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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Kossoudji, S. A., & Danziger, S. (1995). When welfare ends: Subsistence strategies of former GA recipients. Monograph and Report.
  2. Mor, J., Alexander, G., Kogan, M., Kieffer, E., & Ichiho, H. (1995). Similarities and disparities in maternal risk and birth outcome of White and Japanese-American mothers. Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 9, 59-73.
  3. Mor, J., Alexander, G., Kogan, M., Kieffer, E., & Hulsey, T. (1995). Determinants of prenatal care utilization in Hawaii: implications for health promotion. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 11, 79-85.
  4. Kieffer, E., Alexander, G., & Mor, J. (1995). Nativity and infant feeding patterns among Filipino women in Hawaii. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 141, 263-272.
  5. Goldberg, D., Novotny, R., Kieffer, E., Mor, J., & Thiele, M. (1995). Complementary feeding and ethnicity of infants in Hawaii. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 95(9), 1029-1031.
  6. Ruffolo, M. (1995). Evaluating multiple family group psychoeducational intervention with parent of child with SED. NIMH R29 Grant Progress Report: Year 1.
  7. Checkoway, B. (1995). Adults as Allies. Battle Creek: W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
  8. Galura, J. (1995). Making connections: Reflections from Project Community alumni. In Galura, J., J. Howard, D. Waterhouse, and R. Ross (Eds.), Praxis III: Voices in Dialogue. Ann Arbor: OCSL Press.
  9. Galura, J., & Choi, J. (1995). Do we make a difference? Reviewing student mentors' five years with Wayne Youth Assistance. In Galura, J., J. Howard, D. Waterhouse, and R. Ross (Eds.), Praxis III: Voices in Dialogue. Ann Arbor: OCSL Press.
  10. Galura, J., Rautbort, S., & Thomas, D. (1995). Popping Initiatives at Maxey Green Oaks Center. In Galura, J., J. Howard, D. Waterhouse, and R. Ross (Eds.), Praxis III: Voices in Dialogue. Ann Arbor: OCSL Press.
  11. Galura, J., & Birmingham, W. (1995). Creating Spaces at Western Wayne Correctional Facility: A Round Table Discussion Featuring Prison Staff, Inmates and UM Community Service Learners. In Galura, J., J. Howard, D. Waterhouse, and R. Ross (Eds.), Praxis III: Voices in Dialogue. Ann Arbor: OCSL Press.
  12. Galura, J., & Hasso, F. (1995). Praxis and Coordinator Training. In Galura, J., J. Howard, D. Waterhouse, and R. Ross (Eds.), Praxis III: Voices in Dialogue. Ann Arbor: OCSL Press.
  13. Zebrack, B., & Anduri, J. (1995). Men's survivorship. Illness, Crises and Loss, 5(1), 92-94.
  14. Goldman, K. (1995). Not simple arithmetic. Shofar, 14(1), 108-112.
  15. Goldman, K. (1995). Judaism. In R. W. Fox & J. Kloppenberg (Eds.), A Companion to American Thought 288-291. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.
  16. Ellmer, R., Lein, L., & Hormuth, P. (1995). Coordinated services for children's mental health: A process evaluation. Journal of Mental Health Administration, 22(4), 346-357.
  17. Penzerro, R. M., & Lein, L. (1995). Burning their bridges: Disordered attachment and foster care discharge. Child Welfare, 74(2), 351-366.
  18. Danziger, S. K., & Kossoudji, S. A. (1994/1995). What happened to General Assistance recipients in Michigan? Focus, 16(2), 32-34. Madison, WI: Institute for Research on Poverty.
  19. Videka-Sherman, L. & Greene, R. (1994). Regionalization in social services: An interim report. Report to the New York State Department of Social Services.
  20. Allen-Meares, P. (1994). [Review of the book Child Mental Health in the 1990s: Curriculum for Graduate and Undergraduate Professional Education, Harriette C. Johnson, Ed.]. Social Work, 39(5), 611-612.
  21. Yoshihama, M. (1994). Sexual harassment and the continuum of violence against women: Women's subjective experiences. In H. Kanegae & Y. Hirose (Eds.), The Problem of Sexual Harassment 143-170. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.
  22. Hattori, N., Kaino, T., Tsunoda, Y., Naito, K., Hada, A., & Harada, E. (1994). Otto kara tsuma eno boryoku: Koninkankei no naigaide [A study on husbands' (boyfriends') violence in Japan: Preliminary findings]. Joseigaku Kenkyu [Japanese Journal of Women's Studies], 3, 122-139.
  23. Yoshihama, M. (1994). Responding to domestic violence: The U.S. experience. Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies and Drug Dependence, 11(3), 181-192.
  24. Saunders, D. G. (1994). Posttraumatic stress symptom profiles of battered women: A comparison of survivors in two settings. Violence and Victims, 9(1), 31-44.
  25. Saunders, D. G. (1994). Helping battered women in child custody disputes. Violence Update, 5(3), 4.


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