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A Needs Assessment to Adapt the YBMen Project for Adolescents in Detroit

December 2018 - April 2019

The purpose of this MBK Detroit Innovation Challenge project is to (1) adapt the Young Black Men, Masculinities, and Mental Health (YBMen) project for Black boys in Detroit and then (2) evaluate the short- and intermediate-term effects of the intervention on participants’ mental health, definitions of manhood, and social support. For the launch phase of the idea, success will be determined based on our ability to assemble the launch team, recruit fifteen 11 to 17- year- old Black boys (e.g., Community Advisory Board [CAB] members) to work with us during the launch period, and successfully hold meetings with our CAB to collect information about 11 to 17- year- old Black boys living in Detroit. Once these aims are achieved, the launch team will work with the CAB to ensure our targeting efforts align with the adaptation and implementation goals of the YBMen Project in Detroit.

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