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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Hong, J. S., & Ryan, J. P., Hernandez, P. M., & Brown, S. (2014). The termination of parental rights for parents with substance use disorder: For whom and then what? Social Work in Public Health, 29, 503-517.
  2. Levine, D. S., Himle, J. A., Abelson, J. M., Matsuko, N., Dhawan, N., & Taylor, R. J. (2014). Discrimination and social anxiety disorder among African-Americans, Caribbean Blacks, and non-Hispanic Whites. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 202, 224-230.
  3. Scherrer, K., Ingersoll-Dayton, B., & Spencer, B. (2014). Constructing couples' stories: Narrative practice insights from a dyadic dementia intervention. Clinical Social Work Journal, 42(1), 90-100.
  4. Hollingsworth, L. D. (2014). Birthmothers. In G. P. Mallon, & P. M. Hess (Eds.), Child Welfare for The 21st century: A Handbook of Children, Youth, and Family Services: Practices, Policies, and Programs (2nd ed.). 424-436. Columbia University Press.
  5. Córdova, D., Estrada, Y., Malcom, S., Huang, S., Pantin, H., Brown, H., & Prado, G. (2014). Prevention science: An epidemiological approach. In Z. Sloboda & H. Petras (Eds.), Prevention Science. New York, NY: Springer.
  6. Tropman, J. (2014). Effective Meetings: Improving Group Decision Making. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
  7. Gant, L. M. (2014). Assessment and treatment of drug-using individuals with HIV/AIDS. In S. Straussner (Ed.), Clinical Work with Substance-abusing Clients (3rd ed.). 495-519. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  8. Ruffolo, M. (2014). Practice interventions with adolescents. In Edward J. Mullen (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. New York: Oxford University Press.
  9. Staller, K. M. (2014). Federal and state budget basics for social workers: Social welfare impact and social justice implications. In M. Reisch (Ed.), Social Policy and Social Justice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  10. Ryan, J. & Huang, H. (2014). Substance abuse and child welfare. In Mallon and Hess (Eds.), Child Welfare for The 21st Century: A Handbook of Policies and Programs (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
  11. Wexler, L., Moses, J., Hopper, K., Joule, L., & Garoutte, J. (2013). Central role of relatedness in Alaska Native youth resilience: Preliminary themes from one site of the Circumpolar Indigenous Pathways to Adulthood (CIPA) Study. American Journal of Community Psychology, 52(3-4), 393-405.
  12. Font, S. & Maguire-Jack, K. (2013). Academic engagement and performance: Estimating the impact of out-of-home care for maltreated children. Children and Youth Services Review, 35(5), 856-864.
  13. Minter, S., & Perone, A. K. (2013). Employment discrimination. In P. Currah, R. M. Juang, & S. P. Minter (Eds.), Transgender Rights. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  14. Minter, S., & Perone, A. K. (2013). Discrimination in housing, credit, and public accommodations. In P. Currah, R. M. Juang, & S. P. Minter (Eds.), Transgender Rights. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  15. Minter, S., & Perone, A. K. (2013). Legal issues for transgender older adults. In P. Currah, R. M. Juang, & S. P. Minter (Eds.), Transgender Rights. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  16. Perone, A. K. (2013). From punitive to proactive: An alternate approach for responding to HIV. Hastings Women's Law Journal, 24, 363-406.
  17. Perone, A. K. (2013). Creating inclusive policy reform for LGBT older adults with HIV. LGBTQ Policy Journal, 3, 83-95.
  18. Suskind, D., Leffel, K., Hernandez, M., Sapolich, S., Suskind, E., Kirkham, E., & Meehan, P. (2013). An exploratory study of “quantitative linguistic feedback”: Effect of LENA feedback on adult language production. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 20(10), 1-11.
  19. Zullo, R. (2013). Organized labor's civic niche. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 42(4), 781-802.
  20. Elliott, W., Choi, E., & Friedline, T. (2013). Online statistics labs in MSW research methods courses: Reducing reluctance toward statistics. Journal of Social Work Education, 49(1), 81-95.
  21. Friedline, T., Elliott, W., & Nam, I. (2013). Small-dollar children's savings accounts and children's college outcomes by race. Children and Youth Services Review, 35(3), 548-559.
  22. Friedline, T., & Song, H. (2013). Accumulating assets, debts in young adulthood: Children as potential future investors. Children and Youth Services Review, 35(9), 1486-1502.
  23. Friedline, T., Mann, A., & Lieberman, A. (2013). Ask the audience: Using student response systems (SRS) in social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 49(4), 782-792.
  24. Kingsnorth S, Lacombe-Duncan A., Keilty K., Bruce-Barrett C., & Cohen E. (2013). Interorganizational partnership for children with medical complexity: The Integrated Complex Care Model. Child: Care, Health and Development, 14(3), 64-70.
  25. Griffith, D. M., Ellis, K. R., & Allen, J. O. (2013). An intersectional approach to social determinants of stress for African American men: Men's and women's perspectives. American Journal of Men’s Health, 7(Suppl. 4), 19S-30S.


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