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School of Social Work Research Publications for Paula Allen-Meares

  1. Allen-Meares, P. (1982). [Review of the book Just schools: The idea of racial equality in American education]. Western Journal of Black Studies, 8(4), 236-237.
  2. Allen-Meares, P., & Lane, B. (1982). A content analysis of school social work literature:1968-1978. In R. Constable, & J. Flynn (Eds.), School Social Work: Practice and Research Perspectives 38-49. Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press.
  3. Allen-Meares, P., & Pugach, M. (1982). Facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration on behalf of handicapped children and youth. TASE: The Official Journal of the Teacher Educational Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 5(1), 30-37.
  4. Allen-Meares, P. (1982). Overcoming sexism in public schools. Social Work in Education, 4(4), 7-15.
  5. Allen-Meares, P. (1981, Winter). What social service agencies can contribute to the public schools. American Public Welfare Journal 5-6. Washington, DC.
  6. Allen-Meares, P. (1981). [Review of the book Teenage sexuality, pregnancy and childbearing]. In M. Zelnik, et al (Eds.), Sex and Pregnancy in Adolescence. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
  7. Allen-Meares, P. (1981). The effects of remedial reading services on self-esteem and self concept of ability. Educational and Psychological Research, 1(2), 103-117.
  8. Allen-Meares, P. (1981). Educating social workers for specialization. Social Work in Education, 3(2), 36-52.
  9. Allen-Meares, P. (1980). Interrupted-time-series design and the evaluation of school practice. Social Work in Education, 2(3), 50-61.
  10. Allen-Meares, P. (1979). An in-school program for adolescent parents: Implication for social work practice and multidisciplinary teams. School Social Work Journal, 4(11), 66-77.
  11. Allen-Meares, P. (1979). The impact of PL 92-318. Social Work in Education, 2(1), 18-27.
  12. Allen-Meares, P. (1978). [Review of the book Schools and social work]. School Social Work Quarterly, 1(2).
  13. Allen-Meares, P. (1978). Integrating systems intervention approaches in work with handicapped children and their families. Continuing Education School Social Work PL 94-142 The Education all Handicapped Children Act, Vol(7), 81-90. Washington, DC: NASW, Inc.
  14. Allen-Meares, P. (1977). Analysis of tasks in school social work. Social Work, 22(3), 196-201.
  15. Allen-Meares, P. (1976, Spring). [Review of the book Human characteristics and school learning]. School Social Work Journal, IASSW.


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