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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Goldman, K. (2007). Simon, Carrie Obendorfer. Encyclopedia Judaica (2nd ed.). 18, 610-611. Thomson Gale's Macmillan Reference USA.
  2. Goldman, K. (2007). The American Jewess. Encyclopedia Judaica (2nd ed.). 2, 53. Thomson Gale's Macmillan Reference USA.
  3. Goldman, K. (2007). Women in Reform Judaism: Between rhetoric and reality. In R. Prell & D. Weinburg (Eds.), Women Remaking American Judaism (pp. 109-133). Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.
  4. Goldman, K. (2007). The limits of imagination: White Christian civilization and the construction of American Jewish womanhood in the 1890s. In J. Wertheimer (Ed.), Imagining the American Jewish Community 191-211. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press.
  5. Lein, L. (2007). [Review of the book Ordinary poverty: A little food and cold storage]. Contemporary Sociology, 36(1), 44-45.
  6. Angel, R. J., Angel, J. L., & Lein, L. (2007). The health-care safety net for Mexican-origin families. In D. R. Crane & T. B. Heaton (Eds.), Handbook of Families and Poverty 395-410. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  7. Lein, L., & Schexnayder, D. (with Douglas, K., & Schroeder., D.). (2007). Life After Welfare: Reform and the Persistence of Poverty. University of Texas Press.
  8. Allen-Meares, P. (2006, August). What it will take to make affirmative action unnecessary. The Michigan Prospect.
  9. Allen-Meares, P. (2006, April 25). Social Katrinas threaten to overwhelm society's under-funded levees. Detroit News.
  10. Allen-Meares, P., Gant, L., & Proctor, M. (2006, April). Community Building Partnership for Selected Detroit Communities: Six Month Progress Report. Detroit: Skillman Foundation.
  11. Wexler, L. (2006). Learning resistance: Inupiat and the US Bureau of Education, 1885-1906 - Deconstructing assimilation strategies and implications for today. Journal of American Indian Education, 45(1), 17-34.
  12. Wexler, L. (2006). Inupiat youth suicide and culture loss: Changing community conversations. Social Science and Medicine, 63(11), 2938-2948.
  13. Wexler, L. & Goodwin, B. (2006). Youth and adult community member beliefs about Inupiat youth suicide and prevention. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 65(5), 28-38.
  14. Perone, A. K. (2006). Unchain my heart: Slavery as a defense to the dismantling of the Violence Against Women Act. Hastings Women's Law Journal, 17, 115-140.
  15. Zullo, R. (2006). [Review of the book The Fox in the Henhouse: How Privatization Threatens Democracy by Si Kahn and Elizabeth Minnic]. Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society, 9(3), 379-381.
  16. Zullo, R. (2006). Labor law, gompersism, and reflections on the strategy and tactics of the U.S. labor movement. A Study on Labor-Management Relations Under an Environment of Plural Unions (pp. 129-157). Seoul, Korea: Korea Labor Institute.
  17. Ness, I., & Zullo, R. (2006). Race and privatization and the working conditions of low-wage health care laborers. In M. Marable, I. Ness, & J. Wilson (Eds.), Race and Labor Matters in the New U.S. Economy (pp. 165-173). Landham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
  18. Zullo, R. (2006). Is social service contracting coercive, competitive, or collaborative? Evidence from the case allocation patterns of child protection services. Administration in Social Work, 30(3), 25-42.
  19. Zullo, R. (2006). Public-private contracting and political reciprocity. Political Research Quarterly, 59(2), 273-281.
  20. Zullo, R. (2006). Union cities and voter turnout. Labor and Employment Relations Association Proceedings of the Fifty-Eighth Meeting, January, 193-205.
  21. Herrenkohl, T. I., Hill. K. G., Hawkins, J. D., Chung, I. J., & Nagin, D. S. (2006). Developmental trajectories of family management and risk for violent behavior in adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39(2), 206-213.
  22. Bauer, N. S., Herrenkohl, T. I., Lozano, P., Rivara, F. P. Hill, K. G., & Hawkins, J. D. (2006). Childhood bullying involvement and exposure to intimate partner violence. Pediatrics, 118, 235-242.
  23. Hemphill, S. A., Toumbourou, J. W., Herrenkohl, T. I., McMorris, B. J., & Catalano, R. F. (2006). The effect of school suspensions and arrests on subsequent adolescent antisocial behavior in Australia and the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39(5), 736-744.
  24. Whitney, S. D. Tajima, E. A., & Herrenkohl, T. I. (2006). Defining child abuse: Exploring variations in ratings of discipline severity among child welfare professionals. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 23(3), 316-342.
  25. Magaña S & Smith M. J. (2006). Psychological distress and well-being of Latina and non-Latina white mothers of youth and adults with an autism spectrum disorder: Cultural attitudes towards co-residence status. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 76, 346-357.


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