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The Rise of Anti-Asian American  Sentiment and Community Resiliency  Thursday, November 11, 12 PM - 1 PM  ENGAGE events are online and open to the public RSVP to attend.

ENGAGE: The Rise of Anti-Asian American Sentiment and Community Resiliency


Anti-Asian American sentiment has spread across the U.S. like an epidemic, rising approximately 360% in 2021 alone. Discriminatory rhetoric used by politicians to describe the pandemic polarized the country and put Asian Americans at risk. However, is Anti-Asian hate truly a new phenomena? What is the history of racism against Asian Americans in this country? And how does it connect to the present discrimination we see? How has this community persevered, with the help of other BIPOC communities, to be strong while they continue to contribute to the fabric of American society? Join us for a lecture connecting the past to the present, and hear about the work of prominent Asian American leaders, activists, and students. Featuring LSA of American Studies Lecturer, writer and author, Frances Kai-Hwa Wang; students from the School of Social Work’s API Coalition; former Assistant Attorney General of Michigan and Executive Director of American Citizens for Justice, Roland Hwang; and MSU Law adjunct faculty and Executive Director of Street Democracy, Jayesh Patel. Students from the API Social Work Student Coalition will also be featured.

Event Recording

Event Details

  • Online
  • ENGAGE Team, Ayesha Ghazi
  • 11/11/2021 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
This event has no location.

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