2024 |
Despard, M., Friedline, T., Shanks, T., Hamilton, L., & Smith-Ramani, J. (2024, January). Research toReduce Extreme Economic Inequality: How Are We Doing? Society for Social Work and Research(SSWR) Roundtable. Washington, DC |
2024 |
Shanks, T., Sherraden, M., Zheng, H., & Huang, J. (2024, January). Black Reparations and Wealth Equality: Lessons from Child Development Accounts as a Policy Structure for Asset Building. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Roundtable. Washington, DC |
2023 |
Shanks, T., Huang, J., Elliott, W., Zheng, H., Clancy, M. & Sherraden, M. (2023). A Policy Platform to Deliver Black Reparations: Building on Evidence from Child Development Accounts. Workshop for special issue, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY. April 21, 2023. |
2023 |
Henwood, B. & Shanks, T. (2023). Grand Challenges Framework for Social Work Roundtable: Going Grander! Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Roundtable. Phoenix, AR January 14, 2023. |
2022 |
Barth, R. & Shanks, T. (2021). Grand Challenges Framework for Creating Social Work Impact. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Roundtable. Washington, DC January 2022. |
2022 |
Meehan, P., & Shanks, T. (2022). Factors Related to Entering and Exiting Material Hardship during COVID-19. Association for Public Policy and Management (APPAM) Research Conference, March 28, 2022. |
2022 |
Shanks, T., Hernandez, H., Palmer, D., Meehan, P. & Makohn, A. (2022). Detroit Dreams Deferred: Thousands Mortgage Ready but Many Miss Out. Presentation at the Building Michigan Communities Conference, Virtual, May 4, 2022 |
2022 |
Shanks, T. & Davis, L. (2022). Reducing Racial Wealth Gaps: Building In-roads for African Americans Through Homeownership and Small Business. Midwest Asset Building Conference. Minneapolis, MN. June 29, 2022. |
2021 |
Shanks, T. (2021). Show Me the Money: Why Financial Capability Matters for Social Workers and the Communities They Serve. Wayne State University Keynote DEI Lecture. January 25, 2021. |
2021 |
Anderson-Butcher, D., Wheeler, D., Leung, P., Shanks, T., Clapp, J. & Dawson, B.A. (2021). Navigating the Path to Full Professor. SSWR Research and Capacity Development Committee. February 10, 2021. |
2021 |
Shanks, T., Sherraden, M., Romich, J., Castro Baker, A., & Pate, D. (2021). Policy Ideas that Rise to the Challenge of COVID-19 and Reduce Inequality: Learning from the Past to Shape the Future. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Roundtable. Virtual Conference, January 22, 2021. |
2020 |
Fergus, D. & Shanks, T. (2020). The Afterlife of Slavery and the Next Reconstruction. Financial Capability and Asset Building: Achievements, Challenges, and Next Steps. Center For Social Development, September 24, 2020. |
2020 |
Shanks, T. (2020). Racial Wealth Gaps: Historical Precedents and Present Consequences. Osher Lifelong learning Institute (OLLI) Lecture. November 5, 2020. |
2019 |
Blumenthal, A. & Shanks, T. (2019). Does CSA Participation Influence Savings Behavior in the Long-Term? Views from Families. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Poster, San Francisco, CA |
2019 |
Elliott, W., Friedman, R., Shanks, T. (2019). People, Money and The Future: Sparking Prosperity for Everyone. Building Michigan Communities Conference. Lansing, MI. April 20, 2019. |
2019 |
Boddie, S. & Shanks, T. (2019). Collective Asset Building at the Intersection of Race and Religion. Transatlantic Roundtable on Religion and Race. Nairobi, Kenya. July 1-5, 2019. |
2008 |
Shanks, T. (2008, May). Wealth and assets among the elderly black population. Poster presentation at Annual RCMAR meeting, Research Centers for Minority Aging Research, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2008 |
Shanks, T, (2008, January). Disparities and economic injustice within low-income communities: What are the costs and where do we from here? Presented at the University of Michigan School of Medicine, Grand Rounds-Pediatrics, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2008 |
Shanks, T. (2008). Opening remarks and statement of purpose. Presented at the Economic Development Forum for Skillman Good Neighborhood Communities, Detroit, MI. |
2007 |
Shanks, T. (2007, November). Can asset-building policy improve the well-being of low-income children? Discussant at the 2007 Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Washington, DC. |
2007 |
Shanks, T. (2007, November). Consideration of place in the asset-building/wealth gap closing agenda. Presented at the Affiliated Scholars of Color Research Conference, St. Louis, MO. |
2007 |
Shanks, T. (2007, June). Having an impact with grassroots programs (in the US): Examples from individual development accounts and the saving for education, entrepreneurship, and down-payment (SEED) policy and practice initiative. Presented at the 2007 OCFT Grantee Workshop, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC. |
2007 |
Okech, D., Shanks, T., & Adams, D. (2007, January). College savings for low-income children: Measuring parental well-being of account openers and non-openers. Presented at the Society for Social Work and Research, San Francisco, CA. |
2006 |
Williams Shanks, T. R. (2006, January). Household wealth and child development across different ages. Presented at the Society for Social Work and Research, San Antonio, TX. |
2006 |
Clancy, M., Page-Adams, D., & Shanks, T. (2006, September). SEED policy and research initiative: A test of children's savings accounts. Presented at the 2006 Assets Learning Conference-A Lifetime of Assets: Building Families, Communities & Economies, Phoenix, AZ. |
2005 |
Williams Shanks, T. (2005, January). Measuring the impact of household wealth on child development outcomes. Presented at the Society for Social Work and Research, Miami, FL. |
2005 |
Williams Shanks, T. R. (2005, July). Children: Safeguarding the next generation. Presented at the Rhodes Scholar Centennial Reunion, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. |
2005 |
Williams Shanks, T. R. (2005, November). Income poverty, asset poverty, and their consequences for children. Presented at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Research Policy Roundtable, Poverty, Race, and Policy: Strategic Advancement of a Poverty Reduction Agenda, Washington, DC. |
2004 |
Davis, L., Saunders, J., & Williams, T. (2004, February). Lessons learned: Keys to academic success among African-American youth. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Anaheim, CA. |
2004 |
Williams Shanks, T. (2004, November). The influence of household wealth on child outcomes. Presented at the PSID/CDS On-Campus Seminar Series, Institute for Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2003 |
Sherraden, M. S., Williams, T., Moore McBride, A., & Ssewamala, F. (2003, January). Creating hope for the future: Building assets in low income households. Presented at the Society for Social Work Research, Washington, DC. |
2003 |
Sherraden, M. S., Williams, T., Moore McBride, A., & Ssewamala, F. (2003, February). Overcoming poverty: Supported saving as a household development strategy. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA. |
2002 |
Williams, T. (2002, February). The Homestead act and asset inequality. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Nashville, TN. |
2001 |
Davis, L., Saunders, J., Williams, T., & Williams, J. H. (2001, January). A longitudinal study of high school graduation among African-American youth. Presented at the Society for Social Work Research, Atlanta, GA. |
2001 |
Davis, L., Saunders, J., & Williams, T. (March, 2001). High school graduation among African American youth. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, Dallas, TX. |
2000 |
Davis, L., Miller-Cribbs, J., Johnson, S., Williams, J. H., Saunders, J., & Williams, T. (2000, January). Predicting academic success of African American high school students. Presented at the Society for Social Work Research, Charleston, SC. |
2000 |
Hodge, D., & Williams, T. (2000, March). Assessing African American spirituality with spiritual eco-maps. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education, New York, NY. |
2000 |
Williams, T. (2000, September). The Homestead Act: Our earliest national asset policy. Presented at the Inclusion in Asset Building: Research and Policy Symposium, St. Louis, MO. |