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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Tropman, J. E. (1981). The relationship between staffer roles and policy committees. In J. E. Tropman, et al. (Eds.), New Strategic Perspectives on Social Policy. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press.
  2. Tropman, J. E. (1981). Value conflicts and decision making. Community Development Journal, 16, 3.
  3. Tropman, J. E. (1981). Copping out or chipping in. The Humanist.
  4. Taylor, R. J. (1981). The impact of federal health care policy on the elderly poor: The special case of the Black elderly. Policy Issues for the Elderly Poor 65-73. Washington, DC: Community Services Administration, Government Printing Office.
  5. Saunders, D. G. (1981). Treatment and value issues in helping battered women. In A. S. Gurman (Ed.), Questions and Answers in the Practice of Family Therapy. New York: Bruner/Mazel.
  6. Savage-Abramovitz, A., Rinaldo, S., & Reed, B. G. (1981). Serving women: The impact of program structure and resources. In A. J. Schecter (Ed.), Drug Dependence and Alcoholism: Social and Behavioral Issues, Vol(2). New York: Plenum Publishers.
  7. Reed, B. G., Kovach, J., Bellows, N., & Moise, R. (1981). The many faces of women: Implications for treatment and future research. In A. Schechter (Ed.), Drug and Alcohol Dependence. New York: Plenum Publishing.
  8. Moise, R., Reed, B. G., & Conell, C. (1981). Women in drug abuse treatment programs: Factors that influence retention at very early and later stages in two treatment modalities. International Journal of the Addictions, 16(6), 1295-1300.
  9. Reed, B. G., & Leibson, E. (1981). Women clients in special women's demonstration programs compared with women entering co-sex programs. International Journal of the Addictions, 16(8), 1425-1466.
  10. Reed, B. G. (1981). Gender issues in training group leaders. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 6(3), 161-170.
  11. Reed, B. G. (1981). Intervention strategies for drug dependent women: An introduction. In B. G. Reed, G. M. Beschner, & J. Mondanaro (Eds.), Treatment Services for Drug Dependent Women, 1, 1-24. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.
  12. Beschner, G. M., Reed, B. G., & Mondanaro, J., (Eds.). (1981). Treatment Services for Drug Dependent Women, 1, Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.
  13. Ingersoll, B., & Chenoweth, B. (1981). Coping with Aches and Pains: An Education Support Group Model. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.
  14. Ingersoll, B., & Hollenshead, C. (1981). Group work with the deinstitutionalized elderly. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 3(4), 21-36.
  15. Dunkle, R. E. (1981). The Effect of Protective Services: A Reanalysis of The Blenkner Study [Monograph]. Cleveland, OH: The Benjamin Rose Institute.
  16. Danziger, S. K. (1981). [Review of the book The psychology of pregnancy:Reconciliation and resolution by Judith W. Ballou]. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 7(4), 473-475.
  17. Jayaratne, S. D., Norlin, J., Chess, W. A., Kunkel, D., & Anderson, S. C. (1981). Slowing the fire of worker burnout. In C. K. Washburne (Ed.), Look Back, Looking Ahead: Selections from The Fifth National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Milwaukee, WI: University of Wisconsin.
  18. Jayaratne, S. D., & Daniels, W. (1981). Measurement cross-validation using replication procedures within single-case designs. Social Work Research and Abstracts, 17, 4-10.
  19. Jayaratne, S. D., & Irey, K. V. (1981). Gender differences in the perceptions of clinical social workers. Social Casework, 62, 405-412.
  20. Jayaratne, S. D. (1981). Process and outcome measurement in working with adolescents with behavioral problems in school. Social Work in Education, 4, 30-39.
  21. Allen-Meares, P. (1981). The effects of remedial reading services on self-esteem and self concept of ability. Educational and Psychological Research, 1(2), 103-117.
  22. Allen-Meares, P. (1981). Educating social workers for specialization. Social Work in Education, 3(2), 36-52.
  23. Tucker, D. J. (1981). Voluntary auspices and the behavior of social service organizations. Social Service Review, 55, 603-627.
  24. Tropman, J. E. (1981). New Strategic Perspectives on Social Policy. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press.
  25. Faller, K. C. (1981). Faller, K.C. (Ed.), Social Work with Abused and Neglected Children: A Manual of Interdisciplinary Practice. New York: The Free Press.


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