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The Calm After the Storm: Exploring How Our Nervous Systems Cope with the Pandemic, and How We Move Forward


This workshop will discuss the biological responses to the elevated stress that is a result of the covid-19 pandemic and other collective traumas. We will discuss different coping strategies and why some members of the community were able to manage better than others.

A portion of the workshop will be devoted to discussing collective and cumulative trauma and how both can activate our threat response cycle. We will discuss how these invisible triggers affect our community, and how to identify and manage the feelings that arise in ourselves, our students, our clients, and/or our families as a response to global events. We will also spend time discussing techniques for self-regulation, and moving forward in a (post)pandemic world.
Disclaimer: Please be advised that in this workshop, we will be discussing difficult subject matter.


  • Hillary M. Baldwin-Steller
  • Ashlea Walton
webinar (synchronous interactive)


  • 11/3/2022 9:00 AM ET to 12:00 PM ET

CE Contact Hours

  • 2.5 regular live interactive online

Skill Level






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