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School of Social Work Research Publications for Shanna K. Kattari

  1. Sussman, S., Kattari, S. K., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., & Glackin, S. (2019). Commentary: The problems of grouping all adversity into a special populations label. Evaluation and the Health Profession.
  2. Kattari, S. K., Brittain, D. R., Markus, A. R., & Hall, K. C. (2019). Expanding women's health practitioners and researchers' understanding of transgender/nonbinary health issues for women's health issues. Women's Health Issues.
  3. Kattari, S. K., Atteberry-Ash, B., Walls, N. E., Klemmer, C., Rusow, J., & Kattari, L. (2019). Missing from the conversation: Sexual risk factors across young people by gender identity and sexual orientation. International Journal of Sexual Health, 31(4), 394-406.
  4. Kattari, S. K., Atteberry-Ash, B., Kinney, M. K., Walls, N. E., & Kattari, L. (2019). One size does not fit all: Differential transgender health experiences. Social Work in Health Care, 58(9), 899-917.
  5. Atteberry-Ash, B, Kattari, S. K., Speer, S. R., Guz, S., & Kattari, L. (2019). School safety experiences of young adults across sexual orientation and gender identity. Children and Youth Services Review, 104(c).
  6. Kattari, S. K. (2019). Troubling binaries, boxes, and spectrums: A galaxy approach to queerness and cripness. QED: Journal of LGBTQ Worldmaking (Special Fora: Queerness/Debility/Disability), 6(3), 136-142. Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.
  7. Whitfield, D. L., Walls, N. E., Langenderfer-Magruder, L., Kattari, S. K., & Ramos, D. (2019). The crossroads of identities: Predictors of harassment among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer adults in Colorado. Journal of the Society for Social Work Research, 10(2), 237-260.
  8. Walls, N. E., Kattari, S. K., Speer, R. S. & Kinney, M. K. (2019). Transfeminine spectrum parenting: Evidence from the National Transgender Discrimination Study. Social Work Research, 43(3), 133-144.
  9. Kattari, S. K. (2019). Development and validation of the Ableist Microaggressions Scale. The Journal of Social Service Research, 45(3), 400-417.
  10. Walls, N. E., Atteberry-Ash, B., Kattari, S. K., Peitzmeier, S., Kattari, L., & Langenderfer- Magruder, L. (2019). Gender identity, sexual orientation, mental health, and bullying as predictors of partner violence in a representative sample of youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(1), 86-92.
  11. Atteberry-Ash, B., Speer, S. R., Kattari, S. K., & Kinney, M. K. (2019). Does it get better? LGBTQ social work students and harmful discourse. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 31(2), 223-241.
  12. Kattari, S. K. & Beltrán, R. (2019). Twice blessed: An auto-archaeology of Femme crip invisibility. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, 8(3), 8-28.
  13. Kattari, S. K., Atteberry-Ash, B., Walls, N. E., Klemmer, C., Rusow, J., & Kattari, L. (2019). Differential sexual behavior experiences of LGBQ and transgender/nonbinary young people in Colorado. Youth and Society, 53(3), 371-391.
  14. Bakko, M., & Kattari, S. K. (2019). Differential access to transgender inclusive insurance and healthcare in the United States: Challenges to health across the life course. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 33(1), 67-81.
  15. Kattari, S. K., O’Connor, A. A. & Kattari, L. (2018). Development and validation of the transgender inclusive behavior scale (TIBS). Journal of Homosexuality, 65(2), 181-196.
  16. Kattari, S. K., Olzman, M. & Hanna, M. (2018). "You look fine!" Ableist experiences by people with invisible disabilities. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work.
  17. Walls, N. E., Kattari, S. K., & DeChants, J. (2018). Transmasculine parenting spectrum: Beyond a gendered fatherhood. Social Work Research, 42(3), 223-236.
  18. Hanna, M., Kattari, S. K., & Ingarfield, L. (2017). University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work Disability Survey Executive Summary. Denver, CO: University of Denver.
  19. Whitfield, D. L., Kattari, S. K., Walls, N. E., & Al-Tayib, A. (2017). Grindr, Growler, and on the hunt: Predictors of Internet and mobile application use among men who have sex with men (MSM). American Journal of Men’s Health.
  20. Kattari, S. K. & Begun, S. (2017). On the margins of the marginalized: Transgender homelessness and survival sex. AFFILIA: Journal of Women and Social Work, 32(1), 92-103.
  21. Kattari, S. K., Barman-Adhikari, A., DeChants, J., & Rice, E. (2017). Social networks and sexual risk factor differences between cisgender heterosexual and cisgender LGBQ homeless youth. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 29(2), 182-200.
  22. Kattari, S. K., Lavery, A., & Hasche, L. (2017). Applying a social model of disability across the life span. Journal of Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 27(8), 865-880.
  23. Begun, S., Kattari, S. K., McKay, K., Ramseyer Winter, V. & O’Neil, E. (2017). Exploring U.S. social work students’ sexual attitudes and abortion viewpoints. Journal of Sex Research, 54(6), 752-763.
  24. Kattari, S. K., Walls, N. E., & Speer, S. R. (2017). Differences in experiences of discrimination in accessing social services among transgender and gender non-conforming individuals by (dis)ability. Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation.
  25. Kattari, S. K. & Turner, G. (2017). Examining more inclusive approaches to social work, physical disability, and sexuality. Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation, 16(1), 38-53.


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