Postdoctoral Research Fellow Elizabeth Thomason has received a pilot grant award from the Curtis Center for her mixed-methods study entitled, "Incorporating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression with African-American Women through a Support Group Format: A Feasibility and Acceptability Study."
Professor Jorge Delva is a member of the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council planning committee on standards for benefit-cost analysis of preventive interventions for children, youth, and families. The IOM/NRC recently released a report that summarizes the committee’s discussions on benefit-cost analysis by leading researchers who study the methodological and analytic dimensions of benefit-cost analysis, and representatives of organizations that use the results of benefit-cost analyses to shape and implement public policies.
Professor Larry Gant received an award from the U.S. Department of Education via the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth for supplemental funds for Volunteers in Service to America.
Assistant Professor Daphne Watkins was interviewed on NPR’s “Tell Me More”. She discussed Men’s Studies with Michel Martin.
Associate Professor Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, along with colleagues Sandra Graham-Bermann, Maria Galano and Erin Hunter (Psychology), have received an award from the U-M Rackham Graduate School for their work to develop and disseminate empirical knowledge about the efficacy of a Spanish-language intervention for Latino mothers and children exposed to violence.
MSW student Andrew Rogers presented, “Silencing the Deaf: Systemic Oppression of the Deaf Community as a Civil Rights Issue and Movement Building within the Deaf Community to Impact Global Poverty,” at the National Association of Social Work-Michigan Chapter's 2014 Conference.
MSW students Emily Whitley, Kimson Bryant along with Field Educator / LEO Lecturer Bill Vanderwill presented, “Creating a Socially-Just Neighborhood: The Power of Community Art,” at the National Association of Social Work-Michigan Chapter's 2014 Conference.
Assistant Professor Desmond Patton’s proposal, "Lean on me: How Supportive Adults Impact Black Children's School Achievement," has been accepted for the third biennial Division 45 Research Conference as a Symposium.
Professor John Tropman has been reappointed to serve on the MHealthy Advisory Committee for an additional two-year term. The purpose of the advisory committee is to generate creative ideas to optimize the health and well-being of the U-M community.
Professor Larry Gant received an award from the U-M Center for Research on Learning and Teaching for his work to infuse place based learning opportunities and coursework within two SSW courses (SW 503 & SW 528).
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106