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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Thornton, M. C. & Taylor, R. J. (1988). Black American perceptions of black Africans. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 11, 139-150.
  2. Siefert, K. (1988). Disparity in birth outcomes: Implications for public health social work. In J. Morton & R. Hirsch (Eds.), Developing Social Work Programs to Prevent Low Birthweight and Infant Mortality 41-49. Rockville, MD: Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance, Division of Maternal and Child Health, D.H.H.S.
  3. Tolman, R. M., & Saunders, D. G. (1988). The case for the cautious use of "anger control" with men who batter: A response to Gondolf and Russell. Response to the Victimization of Women and Children, 11(2), 15-20.
  4. Saunders, D. G. (1988). Wife abuse, husband abuse, or mutual combat? A feminist perspective on the empirical findings. In K. Ylloe & M. Bograd (Eds.), Feminist Perspectives on Wife Abuse 90-113. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
  5. Saunders, D. G. (1988). Other "truths" about domestic violence: A reply to McNeely and Robinson-Simpson. Social Work, 33(2), 179-183.
  6. Saunders, D. G. (1988). Issues in conducting treatment research with men who batter. In G. T. Hotaling, D. Finkelhor, J. T. Kirkpatrick & M. A. Straus (Eds.), Coping With Family Violence: Research and Policy Perspectives 145-156. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
  7. Powell, T. J. (1988). Self-help: A substitute or a stimulus for the development of more professional services. In D.E. Biegel & K.J. Farkas (Eds.), Working Paper Series. Case Western Reserve University, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences.
  8. Lewis, E. (1988). Social welfare and blacks in Michigan. State of Black Michigan 39-49. Institute for Urban Policy, Michigan State University.
  9. Lewis, E. (1988). Role strengths and strains of African-American mothers: Social support as a prevention strategy. Journal of Primary Prevention, 9(1/2), 77-91.
  10. Neal, M. B., Chapman, N. J., & Ingersoll-Dayton, B. (1988). Elder Care, Employees, and the Workplace: Findings from a Survey Of Employees [Report]. Portland, OR: Portland State University.
  11. Ingersoll-Dayton, B., & Antonucci, T. (1988). Reciprocal and non-reciprocal social support: Contrasting sides of intimate relationships. Journal of Gerontology, 43(3), 65-73.
  12. Depner, C., & Ingersoll-Dayton, B. (1988). Supportive relationships in later life. Psychology and Aging, 3(4), 348-357.
  13. Ingersoll-Dayton, B., Arndt, B., & Stevens, D. (1988). Intergenerational family therapy: Theory, practice and research. Social Casework, 69(5), 280-289.
  14. Thyer, B. A., Himle, J. & Fischer, D. (1988). Is parental death a selective precursor to either panic disorder or agoraphobia? A test of the separation anxiety hypothesis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2, 333-338.
  15. Himle, J., Thyer, B. A., & Fischer, D. J. (1988). Prevalence of smoking among anxious outpatients. Phobia Practice and Research Journal, 1, 25-31.
  16. McCullagh, J., & Allen-Meares, P. (Eds.). (1988). Conducting Research: A Handbook for School Social Workers. Des Moines: State of Iowa Department of Education.
  17. Allen-Meares, P. (1988). Contribution of social work to schooling: Past and present efforts. In P. Allen-Meares (Ed.), Urban Education, 22(4), 401-411.
  18. Allen-Meares, P. (Ed.). (1988). School social work [Special Issue]. Urban Education, 22(4),
  19. Dunkle, R. (1988). Alternatives to institutionalization. In C. Kart, E. Mettress, & J. Mettress (Eds.), Aging, Health and Society 340-360. Boston: Jones & Bartlett.
  20. Coulton, C., Dunkle, R., Chow, J., Haug, M., & Vielhaber, D. (1988). Dimensions of post-hospital care decision making: A factor analytic study. The Gerontologist, 28(2), 218-223.
  21. Dunkle, R., & Wykle, M. (Eds.). (1988). Decision-making in Long Term Care. New York: Springer Publsihing Co.
  22. Alvarez, A. G., & Alvarez, A. R. (1988). Adventure Program: Building Skills and Trust. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the University of Oklahoma National Resource Center for Youth Services. Tulsa Continuing Education Office University of Oklahoma.
  23. Checkoway, B. N. (1988). Training Resources for Community Leadership. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.
  24. Checkoway, B. N. (1988). Leadership Development for Mental Health. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.
  25. Kieffer, E., Alexander, G., Baruffi, G., & Gilden, S. (1988). Infant feeding practices in Hawaii. Hawaii Medical Journal, 47(3), 112-119.


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