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PhD Research Publications

  1. Kyungeun Song
    Park, Gum-Ryeong., Song, Kyungeun & Kim, Jinho. (2025). How do family-friendly policies impact marital satisfaction: A mediation analysis of Korean working women. Journal of Family Issues, 0192513X251322149.
  2. Sunghyun HongIrene E. Routte
  3. Lauren White
  4. Kyungeun Song
    Song, K., Lee, M., & Kim, J. (2024). Double jeopardy: Exploring the moderating effects of educational mismatch in the relationship between work-family conflict and depressive symptoms among Korean working women. Social Science and Medicine, 116501.
  5. Manvinder K. Gill
  6. Anna Wood
  7. Anna Wood
  8. Sunghyun Hong
  9. Sunghyun Hong
  10. Subin Min
  11. Olivia D. Chang
  12. Olivia D. Chang
  13. Olivia D. Chang
  14. Olivia D. Chang
  15. Anna Wood
  16. Anna Wood
  17. Kari Sherwood
  18. Kari Sherwood
  19. Kari Sherwood
  20. Lauren White
  21. Yuliya A. Shyrokonis
  22. EB  Gross


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