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School of Social Work Research Publications

  1. Siefert, K. A., & Martin, L. D. (1985). High risk mothers and infants: A study of factors associated with black infant mortality. In G. St. Denis & C. Young (Eds.), Families At Risk: A Public Health Social Work Perspective 84-99. Rockville, MD: Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance, Div. of Maternal and Child Health, DHHS.
  2. Siefert, K. A., & Hoshino, G. (1985). Recognizing and helping mentally disturbed clients at intake: Front-line workers can be trained in primary prevention. Public Welfare, 43(2), 10-17.
  3. Lockery, S. A., & Stanford, E. P. (1985). Minority aging training manual and minority. In Lockery, S.A., Stanford, E.P. (Eds.), Aging Resource Book. The Administration on Aging: Washington, D.C..
  4. Lockery, S. A. (1985). Care in the minority family. Generations, 10, 27-29.
  5. Faller, K. C. (1985). Unanticipated problems with the United States child protection system. Child Abuse and Neglect, 9.
  6. McDonough, S. C. (1985). Intervention programs for adolescent mothers and their offspring. Children in Contemporary Society, 17(1), 67-68.
  7. Seabury, B. A. (1985). The beginning phase: Engagement, assessment, contracting. In J. Laird & A. Hartman (Eds.), The Handbook of Child Welfare 335-359. New York: Free Press.
  8. Root, L. S. (1985). [Review of the book Public-private partnership: New opportunities for meeting social needs]. In C. S. Schelling (Ed.), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 4(2).
  9. Root, L. S. (1985). The National Older Workers Information System: Stimulating Employment. Opportunities for Older Workers. Washington, DC: Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  10. Root, L. S. (1985). Corporate programs for older workers: National older worker information system documents 369 innovative company practices. Aging, 351, 12-16.
  11. Root, L. S. (1985). Employee benefits and social welfare: Complement and conflict. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 479, 101-118.
  12. Root, L. S., & Zarrugh, L. (1985). Personnel Practices for an Aging Work Force: Private-Sector Examples. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  13. Powell, T. J. (1985). Improving the effectiveness of self help. Social Policy, 16(2), 22-29.
  14. Corcoran, M. E., Duncan, G., Gurin, P., & Gurin, G. (1985). Myth and realities: The causes and persistence of poverty. Journal of Applied Policy and Management 516-536.
  15. Suganuma (Kieffer), E. (1985). Oahu infant feeding survey. University of Hawaii.
  16. Checkoway, B. N. (1985). [Review of the book In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies]. Journal of the American Planning Association, 51(1), 102.
  17. Checkoway, B. N. (1985). Community Initiatives to Improve Health of the Elderly: A Bibliography. Ann Arbor, MI: Kellogg International Program on Health and Aging.
  18. Checkoway, B. N. (1985). [Review of the book The Radical Vision of Saul Alinsky]. Public Welfare, 43(4), 41-43.
  19. Checkoway, B. N. (1985). [Review of the books Community organizing: Theory and practice; Organizing for community action; The other side of organizing; & Problem solving concepts and methods for community organizations]. Social Casework, 66(6), 380-382.
  20. Checkoway, B. N. (1985). Voter Participation and Political Change: A Michigan Case Study. Michigan Alumnus, 9l(7), 14-17.
  21. Checkoway, B. N., & Norsman. A. (1985). Empowering Citizens with Disabilities. Citizen Participation, 6(l), 16-17.
  22. Checkoway, B. N. (1985). Neighborhood planning organizations: Perspectives and choices. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 21(4), 471-486.
  23. Checkoway, B. N. & Patton, C. (1985). Policy Problems and Prospects for Change in the Metropolitan Midwest. In B. N. Checkoway & C. Patton (Eds.), The Metropolitan Midwest: Policy Problems and Prospects for Change. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  24. Checkoway, B. N. (1985). Revitalizing an Urban Neighborhood: A St. Louis Case Study. In B. N. Checkoway & C. Patton (Eds.), The Metropolitan Midwest: Policy Problems and Prospects for Change 244-268. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
  25. Checkoway, B. N., & Patton, C. (1985). The Metropolitan Midwest in Perspective. In B. N. Checkoway & C. Patton (Eds.), The Metropolitan Midwest: Policy Problems and Prospects for Change 1-28. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.


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