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Lorraine M. Gutiérrez

Edith A Lewis Collegiate Professor Emerita of Social Work, Arthur F Thurnau Professor Emerita, Professor Emerita of Social Work, School of Social Work and Professor of Psychology Emerita, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Lorraine M. Gutiérrez

Professor Emerita Lorraine Gutiérrez has a joint appointment with the School of Social Work (SSW) and Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan and is a faculty associate in American Culture. She also is a member of the SSW Community Organization Learning Community. Her teaching and scholarship focuses on multicultural praxis in communities, organizations and higher education. She brings to her work community-based practice and research in multiethnic communities in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit and Seattle. Current projects include identifying strategies for multicultural community-based research and practice, multicultural education for social work practice, and identifying effective methods for learning about social justice. Her contributions to undergraduate education have been recognized by the Arthur F. Thurnau Professorship. She is currently an editor or the Journal of Community Practice.

Research Interests/Focus

Empowerment-oppressed groups, Latinos, social justice.

Contact Information

(734) 936-1450[email protected]3870 SSWBUniversity of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 S. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(734) 936-91241271 East HallUniversity of Michigan
Department of Psychology
530 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109


Year Degree   School
1989 PhD Social Work and Psychology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1986 AM Psychology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1978 AM Social Service Administration University of Chicago, IL
1976 AB History Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

U-M SSW PhD Psychology - Social Graduate - 1989

Dissertation Topic

Ethnic consciousness, consciousness raising, and the empowerment process of Latinos.

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