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School of Social Work Research Publications for Julie M. Ribaudo

  1. Hong, S., Ribaudo, J. M., Safyer, P., Routte, I. E., & Watkins, D. C. (2025). Advancing psychodynamic-based clinical social work practice to address structural trauma: Integrating neuroscience and attachment theory. Social Work, swaf003.
  2. ~Miller, A., Varisco, R., Simone, C., Haan, P., Stein, S., Hernandez, J., Riley, H., Sokol, R., Trout,P., Arboleda, L., Ribaudo, J., & Peterson, K. (2023). Parenting and lead mitigation at home: A multi-faceted community partnership model promoting parent engagement in lead exposure prevention. Health Promotion Practice.
  3. Julian, M. M., Riggs, J., Wong, K., Lawler, J., Brophy-Herb, H. E., Ribaudo, J., Stacks, A., Jester, J. M., Pitzen, J., Muzik, M., & Rosenblum, K. L. (2023). Relationships reduce risks for child maltreatment: Results of an experimental trial of infant mental health home visiting. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14.
  4. Price D., Robinson Y., Riley H., Ribaudo J., Giang C., Herrenkohl T. I., & Miller A. L. (2023). Start early: Providing trauma-informed, systems-focused professional development in early childhood development and learning contexts. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 8(4), 055.
  5. Ribaudo, J., Lawler, J. M., Jester, J. M., Riggs, J., Erickson, N. L., Stacks, A. M., Brophy-Herb, H., Muzik, M., & Rosenblum, K. L. (2022). Maternal history of adverse experiences and PTSD symptoms impact toddlers' early socioemotional wellbeing: The benefits of Infant Mental Health-Home Visiting. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
  6. Miller, A., Stein, S., Sokol, R., Varisco, R., Trout, P., Julian, M., Ribaudo, J., Kay, J., Pilkauskas, N., Gardner-Neblett, N., Herrenkohl, T., Zivin, K., Muzik, M., & Rosenblum K. (2022). From zero to thrive: A model of cross-system and cross-sector relational health to promote early childhood development across the child-serving ecosystem. Infant Mental Health Journal, 43(4), 624-637.
  7. Miller, A., Varisco, R., Simone, C., Haan, P., Stein, S., Hernandez, J., Riley, H., Sokol, R., Trout, P., Arboleda, L., Ribaudo, J., & Peterson K. (2022). Parenting and lead mitigation at home: A multifaceted community partnership model promoting parent engagement in lead exposure prevention. Health Promotion Practice, 24(5), 911-920.
  8. Ribaudo, J. (2021). What about the baby? Infancy and parenting in the Covid-19 pandemic. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 75(1), 22-36.
  9. Julian, M. M., Muzik, M., Jester, J. M., Handelzalts, J., Erickson, N., Stringer, M., Brophy-Herb, H., Ribaudo, J., Huth-Bocks, A., Lawler, J., Stacks, A., Rosenblum, K. L., & the Michigan Collaborative for Infant Mental Health Research. (2021). Relationships heal: Reducing harsh parenting and child abuse potential with relationship-based parent-infant home visiting. Children and Youth Service Review, 128.
  10. Stein, S. F., Galano, M. M., Grogan-Kaylor, A. C., Clark, H. M., Ribaudo, J. M., & Graham-Bermann, S. A. (2021). Predictors of intimate partner violence victimization by multiple partners over a period of eight years. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 35(1), 222-234.
  11. Walsh, T., Paris, R., Ribaudo, J., & Gilkerson, L. (2021). Locating infant and early childhood mental health at the heart of social work. Social Work, 66(3), 187-196.
  12. Ribaudo, J. Safyer, P., & Stein, S. F. (2020). S.A.F.E Communication and Covid-19: A resource for parents. Tender Press Books.
  13. Ribaudo, J., Safyer, P., Stein, S. F., & Rosenblum, K. (2020). Georgie and the Giant Germ [A children’s story providing a narrative for children and their parents about the Covid-19 epidemic]. Tender Press Books.
  14. Shea, S. E., Jester, J. M., Huth‐Bocks, A. C., Weatherston, J., Muzik, M., Rosenblum, K., & the Michigan Collaborative for Infant Mental Health Research. (2020). Infant mental health home visiting therapists’ reflective supervision self‐efficacy in community practice settings. Infant Mental Health Journal, 41, 191-205. [J. Ribaudo, one of 17 MCIMHR members].
  15. Huth‐Bocks, A. C., Jester, J. M., Stacks, A. M., Muzik, M., Rosenblum, K. L., & the Michigan Collaborative for Infant Mental Health Research. (2020). Infant mental health home visiting therapists’ fidelity to the Michigan IMH‐HV model in community practice settings. Infant Mental Health Journal, 41, 206-219. [J. Ribaudo, one of 17 MCIMHR members].
  16. Rosenblum, K. L., Muzik, M., Jester, J. M., Huth-Bocks, A., Erickson, N., Ludtke, M., Weatherston, D., Brophy-Herb, H., Tableman, B., Alfarara, E., Waddel, R., & the Michigan Collaborative for Infant Mental Health Research. (2020). Community‐delivered infant–parent psychotherapy improves sensitive caregiving: Evaluation of the Michigan model of infant mental health home visiting. Infant Mental Health Journal, 41, 178-190. [J. Ribaudo, one of 17 MCIMHR members].
  17. Shea, S., Jester, J., Huth-Bocks, A., Weatherston, D., Muzik, M. Rosenblum, K. & the Michigan Collaborative for Infant Mental Health Research. (2020). Infant mental health home visiting therapists’ reflective supervision self-efficacy in community practice settings. Infant Mental Health Journal, 41, 191-205. [J. Ribaudo, one of 17 MCIMHR members].
  18. Huth-Bocks, A., Jester, J., Stacks, A., Muzik, M., Rosenblum, K. & the Michigan Collaborative for Infant Mental Health Research. (2020). Infant mental health home visiting therapists’ fidelity to the Michigan IMH-HV model in community practice settings. Infant Mental Health Journal, 41, 206-219. [J. Ribaudo, one of 17 MCIMHR members].
  19. Weatherston, D. J., Ribaudo, J., & the Michigan Collaborative for Infant Mental Health Research. (2020). The Michigan infant mental health home visiting model. Infant Mental Health Journal, 41, 166-177.
  20. Ribaudo, J. Safyer, P., Stein, S. F., Safyer, M., & Levine, J. (2018). Family separation, trauma, and S.A.F.E. communication. AAP News. August, 2018.
  21. Ribaudo, J., Stein, S. F., & Safyer, P. (2018). Letter to Agencies Providing Care for Children Separated from their Parents by the Family Separation Policy. The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.
  22. Ribaudo, J., Safyer, P., & Stein, S. F. (2018). Letter to Alternative Caregivers of Children Separated from their Parents by the Family Separation Policy. The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.
  23. Ribaudo, J., Stein, S. F., & Safyer, P. (2018). Cecilia and the Long Walk [A children’s story providing a narrative for children separated from their parents by the family separation policy]. The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.
  24. Shah P. E., & Ribaudo J. (2018). Interviewing and counseling children and families. In R. G.Voigt, M. M. Macias, S. M. Myers, & C. D. Tapia, Eds. American Academy of Pediatrics Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (2nd ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.
  25. Rosenblum, K. L., Muzik, M., Morelen, D. M., Alfafara, E. A., Miller, N. M., Waddell, R. M., Schuster, M. M., & Ribaudo, J. (2017). A community-based randomized controlled trial of Mom Power parenting intervention for mothers with interpersonal trauma histories and their young children. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 20, 673-686.


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