Creative multicultural work in organizations. Presented at the Bertha Capen Reynolds National Conference, Philadelphia, PA. |
1995 | Gutierrez, L. (1995, October). Empowerment. Presented at Salute to Latinas: Fuerza de la Mujer Latina, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1995 | Gutierrez, L. (1995, December). Understanding the paradox of empowerment. Keynote address presented at the Educators Institute, National Coalition for Family Based Services, Chicago, IL. |
1995 | Suarez, Z., & Ortega, R. (1995, December). Empowering Latino families and communities. Presented at the Educators Institute, National Coalition for Family Based Services, Chicago, IL. |
1995 | Gutiérrez, L., & Rogers Gillmore, M. (1995, May). Women and empowerment: Issues for health education and promotion. Presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. |
1995 | Nagda, B., & Gutiérrez, L. (1995, November). Developing a multicultural praxis and research agenda for multicultural human service organizations. Presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH. |
1994 | Gutierrez, L. (1994, March). The empowerment paradox: Finding strategies for effective practice. Keynote address presented at the Social Work in the San Joaquin Valley Conference, Fresno, CA. |
1994 | Gutierrez, L. (1994, March). Women: Empowering yourself and others. Workshop presented at the Social Work Conference in the San Joaquin Valley, Fresno, CA. |
1994 | Gutierrez, L. (1994, March). An empowerment approach in practice: Personal and professional issues for women. Presented at the Department of Social Work Education Colloquium Series, California State University, Fresno. |
1993 | Gutierrez, L., Davis, L., & Tomaszewski, E. (1993, November). Victimization of women: Strategies to cope with violence. Presented at the Master Class, NASW National Conference, Orlando, FL. |
1993 | Gutiérrez, L., GlenMaye, L., & DeLois, K. (1993). Organizational issues for empowerment practice. Presented at the CSWE Annual Program Meeting, New York. |
1993 | Gillmore, M., Morrison, D., Balassone, M., Baker, S., & Gutiérrez, L. (1993, April). Using social science theories to develop interventions for reducing the risk of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents. Presented at The Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Western Region, Seattle, WA. |
1993 | Gutiérrez, L., & Rogers Gillmore, M. (1993, August). Reducing adolescents' risk of AIDS: Evaluating a culturally competent approach. Presented at the American Psychological Association, Toronto. |
1992 | Gutiérrez, L. (1992, April). Defining empowerment practice: Notes from the field. Presented at the School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. |
1992 | Richey, C., Balassone, M., & Gutiérrez, L. (1992, July). A culturally relevant group skills training program to reduce AIDS risk among sexually active teenagers. Presented at the NASW/IFSW World Assembly, Washington, DC. |
1992 | Gutiérrez, L., GlenMaye, L., & DeLois, K. (1992, July). Improving the human condition through empowerment practice. Presented at the NASW/IFSW World Assembly, Washington, DC. |
1992 | Agbayani-Siewert, P., Gutiérrez, L., & Hodges, V. (1992, October). The retention of culturally diverse MSW students: Disabled, gay and lesbian, and ethnic minorities. Presented at the Washington State NASW Symposium, Yakima, WA. |
1992 | Gutiérrez, L. (1992, October). Macro practice for the 21st century: An empowerment perspective. Presented at the First Annual Conference on the Integration of Social Work and Social Science, School of Social Work, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1992 | Balassone, M., Gutiérrez, L., & Rogers Gillmore, M. (1992, November). Developing gender and ethnically relevant AIDS prevention interventions for high risk adolescents. Presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. |
1991 | Gutierrez, L., Staples, L., & Anderson, D. (1991, June). How empowering is the goal of empowerment? Presented at the Bertha Capen Reynolds Society, 5th Annual Conference and Institute, Northampton, MA. |
1991 | Gutierrez, L. (1991, May). Success for disadvantaged women: Strategies for change [Keynote address]. Presented at the Northwest Regional Displaced Homemakers Conference, Seattle, WA. |
1991 | Gutierrez, L., Acosta, M., Cauce, A., & Ginorio, A. (1991, June). Psychology and Latinas. Presented at the Second Annual MALCS Northwest Symposium, Seattle, WA. |
1991 | Gutiérrez, L., & Lewis, E. (1991, March). Community organizing with women of color: A feminist approach. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, New Orleans, LA. |
1991 | Acosta, M., Cauce, A., Gutiérrez, L., & Ginorio, A. (1991, November). Psychological issues for Latinas. Presented at the Washington State Psychological Association, Fall Conference, Seattle, WA. |
1990 | Gutierrez, L. (1990, April). Working with women of color: A feminist approach. Presented at the NASW Washington/Oregon Regional Symposium, Portland, OR. |
1990 | Gutierrez, L. (1990, May). Building bridges: Understanding Latino families. Presented at the Benton Franklin Child Abuse Council Annual Conference, Richland, WA. |
1990 | Gutierrez, L, Reisch, M., & Sachs, J. (1990, July). Institute on progressive practice. Presented at the Bertha Capen Reynolds Society, 4th Annual Conference and Institute, San Francisco, CA. |
1990 | Gutiérrez, L. (1990, March). Developing methods to empower Latinos: An empirical approach. Community Organization and Social Administration Symposium, Council on Social Work Education Reno, NV. |
1990 | Gutiérrez, L., & Poore, C. (1990, April). Retaining Latino undergraduates: Lessons from the University of Michigan. Presented at the American Association for Higher Education, San Francisco, CA. |
1990 | Gutiérrez, L. (1990, April). Ethnic consciousness and Latinas: The impact of competing identities. Presented at the Feminist Research Forum, Northwest Center for Research on Women, Seattle, WA. |
1990 | Gutiérrez, L. (1990, May). Culture and identity in the Chicano community. Presented at the Cinco de Mayo Forum, Chicano Education Program, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA. |
1990 | Gutiérrez, L. (1990, August). Empowerment in the Hispanic community: Does consciousness make a difference? Presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA. |
1989 | Gutierrez, L. (1989, May). Core participant: Conference on means of empowerment in organizations, communities, and individuals. Presented at the Program in Conflict Management Alternatives, Ann Arbor, MI. |
1989 | Gutiérrez, L. (1998, March). Empowerment in social work practice: Considerations for practice and education. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting, Chicago, IL. |
1989 | Gutiérrez, L., & Ortega, R. (1989, October). Using group work to empower Latinos: A preliminary analysis. Presented at the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Eleventh Annual Symposium, Montréal, Québec. |
1988 | Gutiérrez, L., & Dodd, P. (1988, March). Preparing students for community practice: A power perspective on gender and ethnic issues. Presented at the Association for Community Organization and Social Administration Symposium, Council on Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA. |
1988 | Gutiérrez, L. (1988, April). Empowerment in the Chicano community: The development of critical consciousness. Presented at the National Association for Chicano Studies, 16th Annual Conference, Boulder, CO. |
1988 | Gutiérrez, L. (1988, May). Empowering social work: Integrating theory and practice. Presented at the National Association of Social Workers, Michigan Chapter, Grand Rapids. |
1988 | Gutiérrez, L. (1988, August). Culture and consciousness in the Chicano community: An empowerment perspective. Presented at the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA. |
1986 | Gutiérrez, L. (1986, March). Alternative services and community organization. Presented at the National Symposium on Community Organization and Social Administration, Miami, FL. |
1982 | Schaeffer, M., & Gutiérrez, L. (1982, December). Parents as therapists. Presented at the New York Association for the Learning Disabled. |
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106