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Privilege, Oppression, Diversity, Social Justice… Implementing Critical Intersectionality in Research: Methodology, Methods, and Steps


What is critical intersectionality?

How can it be applied to social research using various research methods? 

This working conference aims to advance social justice research by introducing participants to critical intersectionality. This framework, developed by the UM-SSW Critical Intersectionality Learning Community centers power, privilege, oppression, and social justice as organizing principles for research. Participants will explore the application of this framework across the research process (framing questions, gathering and analyzing information, and disseminating and applying results). We will explore options across many methods, including qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method approaches.

We intend this to be a working conference, with lot of discussion and examples, including articulating issues, successes, questions, struggles, and potential solutions. We propose to generate working principles, and identify next steps for future learning and collaboration.

This conference was designed primarily for faculty and doctoral students in the School of Social Work. If you do not fit one of these categories, but would like to attend, please contact Ed-Dee Williams ([email protected]) saying why you would like to attend. We will approve additional attendees if slots are available after we close registration for SSW faculty and doc students.

Register by April 30. 

Event Details

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