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Empowering Excellence: Unlocking Potential Through Strengths-based Supervision


A strengths-based approach to supervising child welfare workers sets the tone for a supportive work environment that values and builds on the competencies of staff, enhances problem-solving skills, promotes resilience and prevents burn-out. The strengths-based supervision approach supports the implementation of family-centered practice, modeling and reinforcing the same principles caseworkers use with families to explore family strengths and resources. This approach to supervision creates a supportive environment that nurtures the resilience of both workers and by extension, the families they support. The course equips child welfare supervisors with the knowledge, skills, and tools to implement a strengths-based approach to supervision. Participants will learn how to apply strengths-based principles to support, develop, and empower their staff while promoting positive outcomes for children and families.


in-service training webinar (synchronous interactive)


  • 5/2/2025 1:00 PM to 4:15 PM ET

CE Contact Hours

  • 3 regular live interactive online


U-M School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

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