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School of Social Work Research Publications for James M. Ellis

  1. Watkins, D. C., Brown, B. R., Abelson, J. M., & Ellis, J. (2023). First-Generation Black College Men and the Value of Cohort-Based Programs: Addressing Inequities Through the YBMen Project. Health promotion with adolescent boys and young men of colour: Global strategies for advancing research, policy, and practice in context. Springer: New York, NY.
  2. Taylor, R. J., Skipper, A. D., Ellis, J., & Chatters, L. M. (2022). Older African American, Black Caribbean, and Non-Latino White Fictive Kin Relationships. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 41(1), 1-32.
  3. Gonzalez, O. B., Pimentel-Walker, A. P., Ellis J. M., Yoshihama, M., Usui, M., & Chang, S.-y. (2022). Participatory action research and multi-level perspectives of education pathways of Congolese refugee youth. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(3), 316–324.
  4. Taylor, R. J., Skipper, A. D., Ellis, J. M., & Chatters, L. M. (2022). Church-based emotional support and negative interactions among older African American and Black Caribbeans. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.
  5. Taylor, R. J., Skipper, A. D., Ellis, J. M., & Chatters, L. D. (2022). Older African American, Black Caribbean, and Non-Latino White fictive kin relationships. In L. D. Chatters & R. J. Taylor (Eds.), Black Older Adults in the Era of Black Lives Matter Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics.
  6. Ellis, J. M. & Helaire, L. J. (2022). Self-Efficacy, subjective norms, self-regulated learning: An application of the theory of planned behavior with GEAR UP students. Education and Urban Society.
  7. Gonzalez Benson, O., Yoshihama, M., Ellis, J., Pimentel Walker, A., Usui, M. & Chang, S. (2022). Piloting participatory action research: Community as intermediary in education pathways of Congolese refugee youth. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(3), 316-324.
  8. Demetriou, C., Ellis, J. M., Huerta-Bapat, C., & Powell, C. (2021). A little becomes a lot: Advancing a model of microaffirmations for student success. In J., Noble, J., Zeff, & A.E., Aguirre (Eds.), Building Bridges for Student Success: A Sourcebook for Colleges and Universities.
  9. Zheng, H., Starks, B., Ellis, J., O’Brien, M., & Elliott, W. (2020). An examination of parental college expectations’ mediating role between children’s savings accounts and children’s educational attainment by income level. Sociology Mind, 10(3), 165-186.
  10. Powell, C. S., Morton, T., Demetriou, C., & Ellis, J. M. (2020). A model for the CRT-informed approach to student success in higher education. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 58(3), 241-253.
  11. Ellis, J. M., & Helaire, L. J. (2020). A theory of reasoned action approach to examining academic help-seeking behaviors among adolescents in a college readiness program. The Urban Review, 53, 164-191.
  12. Elliott, W., Chowa, G., Ellis, J. M, O’Brian, M., & Chen, Z. (2019). Combining children's savings accounts programs with scholarship programs: Effects on math and reading scores. Children and Youth Service Review, 102, 7-17.
  13. Elliott, W., Starks, B., Seefeldt, K., & Ellis, J. M. (2018). Children's savings account programs provide parents with the opportunity to plan and talk about college with their children and others. Sociology Mind, 8, 345-365.
  14. Ellis, J. M., Powell, C. S., Demetriou, C. D., Huerta-Bapat, C., & Panter, A. T. (2018). Examining first-generation college student lived experiences with microaggressions and microaffirmations at a predominately White public research university. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
  15. Ellis, J. M., & Helaire, L. J. (2018). The effects of adolescent self-regulated learning on engagement in a college access program: An exploratory study. AERA Open, 4(1), 1-17.
  16. Ellis, J. M. (2016). An interview with Dr. Angela Locks: Understanding the complexities of the college-going process. In P. A., Pasque, M. P Ting, N., Ortega, & J. C., Burkhart. (Eds.), Transforming Understandings of Diversity in Higher Education: Demography, Democracy, and Discourse.
  17. Ellis, J. M., Rowley, L., Nellum, C. J., & Smith, C. (2015). From Alienation to Efficacy: An examination of racial identity and racial academic stereotypes among black male adolescents. Urban Education, 53(7), 899-928.

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