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Addie Weaver

Associate Professor of Social Work, Associate Director of Doctoral Programs

Addie Weaver

My research aims to increase access to mental health services for underserved, economically disadvantaged individuals and families living in rural communities. As an intervention and services researcher, I seek to develop and test innovative approaches for adapting, translating, and disseminating evidence-based treatment to increase the accessibility, acceptability, and sustainability of mental health care in rural communities. I am also interested in using epidemiologic data to better understand the prevalence and etiology of mental illness in rural communities, with attention to the heterogeneity of rural populations and the potential importance of understudied subgroup differences. The ultimate goal of my research is to improve the quality of life for rural residents with mental health needs.

Research Interests/Focus

Access to mental health services for underserved, economically disadvantaged individuals and families living in rural communities


Year Degree   School
2011 PhD Social Work University of Pittsburgh, PA
2009 MSW University of Pittsburgh, PA
2006 MPA Marywood University, Scranton, PA
2004 BA Sociology and Political Science Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA


Treatment, Innovation & Dissemination Research Group
Year Description
2025 Weaver, A., Webber, R.J., Hoppenstedt, D., Tian, J., Sabnis, P., Narendra Kumar, R., Narendra Kumar, N.,Tepatti, P., Jacobson, M., & Himle, J.A. Mental Health Can’t Wait: Utilizing Youth Participatory Action Research(Y-PAR) to develop an Entertaining, Technology-Assisted CBT for Depression Designed for and by High SchoolStudents. Submitted for Roundtable presentation at Society for Social Work and Research 29th AnnualConference, January 2025, Seattle, WA.
2024 Weaver, A., Webber, R.J., Hoppenstedt, D., Narendra Kumar, N., Narendra Kumar, R., Sabnis, P., Tian, J., &Himle, J.A. Mental Health Can’t Wait: Developing an Entertaining, Technology-Assisted CBT for DepressionDesigned for and by High School Students. Roundtable at the 1st Annual MICHR IDEAL Community and HealthEquity Symposium, April 2024, Ann Arbor, MI.
2024 Jacobson, M., Weaver, A., Landry, C. Kanafani, R., Halliwill, G., Himle, J. Exploring Multiple StakeholderPerspectives of Tailoring Technology-Assisted, Entertaining CBT-Based Depression Treatment for Perinatal PeopleServed By Head Start. Oral presentation at Society for Social Work and Research 28th Annual Conference, January 2024, Washington, DC.
2024 Jacobson, M., Weaver, A., Landry, C., Long, B., Whitted, R., Himle, J. Perinatal WIC client perceptions of atechnology-assisted, entertaining, evidence-based depression treatment program tailored for perinatal people. Oralpresentation at Society for Social Work and Research 28th Annual Conference, January 2024, Washington,DC.
2024 Landry, C., Weaver, A., Jacobson, M., Whitted, R., Long, B., Himle, J. Initiating perinatal depression screening ina rural Michigan WIC clinic. Oral presentation at Society for Social Work and Research 28th AnnualConference, January 2024, Washington, DC.
2024 Weaver, A., Landry, C., Jacobson, M., Whitted, R., Long, B., Holzworth, J., & Himle, J. Technology-assisted,entertaining CBT for perinatal WIC clients with depression: Open pilot results. Oral presentation at Society forSocial Work and Research 28th Annual Conference, January 2024, Washington, DC.
2024 . Weaver, A. Jacobson, M., Landry, C., & Himle, J. Mental health can’t wait: Increasing access to perinataldepression treatment among rural WIC clients. Symposium at Society for Social Work and Research 28th AnnualConference, January 2024, Washington, DC.
2024 White, L., Sherwood, K., Bailey-Walsh, C., Weaver, A. Social workers harnessing implementation scienceframeworks and community-engaged research and practice to build solutions for health equity. Workshop at theSociety for Social Work and Research 27th Annual Conference, January 2024, Washington, DC.
2023 Weaver, A., Jacobson, M., & Landry, C. Entertain Me Well: A new resource for increasing access to depressiontreatment in under-resourced and underserved Michigan communities. Oral presentation at Advancing BehavioralHealth Summit, May 2023, Jackson, MI.
2023 Weaver, A., Long, B., Landry, C., & Jacobson, M. Initiating perinatal depression screening and technology-assistedtreatment in a rural WIC clinic. Oral presentation at the Michigan WIC Training and Educational Conference,May 2023, Grand Rapids, MI.
2022 Smith, M.J., Weaver, A., Himle, J.A., & Zhang, A. Leveraging technology and community-engaged approaches toincrease access to evidence-supported mental health treatment. Symposia at the National Institute of MentalHealth’s 25th National Conference on Mental Health Services Research, August 2022, Virtual.
2022 Weaver, A., Himle, J.A., Zhang, A., Felsman, P., & Tolman, R. Entertain Me Well: An Entertaining,Customizable, Technology-Assisted Platform for Delivering Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression.Symposium at the Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference, January 2022, Virtual.
2021 Weaver, A., Hahn, J., Tucker, K.M., Johnson, J.M., & Himle, J.A. Depressive symptoms, material hardship, andbarriers to mental health treatment among rural residents seeking food bank services. Oral presentation at the Societyfor Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference, January 2021, Virtual.
2021 Weaver, A., Tucker, K.M., Felsman, P., & Himle, J.A. Human service provider perceptions of mental healthcareneeds and priorities in a rural Michigan community. Accepted for poster presentation at the Society for SocialWork and Research 25th Annual Conference, January 2021, Virtual.
2020 White, L., Weaver, A., Pinto, R.M., & Wexler, L. Participatory Implementation Strategies in Community Settingsfor Health Equity. Symposium at the 13th Annual Academy Health Conference on the Science ofDissemination and Implementation in Health, December 2020, Virtual.
2020 Himle, J.A., LeBeau, R., Weaver, A., Jester, J., Kilbourne, A.M., & Craske, M.G. A Multisite Trial of WorkRelated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Unemployed Persons with Social Anxiety: Study Methods and SampleCharacteristics. Accepted for Symposia at the 54th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral andCognitive Therapies, November 2020, Virtual.
2019 Zhang, A., Wang, Bornheimer, L.A., Weaver, A. (2019, November). Does CBT remain effective for depression andanxiety in primary care?: A meta-analysis. Oral presentation at the Council on Social Work Education’s 65thAnnual Program Meeting, Denver, CO.
2019 Weaver, A., Taing, V., & Despard, M.R. (2019, January). Holes in the non-profit safety net?: Rural-urban regionaldisparities. Oral presentation at the Society for Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, SanFrancisco, CA.
2019 Lister, J.J., Weaver, A., Ellis, J.D., Ledgerwood, D.M., & Himle, J.A. (2019, January). Availability of medicationassisted treatment in rural Michigan: A comparison of non-metropolitan and metropolitan counties. Oral presentationat the Society for Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

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