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DEI Welcome Letter

Dear Social Work Community,

Welcome! We invite you to DREAM with us. Our office has a commitment to lead with Diversity, Raise up Equity and Advance Maximum inclusion.

The field of social work is rooted in principles of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice. These values are embedded in the professional ethics of the National Association of Social Workers and the International Federation of Social Workers. They guide us in our mission to work toward a society that centers equity and justice for all.

The vision of a socially just society begins with a DREAM and the journey is ongoing. To make the DREAM a reality requires the collective contributions of our community. Please review our latest DEI 2.0 Strategic Plan, which outlines strategies that will guide us through 2028.

We invite you to visit our office on the second floor of the School of Social Work to connect with us and learn more about how we can work together. We hope you will share in our DREAM, because together we can reach out, raise hope and change society.

In solidarity,


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