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Community Economic Development Association of Michigan

Through funding from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan has subcontracted with the Center to develop common measures of engagement and impact across Michigan’s network of Child Savings Account (CSA) programs. (For more information on CSAs, and their role in building household assets, visit Prosperity Now.) Together, the Center and CEDAM intend to produce an annual “State of MI CSAs” report.

These measures of engagement and impact include the financial gains of the accounts themselves, including balances and deposits. They also include academic outcomes as students progress through the K-12 system, leading to post-secondary enrollment. Academic outcomes include 3rd, 6th, and 10th grade reading and math scores, progress toward completion, and graduation.

Through this contract, the Center also works closely with individual CSA programs to develop tools to document their work in schools and the community.

Click Here to View the Michigan CSA Map

Innovation Grantees

Through personalized collaboration, we partnered with 3 CSA innovation grantees across Michigan, providing tailored technical assistance in evaluation and documenting their successes with innovation. This hands-on approach ensures each program's unique impact is effectively captured and celebrated.

Check out their work here!

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