SSW-IT wants to ensure faculty and staff are up to date and comfortable with both proven and emerging instructional tools. Our team offers training opportunities and provides technical support for a variety of technologies including:
Our "Canvas and Coffee" training sessions provide regular training opportunities for Canvas and other instructional tools. Information about upcoming Canvas and Coffee sessions are regularly emailed to SSW faculty and staff.
For more information or to schedule training, please email [email protected].
In addition to the in-person training that SSW IT provides, you may also be interested in the various training opportunities provided by other University partners.
The Teaching and Technology Collaborative (TeachTech) supports the U-M community's efforts to leverage technology for teaching, learning, and research. They provide opportunities and resources for the use of technology that is driven by purpose rather than tools. TeachTech members connect you to a wide variety of services and experts across all campus units through consultations, workshops, collaborations, and other activities. They also host the annual Enriching Scholarship conference, first offered in 1998, to bring together U-M faculty, staff, and students to share best practices and explore new opportunities that enhance teaching, learning, and research.
The TeachTech calendar is continually updated with sessions across a range of topics. Information on the annual Enriching Scholarship conference can be found on their site as well.
U-M Information and Technology Services has an on-going series of 30-45 minute interactive webinars across a range of topics from Google, Box, accessibility, safe computing, videoconferencing, and more. Information about upcoming events, and links to past videos can be found on the IT4U Webinar site.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106