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Letha A. Chadiha

Rose C. Gibson Collegiate Professor Emerita of Social Work

Letha A. Chadiha

Professor; Co-director, Community Liaison Core in the Michigan Center on Urban African American Aging Research

Letha Chadiha specializes in caregiving by African American women to older African Americans. Also specializing in research on recruitment and retention of ethnically diverse elders in research, she is co-editor for a more recent supplement of The Gerontologist (June 2011) focusing on the science of recruitment and retention among these elders. Chadiha is principal investigator on a NIH/NIGMS/NCMHD Bridges to the Doctorate research training grant (1-R25-GM-089637-05; 02/02/2010-08/31/2016) titled "U-M Social Work/Nursing Bridges to the Doctoral Program," the first of its kind to be awarded to a social work school. She was named the University of Michigan School of Social Work 2014 Distinguished Faculty.

Research Interests/Focus

African American aging, caregiving, recruitment and retention of ethnically diverse elders.

Contact Information

[email protected]


Year Degree   School
1989 PhD Social Work and Anthropology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1985 MSW Social Work University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1970 MA Anthropology Washington State University, Pullman
1965 BS Sociology Tuskegee University (formerly Tuskegee Institute), Tuskegee, AL
Year Description
2008 Chadiha, L. (2008, May). Michigan Center on Urban African American Aging Research: Community Core’s Conceptual Framework and Logic Model. Invited presentation at the 2008 Resource Centers on Minority Aging Research Annual Meeting, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and Wayne State University, Detroit.
2008 Chadiha, L. (2008, June). Experiences of African American women caring for African American elders in the 21st century. Presented at the Michigan Center on Urban African American Aging Research, Summer Research Workshop, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
2008 Chadiha, L. (2008, September). Caregiving networks as social capital among rural and urban African American elders and female caregivers. Invited presentation at the Silver School of Social Work, New York University.
2008 Washington, O., Chadiha, L., Lictenberg, P., Jackson, J., & Daniels, K. (2008, November). Healthier Black elder program (HBEP): A model for building research community partnerships in urban communities. Juried poster presentation at the 61st Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, National Harbor, MD.
2007 Dunkle, R. E., Dennis, M. K., Ingersoll-Dayton, L., Chadiha, L. A., & Li, L. (2007, November). Mental Illness in the family: The long term care plans of aging mothers. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
2007 Pickard, J. G., Inoue, M., Chadiha, L. A., et al. (2007, November). Relationship of social support to African American female caregivers' mental health help-seeking. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
2007 Chadiha, L. A., Rozario, P., & Owens-Kane. (2007, November). Association of care-related stressors and religiosity to African American female caregivers' psychological well-being. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
2007 Chadiha, L. A., & Sanders, S. (2007, November). Revisting R. Gibson's 1989 editorial in JsG:SS, entitled Minority aging research: Opportunity and challenge. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
2007 Aranda, M., Chadiha, L. A., Morrow-Howell, N., & Proctor, E. K. (2007, November) Determinants of health service utilization among African American female caregivers: Testing the Anderson Behavioral Model. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
2007 Rozario, P., Chadiha, L. A., Morrow-Howell, N., & Proctor, E. K. (2007, November). Predicting the influence of social resources to African American wife and daughter caregivers' depressive symptoms. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
2006 Dunkle, R. E., Ingersoll-Dayton, B., Lawrence-Jacobson, A., Li, L., Chadiha, L. A. et al. (2006, November). Building a life on life's terms in three generation families. Juried symposium presented at the 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the GSA, Dallas, TX.
2006 Chadiha, L. A., Ingersoll-Dayton, B., Dunkle, R., Lawrence-Jacobson, A., et al. (2006, November). Aging mothers whose adult daughters are mentally ill. Juried symposium presentation at the 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the GSA, Biegle, Dallas, TX.
2006 Chadiha, L., & Rozario, P. (2006, February). Examining black women family caregivers' coping strategies in context. Juried paper presented at the 2006 Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Chicago, IL.
2005 Chadiha, L., & Rafferty, J. (2005, March). Multiple informal helpers of rural/urban elderly African Americans. Presented at the Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
2005 Chadiha, L., & Rafferty, J. (2005, April). Size and composition of rural/urban black elders’ informal caregiving networks. Invited presentation at the University of Southern California School of Social Work’s Hamovitch Research Center, Los Angeles, CA.
2005 Chadiha, L. (2005, June). Physical well-being of urban/rural African American female caregivers: Same or different? Presented at the International Social Work Practice Research Symposium in honor of Professor William Reid, Session on Aging: Building Practice with Diverse Groups, School of Social Work, University at Albany, State University of New York.
2005 Chadiha, L., & Rozario, P. (2005, November). Beliefs and well-being of black women caregivers. Juried symposium presentation at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the GSA, Orlando, FL.
2004 Chadiha, L., & Rozario, P. (2004, November). Examining coping instances and their predictors for black family caregivers. Juried symposium presentation at the 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the GSA, Washington, D.C.
2004 Chadiha, L., Rozario, P., Morrow-Howell, N., Proctor, E. K., & Rafferty, J. (2004, November). Social factors and depression in black urban/rural caregivers. Juried paper presented at the 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the GSA, Washington, D.C.
2004 Chadiha, L. A., Pickard, J., Morrow-Howell, N., & Proctor, E. K. (2004, January). The relationship between four types of social support and formal service access for African American female caregivers. Juried paper presented at the Eighth Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.
2004 Chadiha, L., & Rafferty, J. (2004, January). Multiple informal caregiver support for older African Americans: Perspectives of urban and rural caregivers. Juried paper presented at the Eighth Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Symposium on Caregiving Networks of Older Adults in Different Contexts, New Orleans, LA.
2003 Chadiha, L., Rafferty, J., & Pickard, J. (2003, November). Predicting African American wife caregivers' marital functioning. Juried paper presented at the 56th Annual Scientific Meeting Program of The Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA.
2002 Chadiha, L., Miller-Cribbs, J., Adams, P., Pierce, R., & Kommidi, S. (2002, November). The association of family functioning with rural and urban African American women's participation in a family reunion. Juried paper presented at the National Conference on Family Relations, Session on Ethnic Family Functioning Over the Life Course, Houston, TX.
2002 Chadiha, L., Proctor, E., & Morrow-Howell, N. (2002, November). Rural-urban black women caregivers and depression: A contextual analysis. Juried paper presented at the 55th Annual Scientific Meeting Program of The Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA.
2001 Chadiha, L. A., Morrow-Howell, N., Proctor, E., & Picot, S. (2001, November). Involving rural older African Americans and female caregivers in research. Juried symposium presented at the 54th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL.
2001 Chadiha, L. A., Adams, P., Byers, L., Ong, S., & Phorano, O. (2001, November). Stress and coping among African American women caregivers of dependent elders. Findings from an empowerment program. Juried paper presented at the National Conference on Family Relations. Families, Stress and Coping: Bridging Theory and Practice, Teaching Roundtable, Rochester, NY.
2000 Chadiha, L. A. (2000, November). Beyond coping to empowering African American women caregivers: An empowerment perspective. Juried paper presented at the National Conference on Family Relations, Session on Minority Families, Race & Ethnicity, Minneapolis, MN.
1999 Chadiha, L. A., Morrow-Howell, N., Proctor, E. K., Chang, H., & Dore, P. (1999, November). Caregivers' limitations in providing care to chronically ill elders. Juried paper presented at the 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting, The Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA.
1997 Chadiha, L. A., & Miller-Cribbs, J. (1997, September). Using the internet in a human diversity course. Juried paper presented at the National Conference on Information Technologies for Social Work: Using to Teach-Teaching to Use, University of South Carolina, College of Social Work.
1995 Chadiha, L. A., Proctor, E., Morrow-Howell, N., Darkwa, O. K., & Dore, P. (1995, November). Religiosity and church-based assistance among chronically ill African-American and white elderly. Juried paper presented at the Session on Religion and the Elderly: Implications for Physical and Mental Health, National Council on Family Relations' Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
1993 Chadiha, L. A. (1993, June). Themes in newlywed couples' narratives. Juried paper presented at the Fourth Conference of the International Network on Personal Relationships at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
1992 Chadiha, L. A. (1992, November). Black husbands' economic problems and couples' resiliency during the transition of marriage. Juried paper presented at the Session on Family Stress: Economic Problems, National Council on Family Relations' Conference on Families and Work, Orlando, FL.
1991 Chadiha, L. A., & Danziger, S. K. (1991, September). Daughter-father relationships: Adolescent parents and non-parent peers compared. Juried paper presented at FOCUS on the Future: Adolescence in the 90's Conference, St. Louis, MO.
1988 Chadiha, L. A., & Ortega, R. (1988, November). A narrative approach to the study of courtship and marriage. Juried paper presented at the Session on Methods and Theory, National Council on Family Relations Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

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