This 13-week course presents advanced knowledge and skills essential to providing effective school social work interventions. Students will learn to identify, select, and apply evidence-based prevention and intervention methods for use with individuals, groups, families, school personnel, and communities to enhance student learning, development, and school success. You will practice skills that advance social justice and educational access, trauma-informed practice models, positive behavior supports for school-wide programs and individuals, crisis prevention, planning and intervention, and behavior intervention planning; mediation, conflict resolution, and collaborative problem-solving methods. Specific interventions to support students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, emotional impairments and other disabilities covered under the Individuals with Disability Education Act will be incorporated. Ways to promote family engagement and collaboration will be explored. Skills to enhance collaboration and consultation between teachers, families, and other school personnel will be addressed. School social worker intervention methodologies will include ways to promote human rights and educational access, fostering school climates that are inviting, supportive, and inclusive of diversity. You will acquire the skills needed to effectively practice as a school social worker to enhance student learning and achievement.
Content in this course includes multi-tiered practice methodologies that promote socio-emotional and academic success. Interdisciplinary approaches designed to strengthen individuals, groups, and families within larger social contexts such as the school and community will be presented. Methods that increase student and family access to education and educational resources will be explored. School-wide interventions such as the implementation of positive behavioral supports, restorative practices, family engagement, inter-group dialogue, positive conflict resolution skills, and coordination and collaboration with youth-serving agencies in the community will be discussed. Effective classroom-wide, small group, and individual interventions will be practiced.
Note: This semester course, in conjunction with School Social Work Interventions (SW626), is intended to help professionals meet the Michigan school social worker requirements. Participants will be enrolled in this course alongside MSW degree seeking students. Participants who successfully complete both school social work courses will meet the required academic competencies for practice as a social worker in Michigan. Participants will need to earn a B or higher score on all required assignments, attend all live course sessions, and view all required recorded content. These courses also award continuing education hours to participants who meet the course requirements.
Conduct assessment of the impacts of trauma.
Use crisis prevention, planning, and intervention practices.
Apply trauma informed practices.
Promote positive behavior support for prevention and intervention.
Apply interventions that promote social justice.
Promote access to education.
Apply proven tools and methodologies to provide mental health supports and interventions.
Use data to guide service delivery to students with disabilities.
Identify evidence-based interventions for mental health support in school settings.
Use evidence-based interventions.
Evaluate their own practice regularly to improve and expand services.
Evaluate the effectiveness of programs and services provided as indicated on IEP/IFSP.
Define "target" behaviors.
Conduct functional behavior assessments.
Develop behavior intervention plans.
Deliver services to students/families with multicultural awareness and competence.
Facilitate and coordinate student access to community resources.
Facilitate and coordinate family access to medical health, mental health, social services, and other community resources.
Identify methods to analyze and influence school agencies at local, state, and federal levels.
Advocate at local, state, and federal levels to maximize student success.
Apply principles of social justice to school-based practice.
Promote collaboration among school personnel and other community agencies.
Conduct a self-assessment related to privilege, oppression, diversity, and social justice.
Critique and brainstorm strategies to for using resources from other professions in school social work practice.
Develop a SMART social-emotional/behavioral IEP goal based on a provided PLAAFP statement to address a student's specific needs and monitor progress.
Develop an understanding of Tier 3 interventions for students with emotional impairment and apply evidence-based strategies to support them.
Design and implement evidence-based interventions tailored to students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that enhance social, adaptive, and academic outcomes while mitigating risks in school settings.
Implement data-driven approaches to monitor student progress and adjust intervention strategies.
Reflect on personal biases and professional boundaries to ensure culturally responsive practice.
Determine empirically supported, culturally relevant, evidence-based prevention and intervention methods effective for use with individuals, groups, families, school personnel, and communities to enhance student learning, development, and school success
Assess factors that promote positive school climate and culture of belonging among students, families, and school personnel.
Evaluate effectiveness of programs and services available to students, families, and schools.