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School of Social Work Research Publications for Mieko Yoshihama

  1. Muramoto, K., Kamiyama, M., Yoshihama, M., Dan, S., & Hisata, M. (2015). Higashinihon daishinsai gono community empowerment [Community empowerment after the East Japan Great Earthquake]. Community Shinrigaku Knkyu. Japanese Journal of Community Psychology, 19(1), 1-3.
  2. Yoshihama, M., & Dabby C. (2015). Facts and stats report: Domestic violence in Asian & Pacific Islander homes, updated. Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Gender-Based Violence.
  3. Yoshihama, M. & Tolman, R. M. (2015). Using interactive theater to create socioculturally relevant community-based intimate partner violence prevention. American Journal of Community Psychology, 55(1-2), 136-147.
  4. Yunomae, T., Tsuge, A., & Yoshihama, M. (2014). Violence against women and children after the Great East Japan Disasters. Japanese Journal of International Society for Gender Studies, 12, 21-39.
  5. Yoshihama, M., & Tsunoda, Y. (2014). Violence against women. JAWW NGO Report for Beijing 20+. In Japan Women's Watch (Ed.) Tokyo, Japan: Japan Women's Watch, 16-21.
  6. Kamimura, A., Bybee, D., & Yoshihama, M. (2014). Factors affecting intimate partner violence-specific health care seeking in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
  7. Yoshihama, M., Blazevski, J., & Bybee, D. (2014). Enculturation and attitudes toward intimate partner violence and gender roles in an Asian Indian populations: Implications for community-based prevention. American Journal of Community Psychology, 53(3), 249-260.
  8. Yoshihama, M. (2014). Group work with women affected by disasters. Casebook Based on the Counseling Program for Women in the Aftermath of the Great East Japan Disasters. Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Government Cabinet Office Gender Equity Bureau.
  9. Ghanbarpour, S., Yoshihama, M., & Dabby, F. C. (2014). Evidence-based practice: Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of domestic violence programs serving Asian and Pacific Islanders. Asian and Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence. San Francisco, CA.
  10. Kamimura, A., Yoshihama, M., & Bybee, D. (2013). Trajectory of intimate partner violence and healthcare seeking over the life course: Study of Japanese women in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan. Public Health, 127(10), 902-907.
  11. Yoshihama, M., Tsuge, A., & Yunomae, T. with Ikeda K. & Masai, R. (2013). A report of the study of violence against women and children in/after the Great East Japan Disasters. Report to the Women's Network for East Japan Disaster. Tokyo, Japan: Women's Network for East Japan Disaster.
  12. Yoshihama, M. (2013). Communications campaign to prevent intimate partner violence among Metro Detroit Indians [Report]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  13. Yoshihama, M., Tsuge, A., & Yunomae, T., Ikeda, K., & Masai, R. (2013). Violence against women and children after the Great East Japan Disasters: results from a case-finding survey. Japan Women's Watch 1-24. Tokyo: Japan Women's Watch.
  14. Yoshihama, M., Bybee, D., & Blazevski, J. (2012). Day-to-day discrimination and health among Gujarati men and women in Metropolitan Detroit. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Vol35(5), 471-83.
  15. Yoshihama, M., Ramakrishnan, A., Hammock, A. C., & Khaliq, M. (2012). Intimate partner violence prevention program in an Asian immigrant community: Integrating theories, data, and community. Violence Against Women.
  16. Yoshihama, M., Bybee, D., Dabby, C., & Blazevski, J. (2011). Lifecourse experiences of intimate partner violence and help-seeking among Filipino, Indian, and Pakistani women: implications for justice system response [Report]. National Institute of Justice.
  17. Devries., K. M., Watts, C. H., & Yoshihama, M. (2011). Violence against women is strongly associated with suicide attempts: Evidence from the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence against women. Social Science and Medicine, 73, 79-86.
  18. Yoshihama, M & Bybee, D. (2011). The Life History Calendar method and multilevel modeling: Application to research on intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women, 17(3), 295-308.
  19. Yoshihama, M., Horrocks. J., & Bybee, D. (2010). Intimate partner violence and initiation of smoking and drinking: A population-based study of women in Yokohama, Japan. Social Science and Medicine, 71(6), 1199-1207.
  20. Yoshihama, M. & Horrocks. J. (2010). Risk of intimate partner violence: Role of childhood sexual abuse and sexual initiation in women in Japan. Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 28-37.
  21. Hong, J. S., Kim, S., Yoshihama, M., & Byoun, S. J. (2010). Wife battering in South Korea: An Ecological Systems Analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(12), 1623-1630.
  22. Yoshihama, M. (2009). One unit of the past: Action research project on domestic violence in Japan. In J. Sudbury & M. Okazawa-Rey (Eds.), The Challenge of Activist Scholarship: Antiracist Feminism and Social Change. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.
  23. Yoshihama, M., Horrocks, J., & Kamano, S. (2009). The role of emotional abuse in intimate partner violence and health in women in Yokohama, Japan. American Journal of Public Health, 99(4), 647-653.
  24. Yoshihama, M. (2009). Application of the Life History Calendar approach to understand women's experiences of intimate partner violence over the lifecourse. In R. F. Belli, F. Stafford, & D. Alwin (Eds.), Calendar and Time Diary Methods in Life Course Research. Sage Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  25. Yoshihama, M. (2009). Toward the eradication of domestic violence: analysis of U.S. movements and challenges. In Women's Space Yui (Ed.), Reflections on the Process of Creating Domestic Violence Prevention Act (15-22). Tokyo: Women's Space Yui.


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