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Rebeccah Sokol

Assistant Professor of Social Work

Rebeccah Sokol

Rebeccah Sokol, PhD, is a behavioral scientist who studies youth trauma exposure. Her overarching research agenda seeks to ease the burden of adversity experienced in childhood and adolescence, with a central focus on reducing youth violence exposure and involvement. Sokol uses a developmental lens, public health framework, quasi-experimental methods and data science techniques to inform strategies that prevent youth trauma. A common thread of Sokol’s research involves describing risk and identifying etiological factors for youth firearm violence exposure in different populations, with the ultimate goal of improving firearm injury and violence prevention interventions and policies.


Year Degree   School
2019 PhD Health Behavior University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
2016 MSPH Health Behavior University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
2014 BS Biomedical Science Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI
Year Description
2024 Sokol, R., Gerlein-Safdi, C., & Wallace, M. (2024) Developing the Hazard-Violence Model: Associations between weather extremes and firearm violence in Wayne County, Michigan. Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research, 2024; Chapel Hill, NC
2024 Victor, B., Sokol, R., & Perron, B. (2024). Integrating ChatGPT into social work research: A workshop on prompt engineering, API integration, and recommendations for ethical use. Society for Social Work and Research 28th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
2023 ~Medina Del Toro, V., Sokol, R., Sewall, G., Swirsky, A., Victor, B., Degli Esposti, M., Kernsmith, P. & Heinze, J. (2023). Reporting on guns in schools: Content and discourse analyses of newspaper discussions of firearms and Michigan K-12 schools. National Research Conference for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms, Chicago, IL
2023 Smith, T., Sokol, R. & Ewell Foster, C. (2023). Firearm safety attitudes and beliefs among rural firearm owners with children. National Research Conference for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms, Chicago, IL
2023 Sokol, R. & Austin, A. (2023). Reporting on guns in schools: State expansion of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligibility and rates of firearm-involved deaths in the United States. National Research Conference for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms, Chicago, IL
2023 Sokol, R. (2023). Advancing the science: Harmonizing data between network projects. National Research Conference for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms, Chicago, IL
2023 Revitalizing school safety: Strategies to reduce alienation and foster connection. (August 2023) 2023 STOP School Violence National Conference; Richmond, VA.
2022 Issues facing young children and families in the child welfare system: Policy, program evaluation, legal, and mental health perspectives. January 12, 2022. Zero to Thrive Translational Network Winter Meeting.
2022 Sokol R, Sethuraman U, Ruiz A, Sundaralingam S, Oag K, Vitale L, Donoghue L, & Kannikeswaran N. Social risks in children with injuries admitted to a level-1 trauma center during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, 2022; Denver, CO.
2022 Haasz M, Myers M, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Zimmerman M, Seewald L, Sokol R, Cunningham R, & Carter P. Lethal means availability among a nationally representative sample of high-school age youth with recent depression or suicidality: Examining firearm possession and access. Western Pediatric Trauma Conference, 2022; Sonoma, CA.
2022 Bess K, Miller A, Sokol R, & Mehdipanah R. Examining Housing as a Determinant of Child Health: Does Housing Instability and Utility Impact Weight? Workshop on Housing and Obesity: Gaps, Opportunities, and Future Directions for Advancing Health Equity, November 2022; Virtual.
2022 Sokol R, Heinze J, Hsieh, H, & Isherwood J. Correlates of student expulsion for firearm possession in Michigan public high schools. National Research Conference on Firearm Injury Prevention, November 2022; Washington, D.C.
2021 Victor B, Fedina L, Sokol R, Ryan J, & Perron B. Automated identification of domestic violence in written child welfare records: A mixed methods approach using text mining and machine learning. 25th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, 2021; Virtual.
2021 Sokol R, Mehdipanah R., Bess K., Mohammed L, & Miller A. When parents request help: Assessing a social determinants of health screening tool in practice. Society for Prevention Research 29th Annual Meeting, 2021; Virtual.
2021 Haasz M, Myers M, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Zimmerman M, Seewald L, Sokol R, Cunningham R, & Carter P. Lethal means availability among youth with recent depression or suicidality: Examining firearm ownership and access among a nationally representative sample. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition, 2021; Virtual
2021 Sokol R, Kumodzi T, Cunningham R, Resnicow K, Steiger M, Walton M, Zimmerman M, & Carter P. The association between perceived community violence, police bias, race and firearm carriage among urban adolescents and young adults. Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens Symposium, 2021; Virtual.
2021 Sokol R, Zimmerman M, & Carter P. The association between witnessing firearm violence and retaliatory attitudes: Results from a national study. Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens Symposium, 2021; Virtual.
2020 Sokol R, Wexler L, Bornheimer L, & Tolman R. Identifying best practices in firearms means restriction for youth suicide prevention. Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens Symposium, 2020; Ann Arbor, MI.
2019 Sokol, R., Perron, B., Victor B., Ryan, J. (2019). Firearm-related risks among child welfare involved families. Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens Symposium, 2019; Ann Arbor, MI.
2019 Sokol R, Rupp L, Heinze J, Cunningham R, Zimmerman M, & Carter P. Firearm-related risks among child welfare involved families. Firearm Safety Among Children and Teens Symposium, 2019; Ann Arbor, MI

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