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Peace Corps Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program

The University of Michigan School of Social Work (U-M SSW) in conjunction with the Peace Corps is pleased to offer a Coverdell Fellows Program. The Coverdell Fellows Program provides Returned Peace Corps Volunteers the opportunity to earn a Master in Social Work at the University of Michigan.

Qualified incoming Returned Peace Corps Volunteers* pursuing the On Campus MSW Program or Online MSW Program are welcome to apply to the Coverdell Fellows Scholarship.

*See the Eligibility tab below for more information on the various types of Peace Corps service that qualify.

If you have questions please contact the Office of Global Activities at (734) 936-1964 or [email protected]

Learn more about our current Coverdell Fellows »


Returned Peace Corps Volunteers that meet one of the criteria below are eligible to apply for the School of Social Work Coverdell Fellows Program

  1. Peace Corps Volunteers who complete the full two-year tour of Peace Corps service or are otherwise given "completion of service" (COS) status
  2. Peace Corps Volunteers who are medically separated
  3. Peace Corps Volunteers who are given "interrupted service" status because of circumstances beyond their control
  4. Peace Corps Response or Global Health Services Partnership Volunteers who complete twelve months of service within a twenty-four month period

Two-year Volunteers who resign or are administratively separated are not eligible for Coverdell Fellows unless they had already earned eligibility through a previous Peace Corps tour.


The Coverdell Fellows Scholarship is a need-based award for incoming On Campus MSW students and Online MSW students. Funding is limited.

  • Resident (45 credit hour schedules): $18,000  (total aid)

  • Resident (60 credit hour schedules): $24,000 (total aid)

  • Non Resident (45 credit hour schedules): $36,000  (total aid)

  • Non Resident (60 credit hour schedules): $48,000 (total aid)

Fee Waiver

  • Returning Peace Corps Volunteers applying to be a Coverdell Fellow are eligible for an application fee waiver.
  • If you are applying for the Coverdell Fellows Scholarship, please answer “yes” to the question, “Do you plan to apply to an SSW Special Program?” found on the Financial Assistance page of the MSW application and then select the Coverdell Fellows Scholarship checkbox. The Coverdell Fellows Scholarship application page will be added to the end of your MSW application. You will need to enter in your dates of service and upload your Description of Service on the Coverdell Fellows Scholarship application page. If you do not have a DOS because you are currently serving in the Peace Corps, please ask your country director or program manager for a brief letter verifying your status as a Peace Corps Volunteer. This letter may be uploaded in place of the DOS. You will be able to submit your MSW application without paying the application fee.
  • Unfortunately application fee refunds are not available once an applicant has paid the application fee. Please contact [email protected] if you are applying for the Coverdell Scholarship and are prompted to pay an application fee.

Application Process

  • All Returned Peace Corp Volunteers who meet the eligibility requirements are invited to apply.
  • RPCVs applying to the Coverdell Fellows Scholarship are eligible for an MSW application fee waiver. If you are applying for the Coverdell Fellows Scholarship, please answer “yes” to the question, “Do you plan to apply to an SSW Special Program?” found on the Financial Assistance page of the MSW application and then select the Coverdell Fellows Scholarship checkbox. The Coverdell Fellows Scholarship application page will be added to the end of your MSW application. You will need to enter in your dates of service and upload your Description of Service on the Coverdell Fellows Scholarship application page. If you do not have a DOS because you are currently serving in the Peace Corps, please ask your country director or program manager for a brief letter verifying your status as a Peace Corps Volunteer. This letter may be uploaded in place of the DOS.
  • Application deadlines: March 1 (priority deadline), June 1. Selection of applicants will be made from all dates with priority given to those applicants that meet the March deadline.

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