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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Allen-Meares, P., Gant, L., & Denyer, K. L. (2006). Community Building Partnership for Selected Detroit Communities: Year One Progress Report. Detroit: Skillman Foundation.
  2. Yoshihama, M. & Nakashima, J. (2006). Domestic violence and substance abuse in Asian and Pacific Islander communities: Beginning a dialogue between two research and practice fields. In R. Fong, R. McRoy, & C. Hendric-Ortiz (Eds.), Intersecting Child Welfare, Substance Abuse, and Family Violence: Culturally Competent Approaches 293-318. Alexandria, VA: Council of Social Work Education Press.
  3. Yoshihama, M., Hammock, A. C., & Horrocks, J. (2006). Intimate partner violence, welfare receipt, and health status of low-income African American women: A lifecourse analysis. American Journal of Community Psychology, 37(1/2), 95-109.
  4. Tropman, J. E., Woolley, M. E., Zhu, L., & Smith, R. (2006). When supervisor and supervisee are of different disciplines: Guidelines and resources. In C. Franklin, M. B. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), The School Services Sourcebook: A Guide for School-based Professionals 1147-1156. New York: Oxford Press.
  5. Grogan-Kaylor, A., Woolley, M. E., Mowbray, C. T., Reischl, T., Gilster, M. E., & Karb, R. A. (2006). Predictors of neighborhood satisfaction. Journal of Community Practice, 14(4), 27-50.
  6. Rosen, D., Tolman, R. M., & Warner, L. (2006). Comparing psychiatric service use among low-income women and women in a general household population. Social Work Research, 30(4), 223-232.
  7. Lee, S., & Tolman, R. M. (2006). Childhood sexual abuse and adult work outcomes. Social Work Research, 30(2), 83-92.
  8. Saunders, D. G., Pahl, L., Holter, M., & Tolman, R. M. (2006). Welfare workers' responses to domestic violence cases: The effects of training and worker characteristics. Families in Society, 87(3), 329-339.
  9. Chatters, L. M., & Taylor, R. J. (2006). Religion and families. In V. Bengtson, D. Klein, A. Acock, K. Allen, & P. Dilworth-Anderson (Eds.), Sourcebook of Family Theory and Research 517-522. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  10. Levin, J., Chatters, L. M., & Taylor, R. J. (2006). Religious factors in health and medical care among older adults. Southern Medical Journal, 99(10), 1168-1169.
  11. Buch, E., & Staller, K. M. (2006). Feminist ethnography. In S. Hesse-Biber & P. Leavy (Eds.), Feminist Research Practice: A Primer 187-222. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  12. Staller, K. M., Buch, E. D., & Birdsall, W. C. (2006). House of mirrors: The messy worlds of interdisciplinary community-based research. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 12(1), 87-98.
  13. Jackson, K. F., Cameron, M., & Staller, K. M. (2006). The good, the bad and the ugly: A doctoral student's reflections on doing grounded theory research - In Henry's light. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 12(1), 99-115.
  14. Staller, K. M. (2006). Railroads, runaways, & researchers: Returning evidence rhetoric to its practice base. Qualitative Inquiry, 12(3), 503-522.
  15. Meezan, W., & Staller, K. M. (Eds.). (2006). The rewards, frustrations, challenges, trials and tribulations of doing social work research 'on the ground.' Part 2: Issues of courage, collaboration, and politics [Special issue]. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 12(1).
  16. Staller, K. M. (2006). Runaways: How the Sixties Counterculture Shaped Today's Practices and Policies. Columbia University Press.
  17. Gee, G., Chen, J, Spencer, M. S., See, S., Kuester, O., & Tran, D. (2006). Social support as a buffer for perceived unfair treatment among Filipino Americans: Differences between San Francisco and Honolulu. American Journal of Public Health, 96(4), 677-684.
  18. Hudson-Banks, K., Kohn, L. P., & Spencer, M. S. (2006). An examination of the African American experience of everyday discrimination and symptoms of psychological distress. Journal of Community Mental Health, 42(6), 555-570.
  19. Delva, J., Tellez, M., Finlayson, T., Gretebeck, K., Siefert, K., & Williams, D. R. (2006). Correlates of cigarette smoking among low-income African American women. Ethnicity and Disease, 16(2), 527-533.
  20. Ruffolo, M., Gioia, D., Fischer, D., Himle, J., Adlaf, A., & Lindsay, R. (2006). An Exploratory Study of Parent and Young Adult Perspectives on the Transition from the Child Mental Health System to the Adult Mental Health System. In L. Gordon, J. Bradley, N. Aue, & A. Holman(Eds.), Building on Family Strengths: Research and Services in Support of Children and Families:Conference Proceedings. Portland, OR: Portland State University Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children's Mental Health.
  21. Ruffolo, M. (2006). [Review of the book Redressing the Emperor: Improving out children's public mental health system]. Children and Youth Services Review, 28(7), 858-860.
  22. Ruffolo, M. (2006). Enhancing skills of students vulnerable to underachievement and academic failure. In C. Franklin, M. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), The School Services Sourcebook: A Guide for School-based Professionals 405-411. New York: Oxford University Press.
  23. Ruffolo, M., Kuhn, M., & Evans, M. (2006). Developing a parent-professional team leadership model in group work: Lessons learned in work with families with a child experiencing behavioral/emotional problems. Social Work, 51(1), 39-47.
  24. Ortega, R. M. (2006). Latinos, domestic violence and child abuse. In R. Fong, R. McRoy & C. O. Hendricks (Eds.), Culture and Interpersonal Violence. CSWE.
  25. McDonough, S. C., & MacKenzie, M. J. (2006). Crying behavior and its impact on psychosocial child development: Comments on Barr, Stifter, and Zeskind. In R. Tremblay, R. Barr, & R. Peters, (Eds), Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development. The Canadian Centre of Excellence.


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