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School of Social Work Research Publications for Paula Allen-Meares

  1. Allen-Meares, P., Washington, R. O., & Welsh, B. (2000). Social Work Services in Schools (3rd ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
  2. Lewis, E. A., Spencer, M., & Gutierrez, L. (2000). Multicultural perspectives on direct practice in social work. In C. Garvin & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), The Handbook of Social Work Direct Practice 131-150. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  3. Allen-Meares, P., & Atkins-Burnett, S. (2000). Infants and toddlers with disabilities: Relationship-based approaches. Social Work, 45(4), 371-379.
  4. Allen-Meares, P., Oyserman, D., Mowbray, C. T., & Firminger, K. B. (2000). Parenting among mothers with a serious mental illness. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(3), 296-315.
  5. Allen-Meares, P., & Hudgins, C. A. (1999, June). Transforming social work and advancing the well-being of youth. Annual Progress Report Global Program on Youth. W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
  6. Allen-Meares, P. (1999). Foreward. In P.L. Ewalt (Ed.), Multicultural Issues in Social Work: Practice and Research xi-xiv. Washington, DC: NASW Press.
  7. Allen-Meares, P., & Burman, S. (1999). Cross-cultural therapeutic relationships: Entering the world of African Americans. Journal of Social Work Practice, 13(1), 49-57.
  8. Allen-Meares, P. (1998). Foreword. In E. Freeman, C. G. Franklin, R. Fong, G. L. Shaffer, & E. M. Timberlake (Eds.), Multisystem Skills and Interventions in School Social Work Practice. Washington, DC: NASW Press.
  9. Allen-Meares, P. (1998). Foreword. In R. Edwards (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Work (19th ed.). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
  10. Allen-Meares, P. (1998). From the editor: The interdisciplinary movement. Journal of Social Work Education, 34(1), 2-5.
  11. Allen-Meares, P., & Hinshaw, A. (1998). Federally supported research: The story of nursing. Journal of Social Work Education, 34(3), 322-325.
  12. Allen-Meares, P., & Franklin, C. (1998). Partnerships for better education: Schools, universities, and communities. Social Work in Education [Special Issue: Linking Education, Health, and Human Resources], 20(3), 147-151.
  13. Allen-Meares, P. (1998). Foreword. In E. Freeman (Ed.), The School Social Work Reader.
  14. Allen-Meares, P. (1998). African-American males: Their status, educational plight, and the possibilities for their future. In L. E. Davis (Ed.), Working with African American Males: A Guide to Practice 117-128. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  15. DeRoos, Y., & Allen-Meares, P. (1998). Application of RASCH analysis: Exploring differences in depression between African-American and white children. Journal of Social Service Research, 23(3/4), 93-107.
  16. Allen-Meares, P., & Dupper, D. (1998). A national study of knowledge, skills, and abilities: Curriculum development for practice in schools. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 17(1/2), 101-119.
  17. Allen-Meares, P. (1997). From the editor: Using the lessons from our past in the future. Journal of Social Work Education, 33(3), 430-432.
  18. Franklin, C., & Allen-Meares, P. (1997). School social workers are a critical part of the link. In Franklin, C., & Allen-Meares, P. (Eds.). Social Work in Education [Special Issue: Linking Education, Health and Human Services], 19(3).
  19. Allen-Meares, P. (1997). Serving as dean: A public university perspective. In M. J. Austin, F. L. Ahearn, and R. A. English (Eds.), The Professional School Dean: Meeting the Leadership Challenges: New Directions for Higher Education, No. 98, 83-88. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
  20. Allen-Meares, P., & DeRoos, Y. (1997). Future of the social work profession. In M. Reisch & E. Gambrill (Eds.), Social Work in The 21st Century 376-386. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
  21. Allen-Meares, P. (1996). [Review of the book Amazing grace: The lives of children and the conscience of a nation]. Social Work, 41(5), 564-565.
  22. Allen-Meares, P. (1996). Contribution of social work to schooling: Revisited. In R. Constable, R. Flynn, & S. McDonald (Eds.), School Social Work: Practice and Research Perspectives 17-26. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books, Inc.
  23. Allen-Meares, P. (1996). The new federal role in education and family services: Goal setting without responsibility. Social Work, 41(5), 533-540.
  24. Allen-Meares, P. (1996). Social work services in schools: A look at yesteryear and the future. Social Work in Education, 18(4), 202-208.
  25. Videka-Sherman, L., Allen-Meares, P., & Yegidis, B. (1995). Social work deans in the 90s: Findings from a study of deans. Minding the Store 1-24. National Association of Deans & Directors of Schools of Social Work.


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