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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Pirl, B., Greer, J., Park, E., Safren, S., Fields, L., Wood, L., Traeger, L., El_Jawahri, A., Zebrack, B., & Temel, J. (2017). Development and evaluation of a six-day training program in supportive oncology research. Palliative and Supportive Care, 16(6), 656-661.
  2. Klika, B., Trautman, A., Stiles, E., & Herrenkohl, T. I. (2017). Child maltreatment. In Huebner, B. M. (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press.
  3. Cambron, C., Kosterman, R., Catalano, R. F., Guttmannova, K, Herrenkohl, T. I., Hill, K. G., & Hawkins, J. D. (2017). The role of self-regulation in academic and behavioral paths to a high school diploma. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 3, 304-325.
  4. Cόrdova, D., Mendoza Lua, F., Ovadje, L., Hong, E., Castillo, B., & Salas-Wright, C. P. (2017). Randomized controlled trials of technology-based HIV/STI and drug abuse preventive interventions for African American and Hispanic youth: A systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research Public Health and Surveillance, 13, e96.
  5. Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Meca, A., Piña-Watson, B., Zamboanga, B., Szapocznik, J., Cano, M. A., Córdova, D., Unger, J. B., Romero, A., Des Rosiers, S. E., Soto, D. W., Villamar, J. A., Pattarroyo, M., Lizzi, K. M., & Schwartz, S. J. (2017). Longitudinal trajectories of family functioning among recent immigrant adolescents and parents: Links with adolescent and parent cultural stress, emotional well-being, and behavioral health. Child Development.
  6. Gonzales-Backen, M. A., Meca, A., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Des Rosiers, S. E., Cόrdova, D., Soto, D. W., Cano, M. A., Oshri, A., Zamboanga, B. L., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Schwartz, S. J., Szapocznik, J., & Unger, J. B. (2017). Examining the temporal order of ethnic identity and perceived discrimination among Hispanic immigrant adolescents. Developmental Psychology.
  7. Gonzales-Backen, M. A., Meca, A., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Des Rosiers, S. E., Cόrdova, D., Soto, D. W., Cano, M. A., Oshri, A., Zamboanga, B. L., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Schwartz, S. J., Szapocznik, J., & Unger, J. B. (2017). Examining the temporal order of ethnic identity and perceived discrimination among Hispanic immigrant adolescents. Developmental Psychology.
  8. Faller, K. C. (2017). The witch-hunt narrative: Introduction and overview. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32(6), 784-804.
  9. Voshel, Betsy. (2017). Reflections on an influential career. The Field Educator Journal, Volume 7.2. Simmons School of Social Work, Boston, MA.
  10. Mattis, J. S., Powell, W., Grayman, N. A., Murray, Y., Cole-Lewis, Y. C., & Goodwill, J. R. (2017). What would I know about mercy? Faith and optimistic expectancies among African Americans. Race and Social Problems, 9(1), 42-51.
  11. Lee, J. S., Tajima, E. A., Herrenkohl, T. I., & Hong, S. (2017). Effects of formal and informal deviant labels in adolescence on crime in adulthood. Social Work Research, 41(2), 97-110.
  12. Mason, W. A., Russo, M. J., Chmelka, M. B., Herrenkohl, R. C., & Herrenkohl, T. I. (2017). Parent and peer pathways linking childhood experiences of abuse with marijuana use in adolescence and adulthood. Addictive Behaviors, 66, 70-75.
  13. Storer, H. L., Casey, E. R., & Herrenkohl, T. I. (2017). Developing whole school bystander interventions: The role of school- settings in influencing adolescents responses to dating violence and bullying. Children and Youth Services Review, 74, 87-95.
  14. Casey, E. R., Storer, H. L., & Herrenkohl, T. I. (2017). Mapping a continuum of adolescent helping" and bystander behavior within the context of dating violence and bullying. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
  15. Herrenkohl, T. I. (2017). Toward a comprehensive policy to reduce disparities in youth violence. American Journal of Public Health, 107(6), 829-830.
  16. Williams, M., Taylor, R. J., Himle, J. A., & Chatters, L. M. (2017). Demographic and health-related correlates of obsessive-compulsive symptoms among African Americans. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 14, 119-116.
  17. Delva, J. & Ruffolo, M. (2017). Innovations in MSW education and training for practice in integrated care environments. Journal of Social Work Education, S1-S4.
  18. Mattison, D., Weaver, A., Zebrack, B., Fischer, D., & Dubin L. (2017). Educating social workers for practice in integrated health care: A model implemented within a graduate social work program. Journal of Social Work Education, 53, S72-S86.
  19. Gerlach, L., Kavanagh, J., Watkins, D., Chiang, C., Kim, H., & Kales, H. (2017). With a little help from my friends?: Racial and gender differences in the role of social support in later-life depression medication adherence. International Psychogeriatrics, 1-9.
  20. Richards-Schuster, K, & Timmermans, B. (2017). Conceptualizing the role of adults within youth adult partnerships: An example from practice. Children and Youth Service Review, 81, 284-292.
  21. Lapidos, A., Shaefer, L. & Gwozdek, A. (2017). Factors Associated with Appointment-Keeping in a University Dental Clinic System: Toward Practice-Based Population Health. Public Health.
  22. Seefeldt, K. S. (2017). Serving No One Well: TANF Nearly Twenty Years Later. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 44(2), 3-28.
  23. Videka, L., Ohta, B., Blackburn, A. M., Luce, V., & Morton, P. (2017). Integrated health care roles for social workers. In V. Stanhope and S. L. A. Straussner (Eds.), Social Work and Integrated Care. New York: Oxford University Press.
  24. Newman, T. J., Alvarez, A. G., & Kim, M. (2017). An experiential approach to sport for youth development. Journal of Experiential Education, 40(3), 308-322.
  25. Karoff, M., Tucker, A., Alvarez, A. G., & Kovacs, P. (2017). Infusing a peer-to-peer support program with adventure therapy for adolescent students with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Experiential Education.


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