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Letha A. Chadiha

Rose C. Gibson Collegiate Professor Emerita of Social Work

Letha A. Chadiha

Professor; Co-director, Community Liaison Core in the Michigan Center on Urban African American Aging Research

Letha Chadiha specializes in caregiving by African American women to older African Americans. Also specializing in research on recruitment and retention of ethnically diverse elders in research, she is co-editor for a more recent supplement of The Gerontologist (June 2011) focusing on the science of recruitment and retention among these elders. Chadiha is principal investigator on a NIH/NIGMS/NCMHD Bridges to the Doctorate research training grant (1-R25-GM-089637-05; 02/02/2010-08/31/2016) titled "U-M Social Work/Nursing Bridges to the Doctoral Program," the first of its kind to be awarded to a social work school. She was named the University of Michigan School of Social Work 2014 Distinguished Faculty.

Research Interests/Focus

African American aging, caregiving, recruitment and retention of ethnically diverse elders.

Contact Information

[email protected]


Year Degree   School
1989 PhD Social Work and Anthropology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1985 MSW Social Work University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1970 MA Anthropology Washington State University, Pullman
1965 BS Sociology Tuskegee University (formerly Tuskegee Institute), Tuskegee, AL

U-M SSW PhD Anthropology Graduate - 1989

Dissertation Topic

Narrating Black newlywed courtships: A structural-functional and interactional-situational approach.

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