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School of Social Work Research Publications for Mieko Yoshihama

  1. Yoshihama, M. (2002). The definitional process of domestic violence in Japan: Generating official response through action-oriented research and international advocacy. Violence Against Women, 8(3), 339-366.
  2. Yoshihama, M. (2002). Breaking the web of abuse and silence: Voices of battered women in Japan. Social Work, 47(4), 389-400.
  3. Yoshihama, M. (2002). Battered women's coping strategies and psychological distress: Differences by immigration status. American Journal of Community Psychology, 30(3), 429-452.
  4. Yoshihama, M., Kamano, S., Hayashi, F., Yunomae, T., & Akiyama, H. (2001). Preliminary Findings from the World Health Organizations Multi-Country Study of Women's Health and Domestic Violence. Tokyo: The WHO MCSWHDV Japan Project Team.
  5. Mowbray, C., & Yoshihama, M. (2001). Surveys. In B. A. Thyer (Ed.), Handbook of Social Work Research Methods 143-159. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  6. Yoshihama, M. (2001). Model minority demystified: Emotional costs of multiple victimizations in the lives of women of Japanese descent. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 3(3/4), 201-224.
  7. Yoshihama, M. (2001). Immigrants-in-context framework: Understanding the interactive influence of socio-cultural contexts. Evaluation and Program Planning, 24(3), 307-318.
  8. Yoshihama, M. (2000, October). Transitional housing in the United States. In Kanagawa Women's Center (Ed.), Case Study of Transitional Facilities 30-34. Fujisawa, Kanagawa: Kanagawa Women's Center.
  9. Yoshihama, M. (2000, May). Policies and services addressing domestic violence in Japan: From non-interference to incremental changes. In Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare (Ed.), International Conference on Domestic Violence: Towards Development of Coordinated Service Delivery System 41-67. Seoul, South Korea: Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare.
  10. Yoshihama, M., & Yunomae, T. (2000). Nihonjin josei wo taisho to shita domestic violence no jittai chosa [A study of domestic violence among Japanese women]. Yokohama: Yokohama Women's Association.
  11. Yoshihama, M. (2000). Surviving partners' violence: A report from a focus group research project in Tokyo. In M.Yoshihama, H. Ishibashi, F. Nonaka, M, Nishiyama, & R. Matsunaga (Eds.), Otto/koibito Karano Boryoku-kokkyo No Nai Monda: Nihon To Kakkoku No Torikumi [Domestic Violence, the Problem that Knows No National Boundaries: Efforts to End Domestic Violence in Japan and Around the Globe] 12-59. Tokyo: Kyoiku Shiryo Shuppankai.
  12. Yoshihama, M., Ishibashi, H., Nonaka, F., Nishiyama, M., & Matsunaga, R. (Eds.). (2000). Otto/koibito Karano Boryoku: Kokkyo No Nai Mondai/nihon To Kakkoku No Torikumi [Domestic Violence: The Problem That Knows no National Boundaries: Efforts to End Domestic Violence in Japan and Around the Globe]. Tokyo: Kyoiku Shiryo Shuppankai.
  13. Yoshihama, M. (2000). Policy approaches toward preventing and eradicating domestic violence: Future agenda. Josei Kyoyo, 576, 3-6.
  14. Yoshihama, M. (2000). Reinterpreting strength and safety in socio-cultural context: Dynamics of domestic violence and experiences of women of Japanese of descent. Children and Youth Services Review, 22(3/4), 207-229.
  15. Yoshihama, M. (1999, October). Domestic violence: Definitions, dynamics, and consequences. In Kanagawa Women's Center (Ed.), A Handbook on Domestic Violence for Helping Professionals 25-39. Fujisawa, Kanagawa: Kanagawa Women's Center.
  16. Yoshihama, M. (1999). [Review of the book The heart of intimate abuse: New interventions in child welfare, criminal justice, and health settings]. Children and Youth Services Review, 21(8), 696-699.
  17. Yoshihama, M. (1999). Domestic violence: Japan's "hidden crime". Japan Quarterly, 46(3), 76-82.
  18. Yoshihama, M. (1999). The Immigrant Women-In-Context Framework: Studies of domestic violence against women of Japanese descent in the U.S. and Japan. Summary Report of the International Research Network on Violence Against Women Fourth Annual Meeting 82 - 86. Washington, DC: Center for Health and Gender Equality.
  19. Yoshihama, M. (1999). Domestic violence against women of Japanese descent in Los Angeles: Two methods of estimating prevalence. Violence Against Women, 5(8), 869-897.
  20. Yoshihama, M. (ed.). (1998). Domestic Violence: Otto/Koibito Karano Boryoku Wo Nakusutameni [Domestic violence: Towards the Elimination of Violence Against Women by Husbands and Boyfriends]. Tokyo: Yuhikaku.
  21. Yoshihama, M., & Sorenson, S. B. (1998). Domestic Violence in Japan: Research, program development and emerging movements. In A. Roberts (Ed.), Battered Women and Their Families: Intervention Strategies and Treatment Programs (2nd ed.). 405-447. New York: Springer.
  22. Yoshihama, M. (1995, December). The Battered Women's Movement in the United States. In Yokohama Women's Association (Ed.), Domestic Violence 54-76. Yokohama: Yokohama Women's Association.
  23. Yoshihama, M. (1995). Domestic Violence: A Review of Empirical Studies in the United States [Report]. Fujisawa, Kanagawa: Kanagawa Women's Center.
  24. Yoshihama, M., & Gough, D. (1995). Domestic violence in Japan: Building a movement through research activities. British Columbia Institute on Family Violence Newsletter, 4(4), 19-21.
  25. Yoshihama, M. (1994). Sexual harassment and the continuum of violence against women: Women's subjective experiences. In H. Kanegae & Y. Hirose (Eds.), The Problem of Sexual Harassment 143-170. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.


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