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Yoshihama, M., & Horrocks, J. (2005). Relationship between emotional numbing and arousal symptoms in American women of Japanese descent who experienced interpersonal victimization. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 19(4), 443-459.
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Yoshihama, M., & Horrocks, J. (2003). The relationship between intimate partner violence and PTSD: An application of Cox regression with time-varying covariates. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 16(4), 371-380.
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Mills, L. G., & Yoshihama, M. (2002). Training children's services workers in domestic violence assessment and intervention: Research findings and implications for practice. Children and Youth Services Review, 24(8), 561-581.
Yoshihama, M., & Carr, S. (2002). Community participation reconsidered: Feminist participatory action research with Hmong women. Journal of Community Practice, 10(4), 85-103.
Yoshihama, M. (2002). Policies and services addressing domestic violence in Japan: From non-interference to incremental changes. Women's Studies International Forum, 25(5), 541-553.
Yoshihama, M. (2002). The definitional process of domestic violence in Japan: Generating official response through action-oriented research and international advocacy. Violence Against Women, 8(3), 339-366.