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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. McDonough, S. C. (2012). Engaging overburdened families through short-term treatment. In C. H. Zeanah (Ed.), Handbook of Infant Mental Health (3rd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
  2. Seng, J. S., Lopez, W. D., Sperlich, M., Hamama, L., & Meldrum, C. D. R. (2012). Marginalized identities, discrimination burden, and mental health: Empirical exploration of an interpersonal-level approach to modeling intersectionality. Social Science and Medicine, 75(12), 2437-2445.
  3. Gould-Werth, A. & Seefeldt, K. (2012). Material hardship in the wake of the Great Recession: findings from the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study. National Poverty Center Policy Brief, 35.
  4. Gould-Werth, A. & Burgard, S. A. (2012). Employment problems in the wake of the Great Recession: findings from the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study. National Poverty Center Policy Brief, 30.
  5. Gant, L. M. (2012). The "Berlin Patient," prevention, and two conferences: Social service research responses? Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services, 11(3), 193-195.
  6. Akinyemi, E., Watkins, D. C., Lynn, S., Kavanagh, J., & Kales, H. C. (2012). Attitudes of church-going older African Americans to depression and depression care. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20(3), S121-S157.
  7. Lee, S. J. (2012). Child Advocacy Centers. In J.L. Postmus (Ed.) Sexual Violence and Abuse: An Encyclopedia of Prevention, Impacts, and Recovery. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC - CLIO.
  8. Mathews, C. A., Badner, J. A., Andresen, J. M., Sheppard, B., Himle, J. A., Grant, J. E., Williams, K. A., Chavira, D. A., Azzam, A., Schwartz, V. I., Reus, S. W., Kim, E. H., Cook, E. H., & Hanna, G. L. (2012). Genome-wide linkage analysis of obsessive compulsive disorder implicates chromosome 1p36. Biological Psychiatry, 72, 629-636.
  9. Veenstra-VanderWeele, J., Xu, T., Ruggiero, A. M., Anderson, L. R., Jones, S. T., Himle, J. A., Kennedy, J. L., Richter, M. A., Hanna, G. L., & Arnold, P. A. (2012). Functional studies and rare variant screenings of SLC1A1/EAAC1 in males with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatric Genetics, 22, 256-260.
  10. Vogel, P. A., Launes, G., Moen, E. M., Solem, S., Hansen, B., Haaland, A. T., & Himle, J. A. (2012). Videoconference- and cell phone-based cognitive-behavioral therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a case series. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, 158-164.
  11. O'Mahen, H., Fedock, G., Henshaw, E., Himle, J. A., Forman, J., & Flynn, H. A. (2012). Modifying CBT for perinatal depression: What do women want?: A qualitative study. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 19(2), 359-371.
  12. Allard, S., Danziger, S. K., & Wathen, M. V. (2012). The receipt of public benefits and private charity among low income households with children after the Great Recession. Policy Brief, 31. National Poverty Center, University of Michigan.
  13. Burgard, S., Danziger, S., Seefeld, K., Allard, S., Danziger, S. K., Engler, T., Gould-Werth, A., Kalousova, L., Pelak, S., & Wathen, M. (2012). Persisting hardships in southeast Michigan after the Great Recession. Policy Brief, 33. National Poverty Center, University of Michigan.
  14. Danziger, S. K., Savas, S. A. & Rodems, R. (2012). Year One and Year Two Process and Evaluation Results: a Focus on Family Success Ladders [Report]. Ann Arbor, MI.
  15. Richards-Schuster, K., Checkoway, B., & Christian, B. (2012). Youth leadership in generation with promise. Report to Generation With Promise-Michigan Department of Community Health, Office of Surgeon General. Ann Arbor: Michigan Youth and Community Program, University of Michigan.
  16. Richards-Schuster, K. (2012). Empowering the voice of youth: the role of youth advisory councils in grantmaking focused on youth. New Directions in Evaluation [Special Edition: Evaluation Advisory Groups], 2012(136), 87-100.
  17. Lee, S. J. (2012). Child Protective Services. In J. L. Postmus (Ed.), Sexual Violence and Abuse: An Encyclopedia of Prevention, Impacts, and Recovery. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC - CLIO.
  18. Brisebois, K., & Lee, S. J. (2012). Foster and kinship care: An examination of the legislation that aims to improve permanency and continuity of care in Ontario. Canadian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 101-114.
  19. Lee, S. J., Taylor, C. A., & Bellamy J. L. (2012). Paternal depression and child neglect in father-involved families of young children. Child Abuse and Neglect, 36, 461-469.
  20. Lee, S. J., Lansford, J. E., Pettit, G. S., Bates, J. E., & Dodge, K A. (2012). Paternal agreement of reporting parent to child aggression using the Conflict Tactics Scales. Child Abuse and Neglect, 36, 510-518.
  21. Lee, S. J. (2012). Paternal depression and the family context. Family Science, 3(3-4), 233-236.
  22. Phiri, C., & Perron, B. E. (2012). Health implications of chronic homelessness: lived experiences of adult men and women from a community in Gauteng Province, South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 18, 160-173.
  23. Scourfield, J., Tolman, R. M., Maxwell, N., Holland, S., Bullock, A., & Sloan, L. (2012). Results of a training course for social workers on engaging fathers in child protection. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(8), 1425-1432.
  24. Van Anders, S., Tolman, R. M, & Volling, B. (2012). Baby cries and nurturance affect testosterone in men. Hormones and Behavior, 61(1), 31-36.
  25. Maxwell, N., Scourfield, J., Featherstone, B., Holland, S., & Tolman, R. M. (2012). Engaging fathers in child welfare services: A narrative review of recent research evidence. Child and Family Social Work, 17, 160-169.


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