The Promoting Action for Intersectional Social Justice (PRAXIS) committee seeks to act for justice by articulating definitions of social justice in micro, mezzo and macro contexts by developing and recommending goals for the School of Social Work. PRAXIS furthers justice and prevents and ameliorates injustice by identifying and applying emerging knowledge related to relevant justice goals and developing strategies that illuminate and alter/eliminate assumptions and practices that contribute to different mechanisms of oppression.
PRAXIS uses intersectionality frameworks, recognizing that systems of oppression and privilege interact producing different conditions in different contexts for those with different interacting positionalities (e.g. race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender and gender expression, socioeconomic class, religion, dis/ability status, age, and others).
PRAXIS conducts regular reviews of key aspects of the SSW including but not limited to: school climate and culture, relationships with larger environments, and current social conditions. PRAXIS works closely with the DEI Office and identifies key social justice priorities from year to year, and recommends ways for the SSW to achieve these goals and assess progress over time.
Contact: [email protected]
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106