Assistant Professor Daphne Watkins will present two papers "Lessons learned from the implementation and evaluation of an online mixed methods research continuing education program for social workers" and "A mixed methods study of family support and distress among older, church-going African American men." at the Mixed Methods International Research Association meeting in June.
Assistant Professor David Cordova and Amanda Ciofu (MSW 13) paper, "Exploring Culturally Based Intrafamilial Stressors Among Latino Adolescents,” has been accepted for publication in Family Relations.
Assistant Professor Desmond Patton talks about his research on gang members, social media and the Internet with Erika Aguilar from Southern California Public Radio.
Katie Lopez was funded, through the LEO Lecturers Professional Development Fund, to attend the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development in Melbourne, Australia where she will be giving a presentation. She will also be conducting site visits for our global field placement students placed there and visiting our institutional partner at the University of Melbourne.
Assistant Professor Luke Shaefer discusses how Michigan's unemployment affects children with Concentrate. Shaefer is a co-author of the "Families at Risk II" report.
Daniela Wittmann was appointed the co-lead, along with Craig Pollack, MD of Johns Hopkins University, of the sexual recovery intervention development team of a national project concerning prostate cancer survivorship.
U-M has recently joined this collaborative national project, involving 13 academic institutions, whose goal is to develop and evaluate interventions in prostate cancer survivorship. The project is part of a global initiative by the Movember Foundation, an Australian charity with projects already under way in Australia, UK and Canada. In the U.S., 6 priorities have been defined, among them interventions for sexual recovery after prostate cancer treatment.
Professor John Tropman discusses remote annual meeting locations in "Beware When the Annual Meeting Is in Moosejaw" in the New York Times.
Professor John Tropman leads a webinar on Producing Efficient Meetings for the Network for Social Work Management, an international organization advancing professionals in social work management.
Amanda Tillotson, PhD was selected as a Ford Fellowship Scholar for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Professor Barry Checkoway's blog, "How to Recruit Black Students at the University of Michigan" is posted in the Chronicle of Higher Education.
University of Michigan
School of Social Work
1080 South University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106