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Intergenerational Lifecourse Perspectives on Risk and Protective Factors of Child Abuse and Violence


This comprehensive course delves into the intricate dynamics of child abuse and various forms of violence through an intergenerational lifecourse lens. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the multifaceted factors that contribute to these issues, along with effective assessment and intervention strategies for child welfare workers. With a strong commitment to creating positive change, this course equips learners with the knowledge and tools to make a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children and families.

To ensure a thorough understanding of the course material, participants will be evaluated through a combination of assessments, including case studies and scenario-based assessments that require the application of knowledge and skills in real-life situations. Group discussions will encourage critical thinking, collaboration, and commitment.


in-service training webinar (synchronous interactive)


  • 5/3/2024 9:00 AM to 12:15 PM ET

CE Contact Hours

  • 3 regular live interactive online

Skill Level






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