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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Anderson, R. E., Peterson, Z. D., Canan, S. N. Abbey, A., McCauley, H., Orchowski, L. M., Fedina, L., Littleton, H., & Koss, M. P. (in press). Words can Hurt: A taxonomy of verbally coercive sexual exploitation in the SES-V. Journal of Sex Research.
  2. Diamond-Berry, K., Nenide, L., & Paradis, N. (in press). Infant Mental Health Theoretical Foundations. In Nenide, L.S., Sweeney, K., Corso, R., Costa, G. and Horen, N.M. (Eds.). Two Perspectives, One Child: Unifying the Pyramid Model and Infant Mental Health. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
  3. Willis, D., Johnson, K., & Paradis, N. (in press). Early Relational Health. In J. Osofsky & H. Fitzgerald (Eds.). World Association for Infant Mental Health Handbook of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.
  4. Meuwissen, M., Shea, S. E., Eaves, T., Parker, A., Barron, C. C., & Paradis, N. (in press). Reflective supervision: The state of the field and future directions. In J. Osofsky & H. Fitzgerald (Eds.). World Association for Infant Mental Health Handbook of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.
  5. Cross, F. L., Bares, C. B., Wood, A. L., & Lucio, J. (in press). Adverse childhood experiences and tobacco use among Latinx parents in the United States. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.
  6. Kynn, J., Kattari, L., & Pfeffer, C. A. (in press). Queer. In A. E. Goldberg (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies. SAGE.
  7. Pfeffer, C. A. & Kynn, J. (in press). Sexualities. In A. E. Goldberg (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies (2nd ed.). SAGE.
  8. Pfeffer, C. A. & Kynn, J. (in press). Division of Labor. In A. E. Goldberg (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies (2nd ed.). SAGE.
  9. Zebrack, B., Ellis, K., & Doherty, M. (in press). Beyond Distress Screening: The Future of Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care. In Hedlund, Christ, Messner (Eds), Oncology and Palliative Social Work: Psychosocial Care for People Coping with Cancer (OPSW). Oxford University Press.
  10. Capaldi, J., Shabanian, J., Finster, L., Wertheimer, J., Zebrack, B., & Shirazipour, C. (in press). Post-traumatic stress symptoms, post-traumatic stress disorder, and post-traumatic growth among cancer survivors: A systematic scoping review of interventions. Health Psychology Review.
  11. Siembida, E. J., Fladeboe, K. M., Ip, E, Zebrack, B, Snyder, M., & Salsman, J. (in press). A developmental science approach to information age subgroups in adolescent and young adult cancer research. Journal of Adolescent Health.
  12. Kadro, Z. O., Snyder, S, Benn, R, Fouladbakhsh, J. M., Greenlee, H, Harris, R. E., Henry, L, Klein, K. C., Mayhew, S, Spratke, L, Walker, E. M., Zebrack, B, & Zick, S. M. (in press). Impact of the integrative oncology scholars program on oncology providers' key knowledge of dietary supplements and antioxidants for providing evidence-based oncology care. Journal of Cancer Education.
  13. Zebrack, B. (in press). Cancer survivorship: A framework for quality cancer care. Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
  14. Herrenkohl, T. I., Jenson, J., & Catalano, R. F. (in press). Youth Violence. In F. Maggino (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
  15. Senger-Carpenter, T., Seng, J., Herrenkohl, T. I., Marriott, D., Chen, B. & Voepel-Lewis, T. (in press). Applying life history theory to understand earlier onset of puberty: An ABCD Cohort analysis. Journal of Adolescent Health.
  16. Perron, B. E., Cordova, D., Salas-Wright, C. P., & Vaughn, M. G. (in press). In J. Van Geest, T. Johnson, & S. Alemagno (Eds.), Handbook of Substance Abuse Research Methods, New York, NY: Springer.
  17. Simpson, E., Córdova, D., Lincoln, C. R., & Ohannessian, C. M. (in press). Hispanic adolescents’ internalizing symptoms and positive family functioning: A bidirectional examination of associations over time. Journal of Family Psychology.
  18. Lacombe-Duncan, A., Persad, Y., Shokoohi, M., Underhill, A., Machouf, N., Côté, P., Wheatley, M., Gupta, M., Kyne, L. T., Besharati, A. A., Chan, L. Y. L., Hranilovic, S., Nguyen, Q., & Loutfy, M. (in press). Factors associated with HIV prevalence among a clinical cohort of transgender women in Canada: Results of th eMontreal-Toronto Trans Study. International Journal of STD and AIDS.
  19. Campbell, R. D., Fussell-Ware, D., & Winchester, M. (in press). From intellectual exercise to facilitated dialogue: Confronting racism in the social work classroom. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping.
  20. Ortega, R. M. (in press). Child welfare and schools. In Franklin, C., Harris, M.B. & Allen-Meares, P. The School Services Sourcebook: A Guide for School-based Professionals, 3rd ed. NY: Oxford University Press.
  21. Ewell Foster, C., Derwin, S., Bornheimer, L. A., Magness, C., Kahsay, E., Li Verdugo, J., Eis, M., Massey, L., Rivera, F. P., & King, C. (in press). Firearm safe storage in rural families: Community perspectives about ownership and safety messaging. Health Promotion Practice.
  22. Zhang, A. (in press). Cognitive behavior therapy and social work practice. In C. Franklin, & K. Jordan (Eds.). Social Work Treatment: Interlocking Theoretical Approaches. Oxford University Press.
  23. Zhang, A., & Zebrack, B. (in press). Psychosocial Intervention to Facilitate Disease Management in Adolescent and Young Adults. In N. Schneiderman (Ed.). APA Handbook of Health Psychology, 2, 22. American Psychological Association.
  24. Lou, M. & Li, L. W. (in press). Trajectories of social isolation and depressive symptoms in mid- and later life: A parallel process latent growth curve analysis. Aging and Mental Health.
  25. Liu, J., Lou, Y., Li, L. W., Zhang, Z., & Xu, H. (in press). Dyadic effects on depressive symptoms of spouse caregivers and their care recipients: Evidence from China. Aging and Mental Health.


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