Congratulations to the following faculty members whose promotions were approved this month by the U-M Board of Regents. Katrina Ellis, Lisa Fedina, Odessa Benson Gonzalez and Anao Zhang were promoted to associate professor with tenure. David Córdova and Terri Friedline were promoted to professor.
In addition, Lindsay Bornheimer was promoted to Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, without tenure, School of Medicine. Katrina Ellis was also promoted to Associate Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education, without tenure, School of Public Health.
Congratulations also to our faculty members who were promoted during the most recent lecturer promotion cycle. Zaynab Boussi was promoted to Lecturer IV, and Priscilla Cortez, Linda Edwards-Brown, Aliyah Masudi, Benjamin Moe, Jennifer Towns and Roland Zullo were promoted to Lecturer II.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106