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School of Social Work Research Publications for Barry N. Checkoway

  1. Checkoway, B. N., Dobbie, D., & Richards-Schuster, K. (2003). Youth participation in community evaluation research. American Journal of Evaluation, 24(1), 21-33.
  2. Checkoway, B. N., Richards-Schuster, K., Abdullah, S., Aragon, M., Facio, E., Figueroa, L., Reddy, E., Welsh, M., & White, A. (2003). Young people as competent citizens. Community Development Journal, 38(4), 298-309.
  3. Figueroa, L., Checkoway, B. N., & Richards-Schuster, K. (2003). Democracy multiplied in an urban neighborhood: Youth force in the South Bronx. Children, Youth and Environments, 13(2), 1-19.
  4. Checkoway, B., & Richards-Schuster, K. (2001). Young people as agents of community change: New lessons from the field. Pregnancy Prevention For Youth: An Interdisciplinary Newsletter, 4(2).
  5. Checkoway, B., & Richards-Schuster, K. (2001). Lifting new voices for socially just communities. Community Youth Development, 2(4), 32-37.
  6. Checkoway, B. N. (2001). Adults as Allies. Battle Creek, MI: W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
  7. Checkoway, B. N., & Richards-Schuster, K. E. (2001). Youth participation in community-based evaluation research. Lifting New Voices. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan.
  8. Checkoway, B. N. (2001). Renewing the civic mission of the American research university. Journal of Higher Education, 72(2), 125-147.
  9. Checkoway, B. N. (1999). User's guide to participatory evaluation. Lifting New Voices. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
  10. Checkoway, B. N., Mullahey, R., & Susskind, Y. (1999). Youth Participation in Community Planning. Chicago: American Planning Association.
  11. Checkoway, B. N. (1998). Professionally related public service as applied scholarship. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 17(4), 358-360.
  12. Checkoway, B. N., & Finn, J. L. (1998). Young people as competent community builders: a challenge to social work. Social Work, 43, 335-345.
  13. Checkoway, B. N. (1998). Involving young people in neighborhood development. Children and Youth Services Review, 20(9), 765-795.
  14. Checkoway, B. N. (1997). Professionally Related Public Service as an Applied Scholarship. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning.
  15. Checkoway, B. N. (1997). Core concepts of community change. Journal of Community Practice, 4(1), 11-29.
  16. Checkoway, B. N. (1997). Institutional impacts of AmeriCorps on the University of Michigan. Journal of Public Service and Outreach, 2(1), 70-79.
  17. Checkoway, B. N. (1997). Reinventing the research university for public service. Journal of Planning Literature, 11(3), 307-319.
  18. Checkoway, B. N. (1996). Combining service and learning on campus and in the community. Phi Delta Kappan, 77(9), 600-606.
  19. Checkoway, B. N., & Schultz, A. (1995). Empowerment as a multi-level construct. Health Education Research, 10(3), 309-327.
  20. Checkoway, B. N. (1995). Six strategies of community change. Community Development Journal, 30(1), 2-20.
  21. Checoway, B. N., Pothukuchi, K., & Finn, J. L. (1995). Youth participation in community planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 14(2), 134-139.
  22. Checkoway, B. (1995). Adults as Allies. Battle Creek: W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
  23. Checkoway, B. N. (1994). Involving Young People in Neighborhood Development. Washington, DC: Academy for Educational Development.
  24. Checkoway, B. N. (1994). Empowering the elderly: gerontological health promotion in Latin America. Ageing and Society, 14(1), 75-95.
  25. Checkoway, B. N. (1994). Paul Davidoff and advocacy planning in retrospect. Journal of the American Planning Association, 60(2), 139-143.


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