Debra K. Mattison, MSW '81, has extensive experience in providing clinical social work services as well as program planning in a variety of settings including cancer care, palliative care and integrated primary care, and private practice. Her professional interests have focused on oncology, chronic illness, grief and loss, palliative care, women’s health, interprofessional education, group work and spirituality in social work practice. She is a board certified oncology social worker and an Association of Oncology Social Work Fellow. Her published articles cover a variety of areas including professional standards and ethics, professional resilience, spirituality in social work practice and interprofessional education.
Mattison has received awards for her leadership and clinical practice, including Social Worker of the Year from the Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers.
Medical social work in a variety of settings (cancer care, palliative care and integrated primary care), integrated healthcare, chronic illness, grief and loss, interprofessional education and spirituality
Phone | Room | Address | |
[email protected] |
Year | Degree | School | |
1981 | MSW | Social Work | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
1979 | BA | University of Indiana, South Bend |
Year | Description |
2023 | Smith, L., Mattison, D., Anderson, O., Balzer, K., Trupiano, N. & Edwards, H. (2023). The new waveof IPE: Scaling strategies and impact. University of Michigan Health Professions Education (HPE) Day. |
2023 | Phanudulkitti, C. Mattison, D., Bavireddy, V. & Gross, Melissa (2023). The impact of course design, gender, and academic level on student responses to an introductory IPE experience. Collaboration Across Borders (CAB) Annual Conference: Hope and Trust in Health Care, |
2023 | Farris, K., Anderson, O., Balzer, K., Bishop, T., Edwards, H., Fitzgerald, M., Mattison, D., Rulli, D., & Smith, L. (2023). Patient evaluations of interprofessional student healthcare teams: Opportunity to rate teams is variable while participation is positive. Nexus Summit 2023: Working Together for Impact. |
2023 | Mattison, D. & Irish, K. (2023). Forgiveness: Exploring its power and complexities. Association of Oncology Social Workers Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. |
2023 | Mattison, D., Smith, L. & Bishop, T. 2023). Innovations in IPE faculty recruitment, engagement, and retention. Collaborating Across Borders (CAB) VIII Conference. Oral Presentation. |
2023 | Mattison, D., Smith, L. & Bishop, T. (2023). The team that “teams” together, stays together: Balancing transactional and relational teamwork. Collaborating Across Borders (CAB) VIII Conference. Oral Presentation. |
2023 | Smith, L., Edwards, H., Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M., Anderson, O., Blazer, K., Bishop, T., Rulli, D., & Mattison, D. (2023). Early experiential interprofessional offerings: Innovation in scaling and sustainability. Nexus Summit 2023: Working Together for Impact |
2022 | Anderson, O., Mattison, D., Trupiano, N., Bishop, T., Balzer, K., Patterson, V. & Smith, L. (2022). Awareness of social and environmental factors of healthcare through patient-centered experiential IPE in early health professional learners. National Academies of Practice Annual Meeting & Forum: Promoting diversity, resilience and interprofessional collaboration in education, practice and research. San Diego, CA. |
2022 | Mattison, D., Balzer, K., Anderson, O., Bishop, T., Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M., Patterson, V., Rulli, D., Trupiano, N. & Smith, L. (2022). Putting the patient at the center of IPE learning and evaluation. University of Michigan, Heath Professions Education Day, April 5, 2022. Poster Presentation. |
2022 | Mattison, D., Anderson, O., Bishop, T., Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M., Trupiano, N. Ursuy, P. & Smith, L. (2022). Dipping your toes in the water: A low-stakes, experiential strategy to recruit and engage faculty in interprofessional education, Nexus 2022 Summit, Minneapolis, MN |
2022 | Mattison, D. & Blackburn, S. (2022). Embracing brokenness and reclaiming life: Wabi sabi and kintsugi in oncology social work practice. Association of Oncology Social Work 2022 Annual Conference. |
2022 | Mattison, D. (2022). The hurried life: Time may not be the problem or the solution. Association of Oncology Social Work 2022 Annual Conference. |
2022 | Farris, K., Anderson, O., Balzer, K., Bishop, T., Fitzgerald, M., Mattison, D., Patterson V., Smith, L., & Ursuy, P. Introductory, experiential, inter-professional education (IPE) teams: concordance in ratings of team performance by students, patients and faculty experts. Nexus Summit. |
2022 | Mattison, D., Anderson, O. , Bishop, T., Farris, B., Fitzgerald, M. Trupiano,, N., Ursuy, P., Smith, L. (2022). Dipping your toes in the water: A low-stakes, experiential strategy to recruit and engage faculty in interprofessional education. Nexus Summit. |
2022 | Anderson, O., Rulli, D., Smith, L. Ascalera-Torres, A., Patterson, V., Mattison, D., Balzer, K., Bishop, T., Fitzgerald, M., Ursuy, P. & Farris, K. Engaging early health profession students with real patients develops awareness of social determinants of health and biases. Nexus Summit. |
2022 | Bishop, T., Smith, L., Anderson, O., Ursuy, P. Trupiano, N., & Mattison, D. (2022). Fostering an interprofessional learning community of scholars: A model for contemporary faculty and system partners development. Nexus Summit |
2021 | Mattison, D., Anderson, O., Balzer, K., Bishop, T. , Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M., Patterson, V., Phanudulkitti, C., Rulli, D. Trupiano, N. and Smith, L. (2021). Longitudinal Interprofessional Family-Based Experience (LIFE). University of Michigan, Heath Professions Education Day, |
2021 | Smith, L. Mattison, D., Balzer, K., Bishop, T., Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M., Gross, M., Rulli, D., Patterson, V., Phanudulkitti, C., Trupiano, N. & Anderson, O. Virtual longitudinal interprofessional family-based experience: Model framework with learner & patient outcomes. NEXUS Summit 2021. |
2021 | Smith L., Mattison, D. Balzer, K. Bishop, T., Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M. Gross, M. Rulli, D. Patterson, V. Phanudulkitti, C., Trupiano, N., & Anderson, O. (2021). Longitudinal Interprofessional FamilyBased Experience (LIFE) – A Framework for virtual experiential introductory learning. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center |
2021 | Anderson, O., Mattison, D., Fitzgerald, M., & Smith, L. (2021). An experiential IPE opportunity to expose students to the social and environmental complexities of healthcare. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center Annual Conference. |
2021 | Mattison, D., Balzer, K., Trupiano, N., Smith, L. (2021). Putting the patient in IPE: Use of patient experience advisors in experiential learning. Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center Annual Conference. |
2021 | Bishop, T. Smith, L.& Mattison, D. (2021). Creative strategies for virtual “teamness” during a pandemic: Innovative adventure/experiential learning approaches in virtual introductory experiential IPE. NEXUS Summit 2021. |
2021 | Mattison D. , Balzer K, Trupiano N, Smith L, Anderson O, Fitzgerald M, Bishop T, Farris K, Patterson V, Rulli D. (2021). Putting the patient in IPE: Engaging patient advisors in experiential IPE learning and evaluation. NEXUS Summit 2021. |
2020 | Phanudulkitti, C., Farris, K., Anderson, O., Bavireddy, V., Fitzgerald, M., Mattison, D., Patterson, V., Smith, L., Ursey, P. & Gross, M. (2020). Cohort differences in the impact of an online introductory experience on student attitudes about interprofessional education. Nexus Summit 2020 Virtual: Retaining the Vital Focus on the Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment |
2020 | Mattison, D. (2020). Forgiveness: Exploring its power and complexities. Association of Oncology Social Work 2020 Virtual Conference presentation. |
2019 | Williams, B., Fischer, D., Khang, E., Kuzma, E., Mattison, D., Reid, K., Rye, H., Stanley, E., & Thompson, A. (2019, April). Caring for complex, underserved patients: Interprofessional education and care where it matters most [Poster presentation]. Health Professions Education Day Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. |
2019 | Mattison, D. & Millard, A. (2019). Boundary violations: Sorting out the shades of gray. Association of Oncology Social Work 35th Annual Conference. Tuscon, AZ |
2019 | Mattison, D. (2019). Assessment: it’s our bread and butter, so do it well! Association of Oncology Social Work 35th Annual Conference. Tuscon, AZ |
2019 | Gross, M., Anderson, L., Daniels,T., Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M. Goa, M., Mattison, D., Moore, L., Najjar, G., Patterson, V., Ursuy, P. & Smith, L. (2019). A One-two punch: Introducing students to IPE with an online module followed by a face-to-face event. American Interprofessional Health Collaborative in partnership with the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative. Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference |
2019 | Najjar, G., Daniels,T., Farris, K., Gross, M.,. Mattison, D., Patterson, V., Smith, L., Ursuy, P. & Fitzgerald, M. (2019). Faculty perceptions of interprofessional education experience: A qualitative analysis of “IPE in action” event education. American Interprofessional Health Collaborative in partnership with the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative. Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference. |
2019 | Smith, L., Mattison, D., Anderson, L., Daniels, T., Farris, K., Fitzgerald, M., Gao, M., Moore, L., Najjar, G., Patterson, V., Ursuy, P. (2019). From a classroom to an arena: Lessons learned from a large scale foundational IPE event. American Interprofessional Health Collaborative in partnership with the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative. Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference. |
2019 | Mattison, D. (2019). Oncology social work skill building: A day to learn, reflect and renew. Georgia Social Work Oncology Group. Fall Conference September 9, 2019. Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta, GA. 8 hour training. Invited Faculty |
2019 | Mattison, D. (2019). Spirituality matters: Integrating spiritual assessment and intervention in oncology social work practice. Association of Oncology Social Work National Webinar, Invited Faculty. |
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106