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Dana S. Levin

LEO Intermittent Lecturer

Dana S. Levin

Dr. Dana Levin is a graduate of the Joint Program in Social Work and Developmental Psychology (2010), and an associate professor of social work at the University of Windsor in Ontario. Her research focuses primarily on gender and sexual socialization in adolescents and emerging adults, looking at sexual messaging, attitudes and outcomes across contexts, and conceptualizing sexual health as both a developmental and a social justice issue. She is also interested in arts-based research and interventions. Her teaching focuses on group, family and feminist social work practice, as well as field and social policy. Levin has many years of community experience, with organizations supporting individuals living with disabilities, HIV/AIDS service organizations and youth programs. Her roles have included volunteer training, health education, program evaluation and using theatre as a tool to teach and explore social justice issues. Levin's clinical experience also includes work with children, youth and families. She is a licensed clinical social worker in the state of Michigan.


Year Degree   School
2010 PhD Social Work and Psychology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2008 MA Psychology University of Michigan
2005 MSW Social Work University of Michigan
2000 MA Educational Theatre New York University, New York
1995 BA Psych / English Rutgers College, NJ


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