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School of Social Work Research Publications for Mieko Yoshihama

  1. Yoshihama, M., & Kamano, S. (2007). Women's Health and Domestic Violence: Results of the World Health Organization Study of Violence Against Women. Tokyo: Shinsuisha.
  2. Yoshihama, M. (2007). Domestic violence against Asian Pacific Islander (API) women in the United States: The socio-cultural and political context. F-GENS Frontiers of Gender Studies, 7, 280-289.
  3. Yoshihama, M., Horrocks, J., & Kamano, S. (2007). Experiences of intimate partner violence and related injuries among women in Yokohama, Japan. American Journal of Public Health, 97(2), 232-234.
  4. Yoshihama, M. & Nakashima, J. (2006). Domestic violence and substance abuse in Asian and Pacific Islander communities: Beginning a dialogue between two research and practice fields. In R. Fong, R. McRoy, & C. Hendric-Ortiz (Eds.), Intersecting Child Welfare, Substance Abuse, and Family Violence: Culturally Competent Approaches 293-318. Alexandria, VA: Council of Social Work Education Press.
  5. Yoshihama, M., Hammock, A. C., & Horrocks, J. (2006). Intimate partner violence, welfare receipt, and health status of low-income African American women: A lifecourse analysis. American Journal of Community Psychology, 37(1/2), 95-109.
  6. Yoshihama, M. (2005). Final Report of an Evaluation of Domestic Violence Training on Women's Counselors. Tokyo: National Association of Women's Counselors.
  7. Yoshihama, M., & Horrocks, J. (2005). Relationship between emotional numbing and arousal symptoms in American women of Japanese descent who experienced interpersonal victimization. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 19(4), 443-459.
  8. Yoshihama, M. (2005). A web in the patriarchal clan system: Tactics of intimate partners in the Japanese socio-cultural context. Violence Against Women, 11(10), 1236-1262.
  9. Yoshihama, M., Gillespie, B., Hammock, A. C., Belli, R., & Tolman, R. (2005). Does the Life History Calendar method facilitate the recall of intimate partner violence? Comparison of two methods of data collection. Social Work Research, 29(3), 151-163.
  10. Dunkle, K. L., Jewkes, R. K., Brown, H. C., Yoshihama, M., Gray, G. E., & McIntyre, J. A. (2004). Prevalence and patterns of gender-based violence and revictimization among women attending antenatal clinics in Soweto, South Africa. American Journal of Epidemiology, 160(3), 230-239.
  11. Kamano, S., & Yoshihama, M. (2003). Women's health and domestic violence. Josei Shisetsu Journal [Journal of Women's Centers], 8, 151-162.
  12. Fukushima, K., & Yoshihama, M. (2003). Developing and facilitating support groups for survivors of domestic violence. Social Work Kenkyu [Social Work Research], 29(2), 47-53.
  13. Anderson, D., Saunders, D., Yoshihama, M., Bybee, D., & Sullivan, C. (2003). Long-term trends in depression among women separated from abusive partners. Violence Against Women, 9(7), 807-838.
  14. Yoshihama, M., & Mills, L. (2003). When is the personal professional in public child welfare practice?: The influence of intimate partner and child abuse histories on workers in domestic violence cases. Child Abuse and Neglect, 27(3), 319-336.
  15. Yoshihama, M., & Horrocks, J. (2003). The relationship between intimate partner violence and PTSD: An application of Cox regression with time-varying covariates. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 16(4), 371-380.
  16. Yoshihama, M. (2002). The health consequences of domestic violence. In Shuchosuru T-shirt wo Aturumeru Kai (Ed.), Ten Lessons for Working Collaboratively with Survivors of Domestic Violence 27-33. Tokyo, Japan: Author.
  17. Ueno, K., Kaneko, S., Niwa, M., Harada, E., Matsusato, A., & Yoshihama, M. (Eds. and Trans.). (2002). Domestic Violence: Otto/koibito Karano Boryoku Wo Nakusutameni [Domestic Violence: Towards the Elimination of Violence Against Women by Husbands and Boyfriends] (2nd ed.). Tokyo: Yuhikaku.
  18. Kamano, S., & Yoshihama, M. (2002). A report of the WHO Multi-Country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence Against Women. Chuo Chosa-sha Ho [Chuo Survey Company News], 540, 1-5.
  19. Mills, L. G., & Yoshihama, M. (2002). Training children's services workers in domestic violence assessment and intervention: Research findings and implications for practice. Children and Youth Services Review, 24(8), 561-581.
  20. Yoshihama, M., & Horrocks, J. (2002). Post-traumatic stress symptoms and victimization among Japanese American women. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70(1), 205-215.
  21. Yoshihama, M., & Gillespie, B. (2002). Age adjustment and recall bias in the analysis of domestic violence data: Methodological improvement through the application of survival analysis methods. Journal of Family Violence, 17(3), 199-221.
  22. Yoshihama, M., Clum, K., Crampton, A., & Gillespie, B. (2002). Measuring the lifetime experience of domestic violence: Application of the Life History Calendar method. Violence and Victims, 17(3), 297-317.
  23. Yoshihama, M., & Carr, S. (2002). Community participation reconsidered: Feminist participatory action research with Hmong women. Journal of Community Practice, 10(4), 85-103.
  24. Yoshihama, M. (2002). Policies and services addressing domestic violence in Japan: From non-interference to incremental changes. Women's Studies International Forum, 25(5), 541-553.
  25. Yoshihama, M. (2002). The definitional process of domestic violence in Japan: Generating official response through action-oriented research and international advocacy. Violence Against Women, 8(3), 339-366.


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