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School of Social Work Research Publications for Julie M. Ribaudo

  1. Ribaudo, J. (2017). Beyond mothers: Beyond singular relationships. In Shirilla, J. (Ed.), Reflections from the Field. 97-99. Southgate: Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
  2. Ribaudo, J. (2017). Nineteen protectors. In Shirilla, J. (Ed.), Reflections from the Field. 65-68. Southgate: Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
  3. Mucka, L. E., Dayton, C. J., Lawler, J., Rosalind, K., Alfafarsa, E., Schuster, M., Miller, N, Ribaudo, J., Rosenblum, K. L., & Muzik, M. (2017). Mixed methods evaluation of participant recruitment and retention in the Mom Power early parenting intervention program. Infant Mental Health Journal, 38, 536-550.
  4. Ribaudo, J. M. (2016). Restoring safety: An attachement-based approach to clinical work with a traumatized toddler. Infant Mental Health Journal, 37(1), 80-92. Wiley Publications.
  5. Ribaudo, J. (2015). Regulatory Disorders in Infants and Young Children. In D. Weatherston, B. Tableman, and B. Foulds (Eds.). Infant Mental Health Services: Supporting Competencies, Reducing Risks (3rd ed.). 279-286. Southgate, MI: Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
  6. Ribaudo, J. (2015). The infant who has suffered trauma. In D. Weatherston, B. Tableman, and B. Foulds (Eds.). Infant Mental Health Services: Supporting Competencies, Reducing Risks (3rd ed.). 319-333. Southgate, MI: Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
  7. Ribaudo, J., & Bresky, K. (2012). Settling in: Reflective supervision with a relatively new clinician. In D.J. Weatherston (Producer), Reflective Supervision: Video Training Series. Southgate, MI: Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
  8. Ribaudo, J. (2002). Regulatory disorders in infants and young children. In D. Weatherston & B. Tableman (Eds.), Infant Mental Health Services: Supporting Competencies, Reducing Risks (2nd ed.). 207-212. Southgate: Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
  9. Ribaudo, J. & Glovak, S. (2002). Becoming whole: Combining infant mental health and occupational therapy on behalf of a toddler with sensory integration difficulties and his family. In J. J. Shirilla & D. J. Weatherston (Eds.), Case Studies in Infant Mental Health: Risk, Resiliency, and Relationships 85-103. Washington, DC: Zero to Three.
  10. Weatherston, D. J., Ribaudo, J., & Glovak, S. (2002). Becoming whole: Combining infant mental health and occuptional therapy on behalf of a toddler with sensory integration difficulities and his family. Infants and Young Children, 15(1), 19-28.
  11. Ribaudo, J. (2000, October-December). Becoming a family. The Infant Crier, 93.


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