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Adventure/Experiential-Based Therapy


This class will focus on the use of adventure-based activities in therapy with individuals, groups and families. Students will be introduced to adventure through readings, discussions, guest speakers and experiences. This one credit mini-course is designed to provide the student with a theoretical, philosophical and experiential understanding of adventure and experiential learning and its application to therapy. Course content includes the theoretical and philosophical foundations of adventure based practice, a discourse on the safe and appropriate use of adventure activities with different client groups, a demonstration on facilitating adventure activities, and use of adventure activities in assessment and intervention.

face-to-face semester course (mini-course)


  • 10/20/2018 9:00am-5:00pm
  • 10/27/2018 9:00am-5:00pm

CE Contact Hours

  • 14 regular face-to-face


University of Michigan School of Social Work
1080 South University Ave.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109



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