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School of Social Work News

    Mary Naoum (CASC) Named one of the U-M Students of the Year

     Mary Naoum (CASC) was named one of the U-M Students of the Year for 2014 by the Michigan Daily.


    Reuben Miller Presents Paper at UCLA Innovations on Prison Research Workshop

    Assistant Professor Reuben Miller presented his paper, “Mass Supervision and the Transformation of Americas Urban Poor,” at the UCLA Innovations on Prison Research Workshop.


    • April 18, 2014
  3. Daphne C. Watkins
    Daphne Watkins Discusses Men's Studies with The Chronicle of Higher Education

    Assistant Professor Daphne Watkins, the first female leader of the men's studies association, is quoted in "4 Decades After Its Founding, Men’s Studies Struggles to Define Itself", The Chronicle of Higher Education.

    • April 15, 2014
  4. David Córdova
    David Cordova's Paper is Published in Family Process Journal

    Shaka Senghor Talk Featured in The Michigan Daily

    Shaka Senghor, an author, motivational speaker and social activist, discussed the perpetuated cycle of inner-city violence and how his experience in prison led him to speak and write at the School of Social Work.  The Michigan Daily featured the talk, "Former prisoner talks inner-city violence, his experiences".

    • April 15, 2014
  6. Mary C. Ruffolo
    David Neal and Mary Ruffolo Receive Award from the Michigan Department of Community Health

    Assistant Professor David Neal along with Associate Professor Mary Ruffolo have received an award from the Michigan Department of Community Health for their project that explores more cost effective ways to deliver services to individuals living with schizophrenia and their families by using the evidence-based practice.


    • April 11, 2014
  7. Joseph A. Himle
    Elizabeth Thomason and Joseph Himle Receive Award from Curtis School of Social Work Research

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow Elizabeth Thomason and Associate Professor Joseph Himle received an award from the Vivian A. and James L. Curtis School of Social Work Research and Training Center for their mixed-methods pilot study that will explore the feasibility and acceptability of designing, developing, and delivering cognitive behavioral therapy for postpartum depression in a support group setting using existing agency personnel.


    • April 11, 2014
  8. John E. Tropman
    John Tropman is Keynote Speaker at the Advancing Safe and Healthy Homes Initiative Annual Meeting

    Professor John Tropman is the keynote speaker at the Advancing Safe and Healthy Homes Initiative (ASHHI) annual meeting.  ASHHI is a national program sponsored by the Kresge Foundation to address health issues that derive - all or in part - from in-home environmental hazards. The program engages organizations at the federal, state and local levels to improve the health of vulnerable populations across the nation.

    • April 11, 2014
  9. Laura  LeinSue Ann Savas
    Laura Lein and Sue Ann Savas Receive Award from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation

    SSW Dean Laura Lein, along with Clinical Assistant Professor Sue Ann Savas received an award from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation via the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency for their work with various Northeast Michigan Children's Behavioral Health Initiative sponsored programs


    • April 11, 2014
  10. Edith C. Kieffer
    Nick Yankey, Katie Mitchell and Edie Kieffer Win Second Place at the Partnerships for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Symposium

    Nick Yankey (SSW Alumni), Katie Mitchell (Research Staff) and Associate Professor Edie Kieffer's poster, "Supporting and Maintaining Strong Partnerships and Community-Academic Connections Through Evaluation of a Statewide Community Health Worker Alliance" won second place in the faculty/staff category at the Partnerships for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Symposium.


    • April 11, 2014

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