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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Siefert, K. A., & Martin, L. (1988). Preventing black maternal mortality: A challenge for the 90's. Journal of Primary Prevention, 9(1/2), 57-65.
  2. Bloom, M., Siefert, K. A., & Akabas, S. (1988). Introduction to the special issue on prevention and women's concerns. Journal of Primary Prevention [Special Issue], 9(1/2), 3-5.
  3. Saunders, D. G. (1988). Issues in evaluating treatment programs for men who batter. In G. Hotaling, D. Finkelhor, R. Gelles, & M. Straus (Eds.), Coping with Family Violence: Research on Policy Perspectives. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  4. Lockery, S. A. (1988). Minority Aged and Income Policy Generations [Report], 12, 65-67.
  5. Jayaratne, S. D., Siefert, K., & Chess, W. A. (1988). Private and agency practitioners: Some data and observations. Social Service Review, 62, 324-336.
  6. Faller, K. C., & Duquette, D. N. (1988). Interdisciplinary teams in professional schools: A case study. In D. Bross, R. Krugman, M. Lenherr, D. A. Rosenberg, & B. Schmidt (Eds.), The New Child Protection Team Handbook. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.
  7. Faller, K. C. (1988). Criteria for judging the credibility of children's statements about their sexual abuse. Child Welfare, 67(5), 389-401.
  8. Faller, K. C. (1988). Decision-making in cases of intrafamilial child sexual abuse. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 58(1), 121-128.
  9. Faller, K. C. (1988). Child Sexual Abuse: An Interdisciplinary Manual for Diagnosis, Case Management, and Treatment. New York: Columbia University Press.
  10. Danziger, S. K., & Nichols-Casebolt, A. (1988). Teen parents and child support: Eligibility participation, and payment. Journal of Social Service Research, 11(2/3), 1-20.
  11. Root, L. S. (1988). Employee Benefits and the Elderly: Social Insurance in the U.S. Aging and the Welfare of the Aged. Gyonsan, Korea: Yeungnam University.
  12. Powell, T. J. (1988). [Review of the book Schizophrenia: Recent Biosocial Developments]. In C. N. Stefanis & A. D. Rabavilas (Eds.), Readings: A Journal of Reviews and Commentary in Mental Health, 3(3), 27.
  13. Fellin, P., & Powell, T. J. (1988). Mental Health Services and Older Adult Minorities: An Assessment. The Gerontologist, 28(40), 442-447.
  14. Kossoudji, S. A. (1988). English language ability and the labor market opportunities of Hispanic and East Asian immigrant men. Journal of Labor Economics, 6(2), 205-228.
  15. Kraus, C., & Rosenblum, L. (1988). Social work with the breast cancer patient. Breast Cancer: Collaborative Management. University of Michigan Department of Surgery.
  16. Goldman, K. (1988). [Review of the books The rise of the New York intellectuals and The New York Intellectuals]. American Jewish History 661-667.
  17. Checkoway, B. N. (1988). [Review of the book Detroit: Race and uneven development]. Detroit Free Press 7B.
  18. Checkoway, B. N., & Gutierrez, L. (1988). [Review of the book The New Populism: The Politics of Empowerment]. Community Development Journal, 23(2), 131-132.
  19. Checkoway, B. N., & Niebanck, P. (1988). Preparing leadership for the twenty-first century:Report of the Santa Cruz Conference on Planning Education. Journal of Planning Research and Education, 7(2), 121-124.
  20. Checkoway, B. N., & Minkler, M. (1988). Ten principles for geriatric health promotion. Health Promotion, 3(3), 277-285.
  21. Checkoway, B. N., Freeman, H., & Hovaguimian, T. (1988). Community initiatives to improve health of the elderly. Danish Medical Bulletin, 6, 30-35.
  22. Alvarez, A. G. & Alvarez, A. R. (1988). Outdoor Adventure Program: Building Skills and Trust.
  23. Englehardt, J., Videka-Sherman, L. & Kippert, J. (1987). Social characteristics as predictors of hospital stay under DRG reimbursement. Report to the Albany Veterans' Administration Medical Center.
  24. Videka-Sherman, L. (1987). Research on the impact of parental bereavement: Implications for social work intervention. Social Service Review, 61(1), 102-116.
  25. Faller, K. C. (1987). Women who sexually abuse children. Violence and Victims, 2(4), 263-276.


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